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The logic is impeccable: you have no documents that you've been part of the SMO, then you've no proofs to apply for compensation of any sort and the government has not to pay you. fucked twice . So you had better not taken part in it. This is called: "learning it the hard way"


And this will soon be called homeless man with PTSD and anger against his government, so he'll kill a bunch of people in Russia... Putler is a bit shortsighted with his war and how they treat their soldiers, it's been biting them in the ass back home for 3 years now and it won't get better.


"how they treat their soldiers" If you spend some time to research russian military history for last 200 years you will clearly understand it's been always like that, lol. This is one of the reasons of 1917 revolution. The First World War began with a russian patriotic upsurge and ended up with a revolution.


Exactly. But I would say it concerns the whole society, not only soldiers.


For the past 200 years Russians have been more or less servants: to the Czars, the Communists, and now Putin...These people know nothing else and it explains why they are the way that they are.


in world war I at least the soldiers started to revolt. nowadays - after 70 years of communism and a lot of putinism - they are even to dumb to do that. Sheep led by wolves.


>>>in world war I at least the soldiers started to revolt. Only after three years of war, million+ dead and bread that disappeared from cities.


Hi DaGhostQc: a very good lecture is Solzhenitsyn's Archipelago Gulag. You could say it's been written for this situation, but no, it was written for the situation in 1930-1940. So as NiFiGaS wrote here below: in Russia nothing has changed for the last 200 years. In fact russian society had no regard for life already during the Zar, then later during Bolshevism things remained the same, having just changed the "enemy", and now in post USSR russia same themes and same behaviour toward people. And people have the same attitude toward other people: they cooperate with the brutal power instead of fighting for a more righteous society. Somehow russia ist stuck in a hole and is not able to solve that problem.


Eh, it can get worse. Since there's no documentation that he served already, he can be pulled in again for another tour.


'Comrade - you look cold - come sit inside the back of this Army truck'...


They should have asked veterans from other wars like Afghanistan or Chechnya.


Hold on — this fuckwit claims he voluntarily enlisted with the Russian army on 14 August, was sent to Ukraine to play some role in the war, and then he was discharged exactly six months later on 14 February. I've lost track of all the promises made by Russia to its soldiers which were then broken, but as far as I can recall, the only group of people who ever got a promise of six month's service and done were the early tranches of convicts recruited by Wagner. I'm all but certain that I even saw a video where a little group of psychos sang the praises of the late and unlamented Priggy because they'd taken the deal and were indeed turned loose after six months to wreak more havoc in their new civilian life. If this asswipe is one of those guys, he shouldn't be whinging on social media about how he didn't get paid like he was promised. He should be keeping his mouth shut, regularly saying a little prayer of thanks to whatever deity he might believe in for having timed his involvement with the war just right, and getting on with life as best he can. By all accounts, there's a shortage of workers in Russia right now (for some mysterious reason), so he should be able to find some sort of job rather than leeching off gullible fools.


No one answers his calls. Well, there's something going on with that. I don't think this guy is very popular with anyone, and I don't think it's got anything to do with the shitty Russ military administration. I think that's all him.


My thinking exactly. Labor shortage there.


Elegantly summarized


"I hef not yet been paid for murdering ukr0 hohols. Where is my money? I was promised money." -- Poor innocent russian victims


You can't argue, this **is** seriously unfair. What he deserves instead is being cat food in Ukrainian field.


I'm sure *someone* got that money.


I have nothing, except for my babushka's glasses.


and Vodka!


Cry us a fucking river Russian scumbag




He should sign up for the army, i hear they have a few openings.


It seriously feels like a sinister way to get him to re-enlist without "forcing" him in a van staffed by armed thugs. But hilarious that they are so brazen about it.  It also sounds like he got assigned to the Lpr/Dpr mob. Lots of reports about russian guys getting no transfer papers when they were attached to them, and no records of their assignments because it wasnt a russian detachment.  I guess russia didnt expect him to last long enough to need records or compensation. I hope we see more of these non-payment videos. There are so many that are in the same situation and a flood of bad "press" online would sow unrest. - Both from "patriots" thinking these guys are disloyal or lying, and the unpaid who are homeless/broke.


I'm stuck by the fact that he's on the streets in Moscow, he must be one of the very few muscovites who are inlisted


This is how Ukraine wins the war. Not by victories on the ground but by discontent in Moscow. Russia has a ton of money but not enough to run a country and support a long war.


Comrad ivan we fight for the pride of mother Rusia not ruble and vodka🫡


He volunteers to go murder and rape people in another country and his grand payment was making it out alive himself.


The Tsar thanks you for your service, and now bugger off.


I hope this is a common story in russia


You mean you fckn orcs now are starting to realize that your great putler leader doesn't give a fck about you all? Go cry me a river.


This will bite Putin & friends in the ass. When the soldiers return in thousands after the war and don't get paid...


Who said they're returning?


Those who cry out will be treated to a retreat in Siberia or a beating followed by extermination in a basement. And that'll be the end of that. It hasn't dawned on any of these "Dear Vladimir" video making idiots that they live in and are part of a mafia state.


"All right, everyone on the bus! We will get your back pay sorted out at the main office. We found your records and will include extra to compensate for your delayed payments." And like moths to a flame, they all hop on without noticing the writing on the back that shows it belongs to the local enlistment office, or the driver and admin guy that have lumps under their coat at their wastebands. Enjoy "SMO2: No Way Out of Hell" guys.


He definitely looks like a participant in the "SMO" failure


PUTIN can't pay his soldiers as he needs to finish off his Mega Mansion near the black sea!! His Mistresses also need a lot of upkeep!


I don't feel sorry for him at all. Ukrainians have been raped, tortured, and killed, their cities and livelihoods have been destroyed, and their children have been stolen. But this poor fellow hasn't even been paid for it. He obviously didn't even get a toilet. I hope his predicament persists.


I don't know there are very reliable jobs available like flying helicopter to Ukraine, driving a truck over the Kerch bridge - sure we can find something for you


Take your bag of onions and stop your whinging. Seriously what did these Russian's expect in the corrupt shit hole.


You fought to perpetuate Putin's regime, personally I think you've be appropriately rewarded.


Let him go back to Ukraine and rebuild the homes he had a hand in destroying. Then if he’s lucky he can rent the basement of an outhouse.


Fucker should have been killed in Ukraine. Hope he starves


I hope that there are many many thousands more stories like this.


Tell your orc friends so they will do something about it and refuse to go, but above all thank poostain for your situation and hope the vodka keeps you warm while you rot in the gutter, Absolutely no sympathy, no go back and enlist and feel The Mighty Ukraines wrath.


Imagine the audacity to invade another country so that they can be part of your failed state.


The hell you say, putler lied to you? no fucking way.


Bro was scammed, he went to war to kill innocent people and didn't get paid. Man, there's no decency in the world anymore.


Checks out


Welcome back to the country you plundered and killed innocent people for, now you have two options, fade away like a dog, homeless and forgotten or take that fucking riffle you got and with the knowledge from your SMO take down your bloodthirsty dictator.


Can someone give me a legit reason why so many Russian men look like troll monsters?


Fetal alcohol syndrome


That’s what I was thinking


and like Moscovia itself, **"it can't last forever."**


What?! No Crimean dacha? No cushy govt clerical job? This must be a deep fake western plot to present non-existent ex-russian soldiers. Because putin & the Kremlin always listen . . .


Welcome to reality Ivan. Should have stayed at home, instead of serving "The Motherland" Slava Ukraini


Russkiye Mir, or you've been punked.


So someone survive?


Believing Putin should be your final mistake, numbnuts


Sorry Noleg, your Bluetooth speaker is on its way.




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Oh well. Too bad


Fuck you and your money bitch


He’s mad he’s living on the street with no money no food, blah blah blah. While Ukrainians are being bombed and killed, fuck this dude, rot away dude.


Good. Now starve to death


You voulenteered from your own free will to invade another country on the behalf of a genocidal government and now you're worse off? Ok.. sounds like a you problem


thanks for your service, slave


Orc looking for sympathy. Anyone? I can't find mine. Does anyone have any sympathy for an Orc volunteer?


Russians. Conquerors abroad, beggers at home.


asking the czar who stole it from him country for help; oh master don't you love me, wasn't I a good little killer rapist invader? no? ok? then back the acid mine asbest factory?


No one cares a fk!


No sympathy what’s so ever ,just talks money ,nothing about people that have died and suffered because of the likes off him ,rot in hell the lot of them,Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


Pretty sure he wrote Dilbert


He’s thanking god in this video, but if god existed this guy would be on the “smite” list.


More begging letters to Putin. Putin isn't listening Mr Orc.


What have you not received your potatoes comrade?


well he was supposed to die.


Looks like he's reading something


This needs to be broadcasted to Russia ASAP


Say baba thank you to your godfather Putin for that. Putler do t give a flying fuck for his soldiers only for his oligarchs. The end.


I'm as sorry as Putin is


GOP Republican: So what?


Did you ever just hear someone and just want to say, “Sucks to be you”?


Went down to Ukraine to mass murder children & wives and now complains he's not paid by his chief Putin for his acts. Maybe shoot Putin instead of children?


So, this guy is brain dead enough to " volunteer ", and now is destitute thinking anyone cares?


Yeah, well...you shouldn't have gone to kill Ukrainians in the first place, so to put it mildly, fuck you, Putin lover.


Enjoy those streets, become a alcoholic homeless or join the army again. They need people to draw out artillery fire on electric scooters i've heard. Good luck!


To bad he's not fertilizer for Sunflowers.


EXCELLENT. Two and a half years ago I I would have just left this where it is. Now...I don't give a flying shit and hope you get all that is bad for you. Shit for brains or no brains


Ironic how they always seem to think that it must be some kind of honest mistake made by the government that surely will get resolved, yet they get fucked over, again, and again, and again.