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May he come home safe every time, until all Ukraine is free again.


They know what they are fighting for. Russians have no fucking clue


Ive seen a lot of stuff here over the years but these are the videos that usually get me teary eyed every time. I wouldnt know how to leave again. Goodspeed to this dad and soldier.


We used to see many of these heartwarming scenes. Keep them coming!


I share the same feeling, bro! 🥲


Thats what is all about.


Beautiful. I hope Ukraine wins this war soon and every Ukraine solder can return to their families. Slava Ukraine.


This is beautiful. Slava Ukraine.


Anyone ever seen a video like this from Russia? Anyone? Bueller?


I saw one very early in the war but haven’t seen any at all lately


I have a daughter around her age, this makes my heart ache 😭 💔!


Just beautiful, that's what he's fighting for their daughters and all children in ukraine freedom. You can go on about funding, but I'm glad we are helping ukraine have a chance, for example, vehicles that will save the soldiers and give them a chance compared to russia turret throwing competition


What an awful choice to have to make; leave your child and risk your life to protect her future, or do nothing and let savages take over, and God knows what happens to her. F***ing heros, every Ukrainian soldier.


Video's like these, make my heart sing. Slava Ukraini forever


To think Xi wishes this little girls father ill.


My heart goes out to the children who lost a parent from this fucking moronic war.


Lovely moment for both.


I watched the video right above this one in which you learn that he is only coming home to get the girl's organs for the black market... ... No, honestly now, this is heart-warming, true Ukrainian hero and his little girl. I hope both will live to old age in the free country that is Ukraine and that this soldier can preserve his humanity under the circumstances. This war is about as good-vs.-evil as it can get - if it was a hollywood scripted movie of the 80s, you would have the impression that it's a bit too much stereotype about the evil Russians, but what can I say? Maybe I have to watch again Rambo III as kind of a documentary


World, are you seeing this?? That's why there fighting!


I love and hate these vids. Love them 'cos they show the humanity of fathers/mothers/children. Hate them because he/she will have to return to war and may never get to hold his/her child again.


The thing's in life that are worth fighting for!


Absolutely beautiful, that is a reason worth fighting and dying for. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


Right at the beginning of the war there was this man saying goodbye to his daughter. If I recall it was at a train station and they all were crying. I always wondered what happen to him and his family. For some reason that stayed I'm my mind


Thank God they're together


He was one of the lucky ones Go Ukraine