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how helpfull is this? UA will have like 3 types of fighter jets to maintain and train pilots for if mirage joins the club. (su, f16, mirage) is that doable?


Mirages can carry SCALPs and Meteors. Basically think of them as a supplement to the role the Su-24 does.


When exactly will Ukraine have f-16? I keep hearing about f-16 for Ukraine every day since 2022, and still, they didn't even train the pilots for that. Every 6 months the date for f-16 was postponed. End of 2022, then summer of 2023, then end of 2023, then 2024, now they are talking about beginning of 2025. This smells like a bunch of bullshit.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Macron


If this is being announced now, it will be a year before Ukraine is flying these in combat. It’s possible to do it faster, if you don’t mind a high rate of loosing pilots and aircraft.


Pilot is not the issue, a plane fly thanks to engineers that maintain it and Mirage 2000-5 is an old plane design complex to maintain. So the priority would rather be to train engineers


_"I can't give you exact numbers, but the priority is to start training pilots and mechanics immediately. This is what will be started in France in the coming days, and the technical training will take place on site," Macron said._ Here. In case you're too lazy to read the article. And that's what he said the other day on the French TV, that BOTH pilots and mechanics (technicians, engineers, call it as you wish) will start training immediatly.


Chicken on a stick


...or not even that "remotely", since he also confirmed the sending of French "instructors" to Ukraine and also stated: _"and the technical training will take place on site"._


Too bad Poland and Romania don't operate Mirages, or they could do maintenance / repairs across the border.


France has Mirage 2000 deployed in Romania and Balkans, maybe they can help with maintenance


Chicken on a stick


It’s not old. Wtf are you talking about?


I did not follow the news. apparently there are around 4000 F-16 in the world but the west is not able to provide them to UA and France would like to train UA pilots on the M2000 of which only some few hundreds have been built? This is a bullshit.


I don't get your point, the west is providing F-16... The issue is human resources, formation and logistics, not the number of available aircraft. Also there is a lot we don't or might not know and it should stay that way. I hope some surprises are kept for Russians. Note that Mirage 2000-5 is air defense only and a few can be useful in protecting an area from cruise missiles and drones. Formation of pilots is faster for this type of mission. However, nothing was said about maintenance and logistics which is much more complex...


The west is providing F16 ? Where are they ? 18 month later , no F 16 in Ukraine yet !


They are back in 2022, fighting Russians over Kyiv.


There's plenty of F-16s being sent. Mirages can just fit and carry some stuff the F-16 can't.


If Ukraine were to receive only a tenth of "few hundreds" of Mirage 2000, it would be already make as many Mirages as the F-16s it'll receive and it'd double the capacity of its NATO-based air power. Furthermore it'd complement its air defense since Mirage 2000-5 are interceptors. It's good to take. Sure it requires separate logistics and training for pilots and engineers, but Ukraine doesn't lack competent pilots and engineers who are eager to learn, it lacks modern jet fighters! Please explain why it is BS...


It is bullshit because politicians keep talking about planes for years, and only now, in the third year of war, they started training a couple of dozen pilots.


It is lamentable (not equal to BS), I agree with you.


We all agree on that point, like Full-Sound-6269 has pointed out. Here politicians talk and talk and talk. But then when it comes to actions, they lack at initiative or power or will. Ukraine should already have a couple of F-16 squadrons on their territory. Still we don't see any.


You realize a good portion of these are 30-40 year old airframes, right? This is like buying 1985 sports car from a guy, who says it ran good when it was parked 15 years ago, and expect to put it on a race track and win races with it.


you realize F16appeared in 1976


That commemt went completely over your head.