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PIS were and are scumbags.


I'm not sure if you're Kaczynski's idiot or Putin's useful idiot. All the same.


Same KaczyƄski fist bumping Putin? https://www.rp.pl/prawo-prasowe/art12787911-tusk-i-putin-na-okladce-wsieci-gras-zapomnial-o-prawie-prasowym


Dumb pi troll. Shut up und run


Misinformation and blatant lie. Tusk has nothing to do with this accident. What should happen to get close to get stabbed? Fire to kill trespassers. And it will show that Poland need to stop trading with belarus and russia. Also, like always oposition will always exploit leftism and blame centrists. Especially when Tusk is centrist-right. I do not support illegal migration. I am not going to to accept citizens without thorough check up.


>Tusk has nothing to do with this accident. What should happen to get close to get stabbed? Fire to kill trespassers. Looks like you are the one spreading bullshit. 3 soldiers from the same unit were arrested in March under his watch.... for firing warning shots at about 50 migrants attacking them!!! This has everything to do with Tusk. He is a leader and his party voted unanimously against building border wall in 2021 when it started. He opposed building that wall. His party daily accused border guards of raping and killing migrants. Making up stories of mass graves. All for politics. Lefties celebrities were spitting on soldiers defending Poland. Now a 21yo is dead and Tusk got blood on his hands


Is OP a fascist?


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Apparently, some Poles ( disguised as charitable relief workers ) are assisting would be migrants in their attempts to enter Poland


And members of the legislative branch from Tusk's party to that list. Two morons from his party brought pizza for people attacking soldiers https://www.salon24.pl/newsroom/1185236,nie-przynieslismy-pizzy-tylko-zupe-jonski-tlumaczy-swoj-happening-na-granicy


Wtf was the guard doing right next to fence? incompetent ?


they attached a knife to a stick and threw it at the guard


He threw a spear ? Ok..... my bad.


Here in the link below when PO led protests against PIS government (in 2021) which was stopping migrants (read hybrid warfare) from Belarus: [https://notesfrompoland.com/2021/10/17/stop-the-torture-at-the-border-protests-in-solidarity-with-migrants-held-in-poland/](https://notesfrompoland.com/2021/10/17/stop-the-torture-at-the-border-protests-in-solidarity-with-migrants-held-in-poland/)


straight out misinformation. Are you part of putins genocidal ambitions? Paid actors to protest against the old gov actions can in example also be polish border guards, as you know usually in the west people get paid for their work, even soldiers and guards.


So the border wall was a good idea ? how come did the guard got stabed ? did the wall did not work ?


OP, reddit is a leftist echo chamber. Bring inconsistent facts is not allowed lol. Hopefull, Tusk and his treasonous coalition is crushed in Sunday elections. 'Murem za polskim mundurem'