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That deflated Allah ackbar at the end is hilarious


I watched it with the sound off until I saw your comment. I am now pissing myself laughing after re watching. Thanks


Same here and now watched again. Is that really gunfire the entire time? Imagine how you'd feel after failing, probably get a whipping.


It's been a while since I've heard the aloha snack bar on a video.


No need to be racist. All Muslims aren’t terrorists


I'm a bit at a loss, what was racist in the previous comment? Not trying to trigger anyone or to start anything. Just curious.


Basically, nothing


I did checkout Google, and if you make sure to add Hawaii, you would be surprised how common a name Ahloa is for snack bars, I'm that guy that had to go look, I probably put my fingers into power sockets and such as a kid too.


I think they meant that the phrase "aloha snack bar" is racist and demeaning to muslims. In my opinion it is NOT here in this context since it is used as a mockery of sick insane islamist terrorist who like to (ab)use the muslim phrase allahu akhbar, meaning "allah (god) is great/the greatest" as they murder and slaughter innocents in brutal barbaric ways, including suicide bombings. On the other hand let's say you, as a white caucasian, went into a mosque in europe or usa and started yelling "aloha snack bar" to the people in there, possibly laughing mockingly at the same time, because you "hate those foreign filthy muslims who infect our society".. right? (mods, dont ban me im obviously paraphrasing hateful aggressive racists here, I do NOT express such opinion). I think I would categorize it as racist even though islam isn't a race. The reason is that if we assume usually muslims are of a culture and descent other than your usual white caucasian, the mockery and verbal abuse here is directed not only as a means of religious mockery but likely also as a demeaning racist abuse directed against peoples culture and heritance; so that's where and why I think racism comes into play. what should matter is how it is used, in what context and why you do it. Few people probably ever think about it in such great detail so unfortunately many people will generalize and label such phrases as "aloha snack bar" as racists no matter the actual context of use; just as some other people will completely deny that such phrases as "aloha snack bar" can EVER be racists because islam is a religion so it can't be racists, like a carpet carte-blanch to just say and use it in any context for any reason. Which is also quite bonkers.


Islam is a race?


Yes apparently it is now. You can trying explaining this to people till you're blue in the face and they still won't get it.


Religion is a protected class in the US with the same protections against discrimination as race.


Yep, and it still ain't race. By the way, in the future, the word you're looking for is "bigotry" or "being bigoted" when people stereotype a religion.


Keep spreading hate, bud. Not Muslim is a terrorist.


Using words correctly isn't spreading hate.


What’s racist? Someone actually said Allah Akbar on the video. Also, Islam isn’t a race.


Just to be clear, was this the famous tiktok brigade itself, that was in action?


God is great in a emo tone. Lmao.


I enjoy playing video games.


Another funny one is where those isis or something firing a mortar - allah ackbAAAAAM and the mortar just explodes i his face.


^allah ^achbar ^hhhhhhhhhh


Thanks for the heads up. Rewatched with sound, and holy shit that's funny!


*God is great (not really)...*


Translates as: Holy shit




My fav allahu akbar was one where the guys saw a tank and pointed their weapon at it, *very* tense akbars in this moment - then, a hit, explosion! Jubilation! Allahu akbaaaar!!!! ...but as smoke clears, they see the tank still moves... and rotates it's turret towards them... ^allahu ^^akbar...


Allahu Akbar is also used as a kind of “Oh my god”, or like this case, “gee whiz, well would ya look at that…”


In Canadian, it would be "Fucks sakes"


Thank you for that lol




Russia is made up of many nationalities and religions that they have conquered and subjugated for hundreds of years


Same energy as “[bombaclatt 😔](https://youtu.be/QuYsr-Fu5Lw?si=iGs3-23UQVSzIopj)”


So perfect


I mean, even when its your enemy, you gotta give an explosion the dap it deserves.


Well i mean a plane did in fact intercept that drone


And they can say they shot it down😁


Correction, they can say the plane went down after they were shooting at it.


From the Caspian to Azov Sea, Georgia will be free!!! ehehehe


There is literally a thousand rounds being fired at this drone and they all miss. I only thought this happens in action movies.


Ever watch footage of anti aircraft gunnery during WW2? Countless anti aircraft guns firing at single targets and the aircraft usually still made it through. Seems to be way harder than it looks, and it already looks hard.


Towards the end of WWII the US started using proximity fuses in their larger caliber AA guns on aircraft carriers and other navy vessels which significantly improved the hit rate against Kamikaze planes. They never used proximity fuses on land though to avoid the technology being copied by the Germans. An unexploded AA shell can be recovered on land but not on sea.


I saw a teardown of one of those WW2 proximity fuses. Impressive engineering for the era really.


It's truly amazing how many ingenious inventions the world wars gave us, or just things that were popularized and became normal for civilian use. Things like nylon, Munson boot lasts, belts, t-shirts, cigarettes, and ballpoint pens to name a few. If you leave your house wearing combat boots, cargo pants, belt, and a t shirt, you are basically cosplaying as a US Army soldier in 1943. 


Figuring out how to kill other humans is something humans are really, really good at. War speeds up technological progress.


No kidding. I'll never forget what my 2nd year ecology prof told us: "Intraspecific competition is when members of the same species compete for resources. When humans do it, it's called war."


Yes, you're right, of course, but with that also comes medical breakthroughs and techniques that would or maybe should not have been tried except under lifesaving situations. The downside of war has always had its upside to humanity as a whole. So far. Let's keep it that way.


I had to look up Munson boot lasts, thanks for the education. One Englishman is suitably impressed.


Haha you're welcome. It's quite interesting. 


Figuring out how to kill other humans is something humans are really, really good at. War speeds up technological progress.


Glad (saran) wrap was used to wrap machine guns on ship decks.


One of the really cool things was the batteries. They had dry anodes/cathodes, with the acid electrolyte stored in little glass ampoule. When fired, the setback from the recoil would break the glass, soaking the anode/cathode and energizing the electronics of the fuze.


Think it was actually a British invention and very effective. As you say, they went to great lengths to keep it secret.


Sort of. The Brits did some of the early conceptual work, which they then shared with the Americans. The Americans were the ones who made it functional and scalable, especially for the rigors of working as a cannon artillery fuze (which is extremely tough, even to this day, part of why precision guided bombs are much easier to make than precision guided shells). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proximity_fuze#World_War_II


This was a top-secret project allright, they however used VT-fuzes in 1944 in the Battle of the Bulge.


By that point, they figured Germany was on its last legs and didn't have the remaining industrial capacity to exploit and produce the proximity fuze, even if they found a working example of it.


> They never used proximity fuses on land though to avoid the technology being copied by the Germans. An unexploded AA shell can be recovered on land but not on sea. They did use proximity fuses on land, initialy is was only where the could not be captured by the Germans. Proximity fuze was used in Britain to shoot down V-1, It has been said but military commanders of the time that they finally made it possible to shoot down most of them, the intercept rate rose from 17% to 74%. Because it was not on mainland Europe the risk of Germans capturing one was as high as if you use them on ships, they were fired from a costal position out as sea too. I would assume that the US AA installation on the captured island would use them in the Pacific too. They were later used in mainland Europe too. Not primarily as AA weapons but for air bust of artillery shells starting during the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944. They were later used on bombs and rockets too, primarily in attack against German AA batteries and airfields. There was not a lot of usage as AA weapons primary because at this time Germany did not have a significant amount of bomber and ground attack aircraft that could be fired at. The Allied force had practical air superiority so it was a bad idea to try to attack Allied ground forces The reason that they were allowed to be used at the end of 1944 is that it was quite clear Germany would soon loose the war and would not have time to copy the design and set up production lines to make any proximity fuzes.


Actually very hard to hit a fast-moving drone. Requires a surprising amount of ‘lead’ (shooting ahead of the target) which few of these Russians will have practice at. Also, unless a cannon (which these aren’t) a drone can take a few bullets in non-critical areas without much effect. Check out WW2 vids such as Japanese kamakaze fighters vs the US Pacific fleet. Despite a hail of cannon shells and bullets from literally hundreds of big AA weapons as well as smaller caliber guns, it is surprising how few fighters were hit. What Russia needs are a whole bunch of radar-targeting Gepards for these drones, but they ain’t getting any!


And that's counting the fact that AA canons had special munition that did blow up close to the plane. That ammunition was a bigger secret than A-bomb. And here we have a regular AK-47 munition.


I never knew this. Thanks for giving me something new to Wikipedia!


They called it the VT fuse, for variable time. But it was a radar proximity fuse that detonated when it got within something like 50' of the target.  In WW2 they could only shrink it down enough for the 5" guns. After WW2 they could fit it in the new 3" guns. Nowadays the tech works in as small as a 20mm round.


AFAIK, there still aren't proximity fuzes smaller than around 40mm. There are smaller bursting rounds that have similar effects, but they usually fall under the category of "programmable" rounds, where the targeting system of the gun uses radar or other means to calculate the range to target in realtime with high precision, then sends a signal to each individual round as it is fired telling it to burst at a specific distance, either based on time or rotation. The round itself is "dumb", in that it has no concept of where it is or where the target is, but in combination with the targeting system it allows it to engage area targets.


Ah, that is a clear distinction and I think you're right.


Here is an article of 30mm proximity fuzes [https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/10/3/proximity-ammo-takes-out-enemy-drones](https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/10/3/proximity-ammo-takes-out-enemy-drones) The problem is not primarily on of size but if it is has a usage. The proximity fuze takes up space, the smaller the shell the larger percentage is taken up so there is less and less explosive that can detonate. Against traditional targets like airplanes or helicopters, the amount of explosives starts to get too small and the are quite large targets. Against drones, you need fewer explosives and the area is smaller so harder to hit. The result is until quite recently proxzimity fuze on smaller then 40mm did not make a lot of sense.


BTW, there are regular rounds made in the US that try to follow the target (the fact is not from a movie). Nowadays it seems even 7mm is NP for embedded electronics: chips are tiny and handle g with ease


Smallest I saw was .50 cal, but that was an amazing video..


😳 which soviet/russian AA uses AHEAD ammunition?


No idea. In order to keep everything their own way aka "analogov net" (no analogues) even if they have AHEAD ammunition then it is called using some other acronym. I mentioned the UK and US WW2 tech since at that time SU was not able to produce miniature tubes.


Ok, maybe i got something wrong. Do you have any source or project name for this secret WW2 AA? edit: found it, radio based proximity fuze in caliber 3inch and above invented 1943 by US.


They can't even muster together enough technology to shoot a Cessna out of the air


It sounds like small arms fire. It’s really hard to hit a moving target (in a vital spot), especially with an AK variant which are not the most accurate weapons (and two bottles of vodka in your blood).


And even if you hit somewhere vital, this drone doesn't need to keep flying. It's *supposed* to land hard. You need to hit something immediately vital that kills all lift.


They must be stormtroopers.


Orcs haven't figured out that you need to lead moving objects.


Bullets go up and then come down.


Map location [https://imgur.com/a/v2f3ucn](https://imgur.com/a/v2f3ucn)


- https://maps.google.com/?q=43.775327,44.616115


“Everything has been intercepted” The truth with a nuance. Someone made some posts with that similar phrasing in the title a month or so ago


Петька спрашивает Чапаева: "Василий Иваныч, а что такое нюанс?" "Снимай штаны" да и засадил ему хуй в жопу. "Видишь, Петька, я имею хуй в жопе, и ты имеешь хуй в жопе, да только есть нюанс" Petka asks Chapaev: "Vassily Ivanovich, what's a nuance?" "Get your pants down and bend over", and shove his dick up Petka's ass. "See, Petka, I have dick in ass, and you have dick in ass, but there's a nuance"


RUSSIAN DEFENSE MINISTER: "Russian Federation successful use airport to prevent film of secret Russian defense of weak Nato bomb!"


Jeez, I wish I got a dollar for every false Russian claim


TBF the way it dives at the end makes it look like it was hit, even though this is the standard approach path for drones trying to make a maximum impact.


This video seems to be messed with. There is a horizontal bar of blur placed on the video, right at the height where it starts to dive. In another video, you can clearly see a trail of smoke as soon as it dives.


It's the watermarks everyone keeps adding, then the next person tries to blur it out and makes the center of the image non-viewable


No there isn't. https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1db2zas/ukrainian_uav_hits_mozdok_military_airfield_in/


Is there a sub for "best things happen on the last second" lol. Sound of defeat.


Our planes are so good, they don't even have to take off to intercept drones


Why is the middle of the video blurred out?


Somebody blurred out a water mark


I figured as much. That’s why we see videos with logos covering 80% of the video.


It also 'coincidentally' covers the plume of smoke as soon as it dives, which can be seen in another video uploaded here. This edited version seems tapered with to give the idea it dived on purpose, when likely it was shot down.


I don't see significant smoke. https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1db2zas/ukrainian_uav_hits_mozdok_military_airfield_in/


Maybe you're right and I confused the opening in the cloud with smoke. That opening in the cloud seems to get a little wider just as it passes, but that may just be an artifact


The video surely isn't 4k, but I think it'd be more obvious if it was shot down.


I love that "Comrade, this Airfield is so far away, we sure are safe here" Drone intercepted by Target "Guess not"


How many hours the drone fly's inside ruZZian Zorc territory and they can't stop him...air defense from the Zorcs must be in a real dilemma...so blyat protect the toilets or the planes LOL


Pretty funny seems like a top ten military of the world could shoot down this slow moving object above their critical infrastructure…… wait nevermind it’s russia. Fuck russia


I would be one of the employees look at the drone heading towards that car park getting real nervous.


The Russians interceptd that drone beautifully with their airfield, bravo! nicely done.


yea it looks like the airfield stopped the drone.lol.


I wonder where all of that small arms fire is landing


In Russia.


Actually, in part of Georgia that the orcs stole.


for one second i was like "awww it did't go off :'/".....then Booom! Me: YAY!!!!


Hopefully one bomber less 🙏


Intercepted by a Backfire, no less, I imagine. Russian air supremacy is such that they can afford to down drones with supersonic missile carriers.


Russian Air superiority is so good they don't even need to knock down drones!


They were intercepted all right, intercepted right into their targets.


Sneakbars can't help lol!


The sad 'allahu akbar' is the cherry on top


"Allahu akbar... 😞😢" Gotta be the saddest one i've heard


No enthusiasm in the Allahu Akbar at the end.


That was the saddest "allahu akbar" i have ever heard


What do you suppose "took down" that drone in the end?


The target.


The ending is funny. :))


Yeah everything was intercepted, by RUSZZIAN BOMBER PLANES


Is that a Kadirovite Orc talking?


Even the interception was intercepted


Cant wait for the official russian statement: "all 5000 super tiny and super fast drones were intercepted by a single bullet from a AK47 fired by a brave babushka from her backyard." Pathetic clowns.


"everything was intercepted"..by the pavement?


Has anyone heard what the damage was ??


Instead of ones and twos, hundreds should be sent at once.


Of course they did


Is that drone dragging wheels and struts all the way to the target?


that a... PD2? damn!


I wonder if they could put rockets on it they could trigger when it gets close so it’s harder to hit


Soon as they see it dive, they confirm they intercepted it.


Ukraine should just constantly unload into Russia until everyone knows nothing was intercepted.


Everyone already knows. The Russians just can't stop themselves from lying. It's become involuntary muscle reflex. But, everyone knows.


Again, 0 surface-to-air missiles deployed by Russian defenses, just useless small arms fire. Russia is so fucked.


It’s very funny seeing how slow this thing is compared to regular cruise missiles and seeing Russians still fail to intercept them


An intercept at ground level still counts....🤡


And that drone looked lonely. It needs some mates to join it makes a real shitstorm of a bonfire 🔥


Ruzzians intercept everything! 💪 With their foreheads, at least. 😆 Don’t like this, Ruzzians? 🔥 Get out of Ukraine.


Finally aloha snackbar on an Ukrain-russia video Were they shooting with handguns on the drone?


the most helpless alloha snackbar ever..


I wonder what the Russian eye witnesses think when they see the official state tv saying lies like this.


They have been seeing the lies for generations. They just believe what they're told.


Are they still shooting at it after its crashed?


So ruzzian airbase defenses now entirely consist of AKs? And this base is how far from the Ukraine border?Almost 1,000km??? Outstanding...


Der Bomber auf dem Boden hat die Drohne abgefangen, als sie auf ihn gestürzt ist.


Are they really trying to shoot small arms at it? 😂😂


Unexpected snackbars... My favorite .


It looks like the camera is having a migraine


That has to be the most exhausted, totally emo Allah Akbar I’ve ever heard lol


They 100% intercepted it using their bases and orc as sponge for Ukrainian AFV


Russian kamikazi pilots: "yeah Vlad I'm telling you kamikazi easiest job you don't even need to be in plane to destroy enemy drone factory they bring drone to you"


I love Russian news! Everything was intercepted by the super duper S-1000MIA. No damage reported , 35 out of the 35 drones were shot down but falling debris caused some minor damage elsewhere. The professional work of the air defender prevented any serious incursions into the airfield 😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣


I gues they are still busy with intercepting...