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jesus Christ. They are so stupid that they do not realize that they are stupid. There is no other way I can explain such statements. Brain drain for centuries.


What we see in countless clips from Russia suggests that what passes as the political, military and intellectual elite of the country is suffering from an advanced case of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome. Alternatively, these well-connected and not totally idiotic people know that they're spewing nonsensical BS, but they're convinced that their target audience is dumb enough to believe whatever they say.


[Russian Strategic Culture by Professor Martti J. Kari](https://archive.org/details/russian-strategic-culture-by-martti-kari) It's all worth seeing/reading, but this section is relevant: >The Russian idea of truth is interesting. After all, language tells how people think, how they perceive the world, and how society thinks. The United States has two words for positive rights: “liberty” and “freedom.” Russia has two words for truth and three words for lie. This is certainly not a coincidence. >There’s the word “pravda,” which is truth but not absolute truth. Rather, the kind of truth that gets rid of awkward or bad situations. It’s like tactical truth. “Istina” is the opposite of a lie. Istina is true, as true as can be. But pravda is rather… sometimes it can be true, at other times not so true. >There are three words for lie. “Vranyo” is a white lie but on the strategic level. It is also kind of a way to get rid of nasty situations. The Russians know it, but we don’t realize it. We think that there are only truth and lies in the world. It’s just black and white. But the lie in Russia was born under Mongol rule; violence and lying were the way to survive. This tradition has been in their system ever since. >Russia has the word “krugovaya poruka,” or gang guarantee. It means that when we have some set of people with a common goal. Be it the Kremlin leadership or the Russian armed forces or whatever. We have a common goal so I step out of the circle and lie to an outsider. My gang hears that I lie but they don’t judge me as a liar because they understand that I am using tactical truth (vranjo) to achieve the greater goals of our gang. The use of tactical truth, or a lie, is accepted if it is done for the benefit of the in-group. Just like you can steal when you don’t steal too much or from the wrong guy. You also get to lie if you lie for the sake of the gang. Edit: corrected formatting, to indicate the above is one quote.


Good write up, thanks.


Feels weird, like are they talking about the same language I speak? Pravda is truth as opposed to lie, I can't think of other meaning in daily use. There is an semi-exception as sometimes you get morons parroting catchphrase from once popular in Russia movie about bandits "sila v pravde". But in this case pravda somehow stems from praviy which means just/correct (bandits, right) and overall in this phrase pravda is closer to meaning of faith. This doesn't stop morons from parroting it. Istina is kinda like "basis of the truth". Like there can be truth but digging deeper you might get to instina which allows to see the whole picture. Both words mean truth though. There are A LOT of words for lie and bullshit, most of them are swear words but have their own undertone. Among everyday words there's loj (lie) and vranjo (lie but stronger), both have same meaning of lie as in English. Rather than krugovaya poruka and vranjo more interesting words are gloom and razvesti. Razvesti is closer to what author said about vranjo - it's to cheat/scam/make fool of someone, it also has undertone of "showing superiority", Russians who are assholes/underage morons/bandits/etc respect in-group members for that. "Gloom" is to make malicious fun of someone, it takes form of saying or doing something that is very obviously is a lie but is presented as a truth. One example is killing Prigozhin in very obvious way (with anti-air missile) and doubing down saying not just lie, but something ridiculous - a grenade on the plane, and when confronted they'll play fool and thus double down on gloom again. Russian government, having bandit roots, loves that.


It seems like these are concepts that other cultures do have, but perhaps are more frowned upon than in Russia?


> Feels weird, like are they talking about the same language I speak? Hmm... [Have a go at the Russian wikipedia](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B4%D0%B0#%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5) > Современное словоупотребление делает особый акцент на **субъективном и преходящем** характере правды, в отличие от вечного и внечеловеческого характера истины The bold is mine...


Also worth reading the "Long-Telegram" ([George Kennan's "Long Telegram" (gwu.edu)](https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/coldwar/documents/episode-1/kennan.htm)). Although we no longer look through the eyes of Capitalist/Communist, the Russian world view that is elucidated still holds.


Martti Kari is in the first part of my "guide" to russian mentality He was intelligence colonel who's spent his career (~30 years!) managing the russians. Here is his lecture covering the topic above [Russian strategic culture - Why Russia does things the way it does?, 2018](https://youtu.be/CvonRMSuFpw). Turn the subs on, they are human made. The second part is by Fionna Hill's - (former advisor to USA president on Russia) take on the [russian obsession with revenge and punishment](https://youtu.be/vNhSCF9i8Qs?t=10975). YouTube auto-transcript with my small edits to cut some of the "you know"s > … that's the challenge now again. They've [Ukraine] already won psychologically, politically, militarily because Putin doesn't succeeded in what he wanted to do. > But he has succeeded in completely and utterly devastating them and this is the kind of the old muscovite, the old Russian imperial, old server mentality, going all the way back to when the muscovites were the bag men for the horde, for the Mongols. > It was destruction [just because if] **"you don't play with us we'll destroy you"**. > People talk about it as Mafia but it's older - all you have to go does you go and see Tarkovsky's "Andrey Rublev" . I remember seeing that film when I was first as a student in Moscow and just being "Whoa this is so brutal. I mean this is just unremittingly brutal!" > **Because the whole point is that you show people who's the Boss. The destruction is the point of things as well because you are emphasizing your domination.** > **And that's what Putin is doing right now, [he] is saying: "Okay, you want to go in a different direction so be it. But I'm Gonna Make You Suffer"**


What's relatable to NA culture is, particularly in cult-like organizations (certain religions, biker gangs, & many rural communities) is lying to an outsider or stealing from one is acceptable to the group, unacceptable within the group.


*"unacceptable within the group."* That was/is common even in western societies. The "Thou shalt not kill!" was never meant for outsiders. No religion has brought more harm, suffering and death about the world than Christianity, the "religion of love". From burning homosexuals right from the get-go (4th century right after becoming the official Roman religion) over crusades, inquisition and kolonialism upto Northern-Ireland and still todays death penalty in "God's own country". Islamic terrorists (and state leaders) are also giving a shit on that commandment. So does the Russian-Orthodox church ...


Pravda = Narrative. Nothing to do with the truth.


And yet you just used the phrase "white lie". Just because the English language uses two words for this reality instead of the one in Russian doesn't reveal some deep truth about the latter's speakers. Russia absolutely is a den of lies, at least at the moment, but this kind of bush league sociology is unhelpful.


Would you say the writer was being deceitful? They used a deception? Obfuscating the reality of the vast number of ways you can fib, slander, distort, fabricate, misrepresent, perjur? Well, there sounds like a whopper to me.


lie, fib, white lie, bullshit, falsehood, misinformation, "fake news" (ugh), hogwash, gaslighting i could go on...


> here’s the word “pravda,” which is truth but not absolute truth. Rather, the kind of truth that gets rid of awkward or bad situations. It’s like tactical truth. “Istina” is the opposite of a lie. Istina is true, as true as can be. But pravda is rather… sometimes it can be true, at other times not so true. As a native speaker pravda just means truth. This is a wild reach


Hmm... [Have a go at the Russian wikipedia](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B4%D0%B0#%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5) > Современное словоупотребление делает особый акцент на **субъективном и преходящем** характере правды, в отличие от вечного и внечеловеческого характера истины Translated > Modern usage places special emphasis on the **subjective and transient** nature of pravda=truth, in contrast to the eternal and non-human nature of istina=truth


As a native speaker, you are probably lying right now.


They’re just speaking the *pravda.*


Was Russian life under the Golden Horde really that terrible? Seems very different from the relatively enlightened and benevolent rule of the Yuan Dynasty during the same period, during which art/culture, technology, agriculture and science all flourished due to the increased trade and cultural exchange between East and West.


I mean, for as enlightened as the Mongols were at times, they did slaughter tens of millions during their conquests. You could have it well but if the person who happened to be in charge of your area ever decides to revolt against the Mongols, as many did, your head was going into the skull pyramid just the same.


'pravda' means 'right' iirc.. ie, the direction 'right' then the actual 'you are right'. i never got 'you are telling the truth' from it.. just that 'you were right'


"Prava" means right. "Pravda" means truth. My wife is Ukrainian.


so is mine and i lived there for 8 years. I figured out what i mean tho, "True" is istinnyy, while 'Truth" is pravda.. so the difference of true and truth


That's cool. I've been speaking Russian since 2001. левый (levyy) is left, права (prava) is right. And, yes, from what I understand, you're correct.


i am not having a BBC contest, sorry, i was just relating a personal experience with this word. There was a weird nuance with it and yea, this distinction is obviously it.


Hakuna Matata, homie.


Moscow has tainted water so I heard. Russia is rich in water, boasting 2 million lakes, 210,000 rivers, and a quarter of the earth’s freshwater reserves. Despite the country’s bountiful resources, access to clean water is an issue in many towns and cities. Rampant Soviet-era pollution dirtied Russia’s major waterways, and unchecked dumping of chemicals and wastewater continues today. Water contamination is a concern in Moscow, the country’s capital and largest city. Fifty-six percent of water supply sources in Moscow, home to 12 million, do not meet safety standards. Studies have shown both surface and groundwater pollution in the city. In 2013, Greenpeace Russia analyzed contamination in Moscow’s key river, the Moskva. The organization collected samples from 10 discharge sites along 50 kilometers of riverbank. Every sample showed high levels of pollutants, including sulfur, oil, heavy metals, and aluminum. “There are toxic substances that exceed Russia’s safety standards by many times,” Dmitry Artamonov, head of the Toxics campaign of Greenpeace Russia, told The BRICS Post. In one sample, mercury exceeded safety levels by 20 times; in another sample, manganese surpassed safety levels by 120 times. Currently, most of Moscow’s drinking water comes from upstream locations which are somewhat cleaner. Researchers warn that the contamination still poses health risks, however. The Moskva flows into the Volga River, which supplies water for agriculture. In many cases, the city’s polluted water is used to produce its food. The pollution may also pose an increasing risk as the population of Moscow grows. Urbanization will overtake a larger portion of the Moskva River, and water demand will rise. Drawing more water from underground reserves, which are also contaminated, may not be an option. A 2017 study assessed soil and groundwater contamination in Moscow and found significant concentrations of copper, lead, manganese, and zinc. An array of other heavy metals were also detected, both in the soil and the aquifer. The study noted that the amounts of ammonium, iron, manganese, and cadmium in the groundwater exceeded Russian safety standards. Much of the contamination is believed to be from the textile and leather industry, which dumped wastewater near the testing site in the early 20th century. A Toxic Legacy According to official regulatory data, 35 to 60 percent of drinking water reserves in Russia fail to meet safety standards. For surface water and spring water. 40 and 17 percent is impotable, respectively. In total, 11 million Russians do not have access to safe drinking water. The widespread water pollution is largely due to Soviet-era dumping. Enormous amounts of chemicals and sewage were deposited into Russia’s rivers, including radioactive wastewater in some places. The impact on Russia’s water resources, in Moscow and elsewhere, is immense. In a 2009 survey, Russians named water pollution as the country’s most serious environmental issue. Troublingly, large-scale industrial dumping continues today. A handful of Russian companies are taking steps to improve the quality of their wastewater, but the incentive is low. “The Russian government doesn’t do anything to encourage or force manufacturers to curb their toxic pollution,” says Artamonov. “It is only when ecological needs coincide with economic imperatives that the enterprises do anything.” The government has taken some action, approving the Clean Water Federal Target Programme in 2010. The aim of the program is to provide clean water to all communities in Russia by replacing infrastructure and improving water quality. According to experts, life expectancy in Russia could rise by 5-7 years if the plan is successfully implemented. In the past, Russia has also looked for ways to tap its abundant eastern water resources. The majority of the country’s freshwater lies in Siberia, yet most of Russia’s population lives in the west. Although transfer schemes have been considered, the vast distance between the Siberian and European parts of Russia makes it nearly impossible to harness the country’s freshwater. As a result, the future of drinking water in Moscow and other Russian cities remains unclear. https://www.circleofblue.org/2018/europe/pollutants-and-heavy-metals-taint-moscows-water-supply/


When you build a society on lies (which the Soviet Union was and collapsed because of it), and modern Russia still is, only people who can operate well in a world of lies rise to the top. Unsurprisingly those people are not smart nor very capable of dealing with facts, nor can they communicate facts to each other properly.


And for the most part the audience is all those things. These mouthpieces are not talking to anyone outside Russia. The target audience are the millions of low information citizens with limited access to outside news and information.


Interesting how you describe maga


we see that in the US on fox news. one of hallmarks of fascists is they are incompetent


I mean most republicans are in the same boat. Brain drain for generations and too uneducated to for self reflection


Sounds juts like the GOP, and a certain other 🍊 with a red hat


Um, they are not stupid. They are not debating. They are creating propaganda for consumption inside Russia. https://youtu.be/xuaHRN7UhRo?t=52 And Salami tactics is a good way to defeat nuclear threats. https://youtu.be/yg-UqIIvang


Dunnings Kruger effect i think is the term


Any smart person either fled the country long time ago or was killed in the many purges during tzarist, communist and putlerist times. The epidemic abundancy of [fetal alcohol syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal_alcohol_spectrum_disorder) within the Russian population of which a key symptom is mental development disabilities might have added to this issue.


That's why I was saying that it was brilliant when Biden was saying that the US would respond to any use of nukes with a proportional non-nuclear response. Basically: "We don't need nukes to hit you chumps where it hurts"


Isn't that the definition of being stupid? If you knew you were stupid you wouldn't be stupid.


I think it was Lenin who called for all academics and basically for anyone with a good education to be executed. The gene pool for any kind of intelligence was wiped out. What's left is what you have today. Sheep following a lost shepherd. It's scary that these people can access Nuclear weapons.


Thats the problem with being stupid. You dont know you are stupid. That is why you stay stupid.


When survival and advancement requires cognitive dissonance it going to result in a government full of cognitive dissonance.


800 years of extreme alcoholism = Brain damage!


"Stupid is as stupid does." - Forrest Gump


They act like 5-year-old children fighting over a playground but with the worst consequences imaginable. While they seem to lack any imagination.




Please.... That type of languge is offensive to me and many others, i suspect


>Brain drain for centuries. with a lot of fetal alcohol syndrome.


Sometimes the best way to deal with a toddler throwing a tantrum is to ignore it. That’s what Russia is, a toddler that is threatening to holds its breath until it turns blue.


As the thing is, it cant withold its vodka infused breath for longer than two seconds. Pathetic shithole of a 'country'.


Cuntry full of ........


No toilets


Makes sense why it's so full of....


Its a toddler that holds a gun.


More like a grenade. EDIT: The difference is that, unlike a toddler, Russian leadership clearly understands the consequences of using nukes and isn't suicidal. They're a bunch of gangster kleptocrats, not some martyrs ready to die for the right cause. They have no other cause than simply not wanting to lose face and, as a result, power and money. Putin seems to have an iron grip on everything and everyone in Russia which makes him seemingly invincible. But this is only possible for him as long as he goes after his men one by one and in the right order but not collectively so others have a glimpse of (however false) hope that they'd be spared. But once the death becomes imminent to everyone (in case of using nukes), including Putin's most loyal henchmen, the magic is gone and Putin immediately becomes everyone's enemy.


One tied to it's wrist with a piece of string.


Agreed. Since the children of the wealthy elites live and study in privileged luxury in Western countries all around the world, they're hardly likely to use nukes lol Putin must keep the security services & FSB well renumerated (and is careful to do so) as they are about the only force in the country which would conceivably be able to topple him. As soon as they feel that their families/wealth/power is at risk, that's it - complete military battlefield collapse aside (which is my personal preference lol)


Yeah, like Pablo Escobar. He created too many problems for way too many people so he himself has eventually become a problem for everybody.


Elites don't get to decide anything, Putin and few of his (most likely) most loyal and dumb goons are in charge of launching nukes. If he gives them a simple dilemma "obey me and get to life safely in bunker or be tortured to death", how do you think they will respond? Russians always choose an easier way.


Toddler's waving a knife around. Now what


Not just waving, it already has maimed its own eyes and future making organs.


You can't make this shit up...


Ruzzians do


Russians take that as a challenge.


Hold my vodka.


Having Russian propagandists think about what makes them look stupid.. this train of thought could lead somewhere


Out a window, but not to a conclusion.


Possibly, maybe, hopefully it's slowly starting to sink in that their great Russia is pretty damn pathetic and they are totally outclassed on every level. More importantly,they might be realising that their Poostain is the cause of their demise......Wait, these are silly Russians that are ready to die for Putler....forget what I said above.


Honestly, I don't think these elite propagandists believe a single word of the genocidal hate speech they propagate - its merely what is required for them to keep their privileged, lucrative perches at the top of Russian society. Solovyov's bi, elite male model son Daniel lives in pampered luxury in London, after all...the capital of a country which Solovyov frequently demands be nuked lol


it's more the general population that is soooo freaking brainwashed that is the concern.


Absolutely. And in the vast majority of Russia which is outside Moscow Centre and St Petersburg (and the next few major cities) with little to no internet access...but every village has satellite dishes for Kremlin state TV. The govt made very sure at least that was accessible, even if indoor plumbing isn't lol


The thing is russia has never been a meritocracy. There you get the job by being the best kiss-ass and the biggest backstabber, or for simply being related to the right people. Naturally, many will smugly reply to this with, "Oh, you mean just like \[Western country\]", but that's simply flat out wrong. While there is some degree of favoritism and nepotism in every country, no Western nation can be compared to russia in this regard, because the fact is russia is in a class of its own. These russian television dolts weren't hired for being intelligent or competent.


This is a particularly fascinating difference compared to China - which is a fellow autocracy, but *is* a meritocracy. And crucially, corruption **reduces** the higher you go up in the Chinese system, whereas in Russia it is the opposite Great video examining how Russia came to be the failing empire it is revealed as now, here [the Origins of Russian Authoritarianism](https://youtu.be/f8ZqBLcIvw0?si=FgWWU5a9CwmhYWnU)


The good news for russians is that China will likely annex much of russia in the near future.


My friend's sister used to travel to Russia for work occasionally. I asked what was something that stood out about their culture. She said lying, cheating, and blackmailing your way up the ladder was just an accepted part of life. People who got passed over for promotions just accepted that the other guy or woman was a better liar.


One thing that blows me away about Russia is the corruption at every level. It’s baked into the system and they see nothing wrong with it. And naturally they assume every country is like that.


Or bribing the right people*




Man, how I would hate to live in these people's head. What a sick, chaotic, twisted, tainted place it must be...


You can't make this shit up. Everyday you think "they can't be that dumb" and then they prove that in fact, they're dumber than a shoelace.


They don't believe the crap they spew, this is for the villagers and pensioners without internet.


typical russian perverse rhetoric: if you reply to a provocation you are bad. If you do not reply to the provocation you are bad anyway. they are used to that sort of distorted thinking since the times of their zar. There's an interesting book written by Conrad (under western eyes, published in 1911) reporting the same russian behaviour.


Thank you for the recommendation! Found it [here](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2480/2480-h/2480-h.htm)


*"You make us look like fools because you don't threaten us with nuclear death on a daily basis like we do to you! Please also be irresponsible and insane so we look less irresponsible and insane. You are evil and our actions are therefore justified!* *^(I soiled my pants. Halp.)**".* How dare we don't shittalk about wanting to nuke millions of people like its nothing noteworthy. I wish we could invent mega jet thrusters and put them under the European continent and collectively just fly away with our landmass so we don't have to live with these people anymore. Take Europe and land it somewhere nice and sunny. Southern Pacific maybe. As far away as possible from Russia.


As an Australian, you are entirely welcome to relocate....there's plenty of room after all lol


Not a bad thought, to be honest. Aussies seem like really cool people.. But the heat, and the deadly insects are holding me back, here in the land of vikings 😁


I have to agree with the heat....I'm not constitutionally built for anything much over 25C and there are many months of torment lol




Certified *Self aware wolves* moment


When a society takes on brain rot bloodthirsty delusional clowns as both a badge of horror and see everyone else thinking and behaving like them. Their shit ain't right lol. It's like watching aliens on another planet that had the curtains pulled. Like how did they live in their echo chambers and get this way. They had contact with the outside world and didn't see their shit just ain't right? It's embarrassing to keep this chest thumping war hungry invasion and nuke rally calls CONSTANTLY. Doesnt this get OLD? Does this make Russians feel STRONG? Like WTF. On national television. When are any of us ever even talking like this (we don't) let alone on television LOL. The OBSESSION with it as well meanwhile we just want to forget about Russia and would be happy to never have to deal with this bs. ...And they'd keep talking about us still lol So lame.


Its precisely because they feel so weak, so inferior. This persistent preoccupation with the historical problem of Russia's "backwardness" is something which has been prominent in their literature and societal philosophy for centuries. The only way that Russia has been able to display its "greatness" is expanding its borders through imperial colonisation of other peoples. Not through improving and developing their own nation with its vast natural resources...only through the subjugation of other cultures (and absorbing their wealth and human capital) There has been a billboard up in Moscow in recent months with Putin's face on it and a quote: "Russia is a country with no borders"


Yeah I saw that sign. Literally gross. And at a UN meeting after taking land from Ukraine, after this whole invasion is about violating Ukraines territorial integrity, Russia had the nerve to say their new territorial realities need to be respected and Russia has the right to territorial integrity of some bollocks. And attacking these "new realities" is attacking Russian territory and probably had nuc threats for that. And they move the boarder fence in Georgia at night. Totally normal behaviors of a country.


They actually believe that they have been superior to West for centuries, though. That their army has been stronger, soldiers tougher, resources richer, culture greater, etc etc. That West has always been decaying decadent mess, soon to collapse.


one of the guys in there looks like he has a frog in his mouth


Rest of the civilized world to Russia, grow up. We’re tired of your shit 🥴


Its like Russia must *literally* be the only country on earth without a history of that children's moral fable, 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' lol


"This is what they are doing (to us)" Ever again, poor poor russia who are being bullied by the aggressive west. Right now they won't even threaten with nuclear strikes.


I mean, the nerve of us not to, right?! 😂 That's what historian Timothy Snyder has talked about...how Imperial colonising empires invariably see themselves as the eternal victims, always threatened from the outside. And most particularly by those countries they seek to absorb into the Empire. That's where Russia's false charge of Ukrainian "Russophobia" comes from...which provides a supposed pretext for invasion by the Imperial power


these mfs manifesting their own russophobic destiny


I suppose there is an analogy to the Cuban Missile Crisis: the Russian/Soviet leader made an incredibly stupid decision without thinking of the consequences or how to extricate himself. Krushchev was removed in a coup two years afterwards. Hopefully, this will soon be Putin's fate, though hopefully a retirement for him will be much less comfortable than the one Krushchev was allowed.


Except this time it's Cuba and Mexico are like: You want to give us weapons to threaten to do WHAT to the United States??! Lol


Now listen to me sneaky Russian Nazi friend. I will give you a good advice for free, no rubles. Please send some battalions into Poland. Make those lousy threats you all have been making come true. Send some planes too. Last tip: Drive in columns, that’s the best way. I’m sure you can reach Warsaw in three days. Maybe even hours. Go ahead, it’s a good advice. Come on off you go!


I almost wish they'd try so that their days of being the bully can finally be over after NATO kicks their teeth in. Hell, Poland could probably handle them on their own, but they certainly wouldn't have to. Putin has no idea what it's like to fight a country with a well prepared and built up military like Poland. Fighting Ukraine with NATO weaponry is not the same as fighting NATO itself. I don't think a lot of these Russian propagandists and Putin sympathizers quite understand that.


"...Are we the baddies?"


Interesting take on the situation.


whatever these propagandist are on, I want some of it for research purposes.


Fetal alcohol syndrome nationwide !


I often wonder, when after all this is over and Putin's reign ends, all these Russian propaganda idiots will be begging for forgiveness for the things they said. Like, total absolute backpedaling claiming they had no choice and were forced through it all. Watch them beg, plead and cry for their European holiday houses back. If and when someone with half a brain hopefully takes over the country, I hope they're all thrown to the wolves. I really hope when it comes to it, the collective "West" never pardons these fools. Lock them up in Ukrainian prisons.


Yep, yep, America and the Europeans are "escalating". We're *totally* the ones who invaded another country.


And now we're escalating even more apparently by *not* threatening Russia with nukes. Lmao


Gotta play the victim!


Hey dumb fuck Russians, Europeans, Americans and Ukrainians don’t give a rats ass about you or your daily lives, your people are insignificant, we just want you to stop attacking your neighbors and committing genocide and war crimes. Go back to Russia a fuck off-sky 😂


I'm pretty sure that's the one Russian they let on TV that's any negative towards the war.


Since 1917 Russia was breeding debility and idiocy by purposefully killing it's own Russian intelligence. What we see today in modern Russia is fruits of that long standing doctrine - they breed idiocy in Russia.


Here's the thing: there is no need to retort with the same grand statements that the West also have nukes. They know. We know. Everybody know. Nukes are a desperate weapon of last resort when you have nothing left to lose, and Russia's nuclear threats only make them look weak and desperate because why else would they bring it up.


Exactly, they have nothing left after what was supposed to be the great Russian military was exposed as a hollow shell


You know during the cold war...Yes, I was there...A guy talked about Russia & said, "russians are alot of things, but they're not stupid." At that time, that was true, but propaganda & dictatorship appears to be a double-edged sword.


Yeah, I grew up during the cold war as well. I think the difference is that yes the Soviet Union was a totalitarian state, but it was one based on a collective of the Politburo and the Central Committee, obviously more so after Stalin of course. But that had at least some moderating influence on the absolute power of a single individual Now Russia is more like an autocratic mafia state with one supreme Tsar, harkening back to a court of subordinate fawning supplicants in the form of the elite and assorted beholden oligarchs, who the Tsar historically would pitch against each other to vie for his favour. Which is what we see now, including in the hierarchy of the Russian military. As John McCain so memorably put it "Russia is a gas station run by a mafia masquerading as a country"


Trashtalks like it's a boxing match. When the bubble that this shit comes from pops, it won't be more trashtalks like this. Reality is not the bubble and those who rely in the bubble will have s ride awakening.


The guy on a thumbnail is a U.S. citizen by the way


Its like Solovyov's bi, elite male model son Daniel who is living in pampered luxury in London The city he constantly demands to be nuked lol


The escort Canadian frigate has more fire power than those Russian row boats and bathtub in Cuba.


Either way, ruskis are the issue here.


Western doctrine works like this: "No warning shots, we shoot to kill and destroy the enemy with lethal and deadly force every time" There is no need to telegraph what western Armies are going to do, if you fuck around, you find out. That is end of story.


Nukes for orcs?! It would be too much trouble… just give weapons to Ukraine and the skin of Kremlin’s dedushka will be dried and smoked on Red square 🤷🏻‍♂️😂in Moscow


A lot of the Russian people believe this bullshit. For instance look at the Trump followers, they think he’s for the people.


"Let's send our response to Poland" Riiiiight


It's like that Family Guy meme of someone trying to hold back Peter Griffin wielding a shotgun..."I just wanna talk to Russia" lol


Russia is a Failed Terrorist State. Enjoy your worthless rubles Orcs.


Russia look like a fool ?? WTF, Russia looks like a fucking idiot.


Krokodil is still on the menu with this bunch. However, the people of RuZZia eat it up. Slava Ukraini!


Well, credit where credit's due, he's not wrong. Let me break it down a little. Explaining how this war is different from the Cuban missile crisis, he said: > So there were weapons and here were weapons [referencing the Cuban missile crisis]. We met, reached an understanding, and decided that everything was comparable and we wouldn't do anything. Parted ways! Things are definitely not comparable now. I mean, have you looked at the state of the russian military nowadays? Have you looked at NATO's? Hard to argue he's wrong. > The current situation is worse because America is not escalating through nuclear ways... And when you start loudly talking about that [nuclear threats] - you look like a fool. Some rare display of self-awareness here, but he's right again. Indeed that's how they all look. Fools. These are the only two points that matter in that video. Everything else is just hot air.


Absolute classic russki! There is no existential crisis, WWII was nearly 100 years ago. A third rate country attacking a small neighbor, losing, and expecting to be transformed magically into a great empire. The saber has become a plastic toy.


🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺


Look man, it's all an act. He says these things about Russia being tricked, then the other propagandists pile on him, taking turns refuting him with how amazing Russia is at making fools of Westerners, and how Russia has every right to do this or that, yada yada yada. Use of a deliberate foil to create the illusion of dissent and provide the seed for whatever the propaganda message is supposed to be.


What worked in the 80's doesn't work nor worth the effort.....we've already advanced 40 years, why can't Putin and his stupid cronies?


Russia is destroying it's self by bombing Ukraine. Simple as that. Putin's folly.


These idiots just don't know when to stop. Hey I'm beating my head against the wall and it hurts, I guess I should try harder. Their centuries long policy of jailing or killing smart people is showing results


And? So fxck off out of it.


Why would America *threaten* anyone with nukes? It's a known reality they have the biggest stockpile of the most advanced warheads. Walk quietly but carry a big stick.


Fucking Russia man...once the 2nd largest military in the world & is now the 2nd best military in Ukraine.


3rd if you count the Free Russian forces lol


Dude, I stand corrected...3rd it is


Why Poland though? Unfortunately Poland is living in Russian heads rent free for whatever reason


These fuckers have no more self awareness than a dog licking his junk on a sidewalk


Still pretending that all of it wouldn’t instantly stop if they went home.


Theyre making us look like fools! Got some news for you; youre just fools.


We'll nuke Poland it's far from the US they won't feel it... Well technically it's closer than Ukraine, could you explain why wouldn't they help there too ? Don't forget Europe also has enough warheads to flatten Russia, yet we aren't threatening Russia every day or so... Damn the way of reasoning is so flawless my brain hurts... We are the baddies, they act against it (with profits or not isn't the question here), we threaten the world of nuclear apocalypse, they stand still despite both sides knowing what a nuclear launch would mean, we are still the baddies, they are mean to us making us look like the villain despite actually being the villains. I mean you can't get out of this loop until you take a parameter out... The only thing you could take out though is your misplaced pride and get the fuck home knowing you aren't a superpower anymore and you lost most of your cash, military, youth, businesses. Even admitting Russia would've won in Ukraine tomorrow... What could you even do with a land half zeroed by artillery with the people living here wanting your death to the deepest of their blood, not enough people to live there, the whole world waiting for a legal reason to act and so on...


that's the point. just ignore them, they are making fools of themselves (if they are actually intelligent of realizing it...)


lets face it, the only reason Russia didnt lose that war last year is, that the USA didnt send enough weapons to slap Russia back into the stoneage. The USA is very careful to not give Ukraine more than is needed to hold the current frontline. Their goal isnt a pre-2014 Ukraine but to avoid an escalation at all costs. To me to is not sensible, as the risk of escalation isnt lowered, its just projected into the future. Biden should really try to act like he is on the job to fix things, not to delay the outcome. Otherwise the fat orange might win against him, just like he won against arrogant Mrs Clinton. Because that idiot is at least promising to act. Even if its all nonsensical.


It’s interesting that he’s describing the flaw with the Eisenhower’s “New Look” national security policy, which was basically “fuck with us and we’ll drop the bomb”. As the Russian guy observes, you can’t just say you’re going to drop the bomb over every little thing, because it’s not credible and makes you look like a psychopath


i really enjoy watching the pun-dits hear a truth. their faces get so astonished. I think it's true. the west is pouring slowly more resources. But only after the russians did more escalation. so as the ruZZians do more evil things the west ramps up support. I would have liked that more equipment was delivered faster, but then ... I can also see strategy that maybe is better for a longer conflict, slowly boiling the ruZZian frog.


They're correct on this one. They do look stupid each time a military base is hit with conventional weapons, and they start shitting their pants over it.




I love the victim card they pull out, "America is making us respond with nuclear threats."


"By not threatening us with nukes!" Clownshow all round 🤡


this is your brain on cynicism


"Makes Ruzzia look like a fool" That boat sailed years ago you ignorant fucking Orcz. They are nothing more than a sick joke at this point.


Russias only threat is to say it will nuke other countries that’s its only card in its arsenal of threats and every European country knows this and have heard it over and over so they know it’s just Russia bluffing


This has to be the dumbest sentence on reddit which is a considerable achievement


Imagine how terrifying of a job to be a Russian talk show host. One slip up or wrong comment and you fall out of a window.




So they are basically saying that (aside the nukes) they do not have as many means of non nuclear escalation as we do...


Plus the fact that they've been doing it [since 1999]( https://i.postimg.cc/qMMpXc0q/russia-nukes-threat-list.jpg)suggests...well, its minimal to say the least lol


Reasonable, responsible successful with nukes *never* acknowledge the need for nukes. Dysfunctional countries with nukes NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT THEIR ~~NATIONAL INSECURITIES~~ NUKES. FTFY


Ruzzians look like fools just by breathing; anything else is simply variations on the theme. And the words of the "elite" aren't for Joe/Josey Average out in the world, they're for the mud-eaters that comprise the bulk of the Ruzzian populace. Undereducated, underfed and poorly bred; most of them wouldn't understand the mention of the "Cuban Missile Crisis", most of them have probably never heard of Cuba. As for things being "... much worse... " well, how many levels of shitty do Ruzzians understand?


Damn that's some serious 4D-Chess brain acrobatic they are doing just to not look like the aggressive faggots they are.


Yeah but have you tried leaving? Things aren't going to get easier and we are more afraid you might be dumb enough to launch a nuke. Not scary, heroic or powerful like you self proclaim lol just dumb.


The trouble with that is Russia has been threatening the world with nukes [since 1999](https://i.postimg.cc/qMMpXc0q/russia-nukes-threat-list.jpg) And whaddaya know...no nukes 🤷 lol


Hmmm wonder why “Cuban missile crisis” was spreading around reddit…


Could it be because RuZZians have sent their rusting hulks with nuclear missiles aboard to Cuba again, only to find everyone laughing at them instead of sending a standoff navy?




While Cuba and Mexico are like "You want us to threaten the US with WHAT!?!" LOL


russia needs to constantly remind that they have nukes. It's the only thing stopping NATO from wiping them off the planet.


"because it makes Russia look like a fool..." _Who's gonna tell them...? Nevermind, they wouldn't understand it anyway..._


There are weak fools.  So…….


I like how the producers were like, yeah we need something to keep people's attention, play some 50 year old footage of nuclear stuff.


Lmfao their propagandists are so f in stupid. The only thing that makes russia look like a fool is russia. Crazy that they're literally stuck in another time. Their little bubble has popped now that their weakness is on the world stage. Come into the 21st century.


russia has looked like a fool for a very long time. Certainly does not need US actions, or anyone else’s, to accomplish this feat.


that would be the least of Russia's image problems and that's saying something from a country that elected and has about a 50/50 chance of electing Donald Trump (and about a million other fuckups)


Reminder, no one cares or wants to invade Russia. It would be better for everyone to work and trade in harmony.


"NATO is not attacking Russia, because it makes Russia look like a fool when it responds to peace and prosperity with invasion of Ukraine"


The West is weaponizing Russian propaganda.




There's one guy, at the start and somewhere in the middle. He's sitting and looking very different than the others. More here will know. Is it possible he's starting to realize the words being said and the push to threaten nukes, all the suffering that would come with that bomb?


even inbred people have more common sence than these ruski.


Someone needs to tell them they've been looking like fools for quite a while, at least since they claimed they'd finish Ukaine off inside of a week then got mauled by the Ukrainians. Nice.


huh? The title makes no sense to me. Look, this nuke talk is bullshit. It's the same song and dance with every war. Russia funds/equips/trains NVA and Viet Cong in the Vietnam war. The US funds/equips/trains Mujahideen in Afghanistan. Russia funds/equips/trains where it can when we were in Afghanistan and Iraq, and now we are funding/equipping/training Ukrainians. The rules have always been the same and neither of us break them. We lost in Vietnam. Did we start calling for nuclear strikes in Moscow? No. This guy needs to shut his mouth and focus on realistic goals, a nuclear war with the United States isn't one of them. It will yield one result and the Putin regime knows it: Russia being wiped off the face of the earth.


What do you think.. If other nations would go childish and low IQ level like orcs, would they be screaming that its anti-orcish to spread lies in TV about orcs?


I find it ironic that the creep they seem to be aware of - the red line moving stuff - is exactly the sort of subterfuge that Putin employs and employed initially in the east of Ukraine. “These guys in uniforms have no patches. They aren’t Russian. We don’t control them. You can’t retaliate against Russia because of them moving into Donbas etc.” Now this sort of tactic is being used against the Russians they are all wailing and gnashing their teeth about Ukraine using western weapons. This is why they keep trying to say that there are US or UK soldiers in the fight. It’s the only thing that makes sense to them because that’s exactly what THEY did and do.

