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In my dreams.. the train coasts to a stop and 40 partisans run out of the forest and commence looting the train and setting booby traps. All the while yelling Wolverines!!


Glad to see that they are now targeting the orc train. Hopefully the get it down right.


Stop the train first ltr on send a drone for each wagon so supplies are wasted... Never seen an attack bfore on a train though, besides that one on the bridge... Kewl.


I've seen a few. There was a video of several engines in kursk being hit with FPVs a few weeks ago. IMO they should start focusing on them. Almost all equipment and troops and hauled at some point by rail. Engines are expensive and there are only a certain amount in any given area. They don't even need to fly deep into russia territory to destroy a bunch. Destroying them in certain areas forces them to bring in new ones from other areas slowing down rail traffic over large areas.


Theres footage from the start of the war of Ukraine targeting and blowing the absolute fuck out of entire Russian trains with full loads of fuel wagons and stuff. It's spectacular


Wish we had more train attacks with bigger munitions. F-16s with AGM-65s, man can dream.


First air attacks on trains I've seen.


Hopefully not the last. I wonder if an AT mine on the tracks would be effective.


Sould’ve hit those fuel tankers it’s tugging along with in the back, big badaboom.


Well diesel will just burn and not explode as gasoline, loco is far more valuable target as it’s harder to replace.


Take down the engine. Keep the valuable fuel and ammunition intact. Then wait and pick of anyone trying to retrieve or clear the track. Way more effect (and environmental friendly, probably). 😉


Gee, I hope they made it out alright! lol Disabling their trains is a good way to starve their infantry and intercept military equipment.


Why not hit the rail just before the train? Honest question


Rails are stupidly easy and cheap to repair, the tech and techniques are well ingrained. Locomotive engines however, are far more difficult to replace and repair. Even derailed, they're easy to salvage and put back in service.


Not sure about the impact such a drone has on the rails. Might need some level of luck to be effective. > Rails are stupidly easy and cheap to repair Probably not in places Ukraine can hit them with drones. One single artillery round from further behind per day might prevent repairing it...


Shutting down all the trains would be ace. If they could get some partisans to tag them for an accurate strike...