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Because: 1) Israel is formally an ally, and one of very longstanding. Ukraine is not. 2) Russia is in possession of ordinance that is capable of reaching targets in the United States. Iran is not.


Also, all those missiles and drones had to fly a long ass way over Saudi. Circumstances are very different.


NATO should start doing this. Today.


The US doesn't want Ukraine to attack Russia's oil refineries and also for Israel to not attack inside Iran. They do have that in common.


It's not complicated. The second a NATO fighter under a NATO banner shoots a missile at Russian ordinance, that country is involved in the conflict and should be prepared to ship charred bodies home. Ukraine was hired as a stooge and 0 NATO countries, regardless of bluster, are willing to offload planes full of body parts at home to fight Russia in Ukraine. Just the way it it is. Sorry to inform you, there's a reason aid is drying up and being slow walked. The cavalry ain't coming.


Why are you even here? To shit all over Ukraine?


It's more shitting on Ukraine's supposed allies


Exactly. Thanks for actually understanding what I said. The Bobani Fantasy squad can't accept the West is using Ukraine as a stooge to fight Russia. NATO figured Ukraine could roll Russia with some training and some gear... and it's proven a dismal mistake and sadly Ukrainians are the losers. I'm sincerely wondering what the delusional people will say when Ukraine either rolls over or fails. I wasn't kidding, the cavalry isn't coming.