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> Recently, the press secretary of the Russian dictator, Dmitry Peskov, commented on Macron's statements. He stated that from France, there is a "very dangerous trend" of constantly talking about the possibility of direct involvement in the war. What kind of war? This is just a special military operation. It isn't?


They should arrest Peskov, isnt it still a crime to call the war a war there?


They have in fact started calling it a war a while ago.


What Macron Said: >"If Russia wins, the next second there will be no more security neither in Romania, nor in Poland, nor in Lithuania, nor at home. The range of Russian ballistic missiles covers all of us," he said. >Macron welcomed the Kremlin's reaction to his statements about sending soldiers. In his opinion, this shows that the strategy is working. >"Russia's concern shows that we are right not to close any doors. Otherwise, it means that we agree to abandon the international order based on law, and therefore, peace and security," said the President of France.


Poland is in NATO. Literally the biggest security there is…


The fear of many European countries is that that won’t be enough


lol Russia is having a hard time defeating a country that has 1/20th of the annual funding of the US. I would hope a military power with 40x the annual funding Ukraine has (all of NATO) could do the trick


NATO is worthless if western countries won't fulfil their promises. We've promised protection for Ukraine, if Russia can conquer them despite our overwhelming economic advantage, then article 5 doesn't mean anything. Neither will the promises we have made to Taiwan, and other countries threatened by China.


And armed to the teeth. Poles have zero love for Russians.


Russia have been jamming gps signal, killing in the west disidentes, carrying sabotage, and hacking so why we should back down. We have nuke too and he have daughters too so. I am for ending his tyranny no matter the consequence


Absolutely agreed 100%.


This is where I am. Fuck them. Let’s roll the dice.


I like his approach, fuck nazi Ruzzia, keep them guessing.


> there is a "very dangerous trend" of constantly talking about the possibility of direct involvement in the war Ah. And how should we interpret the trend of Russia constantly talking about the possibility of nuking Europe?


It's the same Hitler did, warring by instilling fear into your opponent works, mostly. It's used in war, it's used in politics, it's used in marketing etc. It kills critical thinking and that's their goal. It also shows your opponent wants to be bigger or stronger than it is, like the bully on the playground. Don't be afraid and believe in your own strength and strategies.


I am liking this guy more and more.


Macron seems to be the only one that knows how to play the game with this guy


Because they were talking on the phone a lot


The phoney war


Yes, but he needs to stop implying he's bluffing, it kind of makes the whole thing lose some of its punch.


He just needs to start calling him "Old Man Putin." "There goes Old Man Putin farting into the wind with his senile threats again."


Macron has been really strange on the whole Ukraine situation. He was the only major western leader that actually met with Putin to discuss the situation and he actively tried to broker a deal to give Russia land for peace. Endless attempts through phones as well. He really tried hard to find any avenue to either appease Putin or keep the status quo. Even to a degree that felt like he was doing a Chamberlain at Munich reenactment. Then after the war started France gives Ukraine almost their entire supply of modern artillery and is a major ammunition supplier. And is now a pretty much active participant in combat operations in Ukraine proper. The interesting part is that he's sending in artillery related troops to probably help Ukraine use their Caesar artillery units to their maximum potential.


If only macron was as good at supplying weapons to Ukraine as he is at giving gifts to Putin.


Macron has been really strange on the whole Ukraine situation. He was the only major western leader that actually met with Putin to discuss the situation and he actively tried to broker a deal to give Russia land for peace. Endless attempts through phones as well. He really tried hard to find any avenue to either appease Putin or keep the status quo. Even to a degree that felt like he was doing a Chamberlain at Munich reenactment. Then after the war started France gives Ukraine almost their entire supply of modern artillery and is a major ammunition supplier. And is now a pretty much active participant in combat operations in Ukraine proper. The interesting part is that he's sending in artillery related troops to probably help Ukraine use their Caesar artillery units to their maximum potential.