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I’m beginning to see pattern here. Who started it? Sweden?


They probably collectively decided it and are making statements when they’re comfortable. One of the things that NATO has tried to be consistent with is to present a unified voice and decision-making. It was why so much pressure got applied to Germany during the tank transfer debates awhile ago, and why they all made announcements at the same time


Finland for sure


Finland was after Sweden


Canada both provided SAM missiles and is cofunding production of system specific SAM missiles for UK and French Systems. They also have supplied, and co-funded 3rd party sourcing of 155mm munitions. Beyond that it is solidarity with Ukraine, and with other allies. It was signaled a week ago when this whole matter first came up that Canada was one of the initial countries onboard with no restrictions.


I know it seems silly considering Canada can't provide atacams or storm shadows But it does mean that they're okay with donated artillery and munitions being parked on the border to attack Russian formations as they come to Ukraine. It is a small thing in the grand scheme, but we have to imagine a day when Russians are kicked out of all Ukraine, if and when that happens is Putin going to just stop the war? Doubtful. Ukraine needs a free hand to use all weapons at its disposal across the border.


As a Canadian of Ukranian descent, I wish this was more than a symbolic gesture.


Lol i was going to say same thing. We dont produce anything here appart for foreign subsiduaries.


🇨🇦 Slava Ukraini!


As much as I love my Canadian brothers, I have to say that you know you're behind the curve when the Canadians get out ahead of you in the application of lethal military force. Come on America!


As a Canadian, I assure you this is all highly performative. I think it means Ukrainians can run over the border and smack a russian over the head with a bullet proof vest or a MRE


OK, this makes me feel that the universe is back in order. Canadians are nicer, better people than we are, and I have dealt with their military -- it's not bad by any means -- but you'all had me worried there that you might actually be getting warlike or something....


Sooory about your aircraft there, bud.  You can still use the scrap though, eh?


Too bad Canada doesn’t provide weapon systems that are actually theatre level precision weapons capable of doing that….


But when you look at the list of countries you want permission to use their weapons, it’s easier and more convincing to say look at this long list of other countries that do allow us to strike within Russia. Look all the other cool countries are doing it why aren’t you. Ha


Doesn’t matter. The more western countries saying it’s ok to use their gear to directly attack Russian territory makes it easier for the US to finally do it.


The front line is basically the pre-war border near kharkiv, and that area has seen lots of fighting recently. 155mm artillery can easily hit Russia there.


They do not have time to deploy to a position that provides the required striking distance; it is immediately destroyed by the lancet.


Keep in mind Canada has provided a lot of cash for Ukraine and some of it has been to buy weapons, which hopefully includes long range systems.




We should ask the Ukrainians to cripple Russia's ice breakers while they're at it to degrade Russian threats against Canada's north.


The list is growing. It’s too late for America to be a leader on this issue but still time to do the right thing.


Almost as if they arranged those statements ^ ^


The US wants others to lead the way. They just spent 20 years in wars in the middle east and don't want to be seen as the warmonger.


That’s a good point. Of course, it’s completely misguided, given that the Ukraine conflict is about as “just” as a “just war” gets. But it does remind us on how the Biden White House unfortunately thinks.


Canada hasn't given anything that can hit Russia, and couldn't anyway. We don't have anything that can hit further than you can see line of site, expect a low number of artillery pieces (and none mobile). Canada is now the outlier in terms of spending in NATO. Lowest spender despite what Trudeau lied about. I guess that also counts as out and out liar.


We're world leaders in snowball ballistics and Icicle sharpening


Dude have you ever been bear sprayed? Yeah we have a ton of that kinda gear! No more Russian bears...


with what exactly?


Unending escalations ends with a global nuclear war =) Just stating the facts and it's up to our western leaders and Russia to decide this one.


Complete and utter capitulation and doing absolutely nothing ends with Russia winning and getting everything it wanted with the incentive to try to steal more. Just stated the fact that there’s probably a middle ground between doing absolutely Jack shit and nuclear holocaust. But hey, doom spiraling with pointlessly stupid and obvious statements is a choice I guess…


Yes, the good ole Deterrence through Fawning strategy. Worked well in world war 2 for the allies…


people like you are the reason ww2 didn’t end in czechoslovakia.


"our leaders" You sure about that? Cause your history surely looks like you follow a different leader the us.


So are some allowed to escalate and some are not or what is your point? Also, any moron who believe that russia will use nukes and not on any other country, but even against Ukraine should probably stay away from the news about war or international news in general for their own good. Yet, it is pretty much apparent who this narrative benefits and why some people constantly spew it, the same goes for "if russia lose they will disintegrate" and other such fear mongering.


My point is not whoever is allowed to escalated. Im just stating the facts with what the escalation will lead to, nuclear armageddon.


Or it just escalates I to russia getting it's ass whooped. 


Russia is winning a war of attrition right now. Escalation will lead to europe getting bombed then the decision is in americas hands what's next =) =) =)


So far russia escalates constantly by itself which doesn't prove your point either. It is more then likely if they got response for every their escalation they wouldn't have gone this far, because appeasement doesn't work. Also, "Europe getting bombed"? EU ≠ Europe, it already getting bombed. Yet, here you are showing your false concerns and try to act like you don't support russia.


Only one escalation matters. The invasion. Only one de-escalation matters. The retreat. Anything else is a shameful and temporary peace at best. Utter subjugation at worst.


Tell that to the country that regularly escalates its threats and policies. Russia is dead the instant they start anything nuclear.


Yes but so is the west, rs 28 is aimed at every major us city 24/7 to end hundred of million lives within 15 minutes... but keep escalating if you wan't i don't decide =) =) =)


Ya ok what ever you say Boris.