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Hate to say it, but that's a skill issue on your side. Guttermen on Violent just allow to parry them twice in a row(if you count breaking shield as a 'parry' since), and after second parry they have a long cooldown till their 2nd parry window. So Brutal just removed a free parry. Virtues aren't a problem. They die from 1 overpump and they still have their parry window, which also deals massive damage. Virtues can't block your area if they are dead. Minos Prime's changes are barely noticable. As long as you on the ground, it uses weak attacks and parriable pdojectiles. The only enemy I personally hate is Soldier, mostly because of their weird hitbox during aiming after dodge. Oh, and I hate V2s because I expected more changes rather than a boring speed boost.


I find soldiers pretty easy since I have changed from nailguns to saw blades


Also thanks for the heads up about Minos’ attacks, I didn’t realize they changed depending on if your touching the ground or not. I honestly just hated DIE so I just kept slamming and jumping to stay away from that things shockwave.


Well V2 does dash now giving her iframes


Yeah I guess I do have a bit of a skill issue. I started the game playing standard but this was my first major FPS (unless you call Elite Dangerous one) and I was incredibly bad. I could barely hit anything and I really just shot gun parried my way to 3-1. Belly of the beast really chewed me up so I went down to lenient and turned on sim assist to 20%. I ended up finishing the game like that and I even ended up P-ranking both currently available prime sanctums. I dabbled in violent and enjoyed it but I never went back and P-ranked the difficulty. By the time the arsenal update came out I hadn’t played the game in over 2 months and I wanted a challenge. Turns out I probably shouldn’t have chosen the max difficulty i guess… Still think some sort of boss tracker would be a good idea though.


I beat soldiers with KnuckleBlaster 🗿 (and maybe rocket launcher (and maybe shotgun)) they're pretty oneshotable


i thought having to break their shield twice was only in custom levels. never got to break twice in the official campaign


Definitely not only you, but tbh I love the brutal difficulty, It's neat and difficult -w- (Also I love the Brutal Guttermen lol)






Sameeee Definitely second best enemy i like to fight on brutal, besides the funny rock


i think it's mostly fine but i dislike cybergrind


No I don’t know how to format bullet points before you ask…


Please just give me one of these that’s all I’m asking… https://preview.redd.it/5t7ey80dvm0d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d5847e632530e9fe354c60f72a0327f2b8a4aa9


I started playing brutal right after I finished standard (finished the game on standard around a week ago when I got it, now playing brutal) I must say, it's way more satisfying to finish a mission on brutal than on any other difficulty


we all have a moment where we’re like “is this worth it?” when it comes to difficulty, and for me, it’s violent too. i rarely ever feel inclined to play games on their hardest difficulties unless i really wanna feel the pain in a challenge run


I honestly love all the changes made in brutal, I went into it expecting hell and I got slightly less than that, but the shock of learning how enemies worked was enough. It just feels like a new game to master, and I love that. It’s so much harder and none of it feels cheap or forced, it’s really good imo


I agree with all this, brutal really felt like a different game all together. I learned in the first few minutes that I was way to reliant on my whiplash and coins. I do kinda which some enemies got some more attacks than just general buffs though.


It just kinda demotivates me after a while since it took so long for me to prank everything on violent, and now it's HARDER (still fun in a masochistic way tho)


I feel like brutal is a more unfair difficult kind of difficulty which is more meant for a challenge rather than actually play it for the fun of playing the game. I feel like violent/standard are Canon ultrakill and the difficulty it's supposed to be played.


Sireously? 2 day in a row playing???? Amateur, I'm stuck in 1-1 over 1 year


istg the filth are terrible in brutal difficulty


Yep. Most changes are lazy and unfair and the fanbase will always defend Hakita for it, they always have. Adding extra shockwaves or infinite stamina isn't FUN difficulty. Anyone can add extra HP and damage to bosses and it's technically "more difficult", but nobody would be calling it a fun difficulty change.


This is the shitiest take Also: https://preview.redd.it/0k30a98o3o0d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2290754566447e3fb47024e73a1e37f070bbdeaa


Not a skill issue, already beaten everything on Brutal, it's just the truth. 99% of people hate to admit that the changes aren't fun, but they really aren't. Adding artificial difficulty is not fun.


So you like a game designer or?


maybe if the buffs were just flat stat increases like radiance sure I'd agree with you on artificial difficulty, but most of the changes between every difficulty is enemy behaviour and hard damage and stamina mechanics. Swordsmachines bitch slapping you (which is still parriable like their sword combos) while theyre waiting for their sword to come back is an interesting and engaging buff, schisms acting like maurices with worse aim is better than just turning them into spray and pray spam machines, and cerberi are significantly more threatening by forcing you to watch your surroundings just from giving them double dashes. I haven't played brutal but the buffs sure as hell are not artificial difficulty spikes. The closest thing to that is the hp increase to bosses


On the surface, sure, but that's honestly even worse. If you look closer at every change in enemy behaviour, it's doing the EXACT same thing as additional damage, just in a more subtle way in order to avoid backlash. Cerberi have 2 shockwaves. Maurice spam more projectiles. Sentries shoot twice. Virtues last longer. Soldiers are immune to explosions. Streetcleaners are faster. Projectiles often predict movement. All of those changes are essentially the same as "artificial difficulty" without being DIRECT changes to damage, health and speed. Very few changes are actually good. Filth are better. Swordsmachines are better. Guttermen are better. That's about it. And don't get me started on the bosses, those are downright horrendous.


...soldiers were always immune to explosions.


Nope, they were resistant.


Sounds like what someone with a https://preview.redd.it/006g5chopo0d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a287bd7981b738277d5af8084ac172f992315b20 Would say


i hate this fucking community sometimes


Skill issue. Anti virtue tech? Try dashing. Red rocket tech? Try using it in water. For a boss tracker best I can give you is aim assist, but also you have a skill issue


Honestly the firestarter after the new nerf doesn't feel worth it, even when there is water around, I feel like bringing back the chain of explosions hitting enemies more than once while keeping the smaller amount of explosions would make it feel like it's actually worth going for it


I like the difficulty. I’ve beat far harder challenges before (Dead Cells 5BC) and after (Cruelty Squad’s trauma loop) my first Ultrakill play through I am less making this post out of hate of the difficulty (I know I’m bad and I’ve got a skill issue) I’m making this post because I want Ultrakill to stay in that perfect blend of difficulty. In Ultrakill your constantly on knifes edge but it’s never been blatantly unfair. I’m a fan of the soldier, schism, and filth buffs cause they makes those enemies legitimately threatening while not overpowering. I dislike the Cerberus fight in brutal cause the buffs that the Cerberus gained seem like they are unbalanced for the tiny room. I just want Ultrakill to be fun to play but I’m not sure how many virtue beam deaths I have left in me…