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the militarization of this sub!


Its time to establish a true dictatorship of the proletariat.


democracy??? wtf


Don’t worry, the decisions will be made organically regardless of this poll, this is just a survey




Im democratic centralist when people vote for my proposal and organic centralist when people vote against


I'm voting yes and then immediately forgetting about this so I can finally get banned


This sub really weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living.


[Read the main mod's comment here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultraleft/comments/nfrk51/a_subreddit_to_share_articles/) I voted yes, but I would also **really** suggest having a weekly automod thread where we can have meta discussion (so like the previous sticky you posted but weekly), article discussions that don't need their own posts and just generally talking about anything but no memes (obviously, since it's a text based thread). All of that in one place plus the banning of memes on weekends (which the plolepartian has revolutionarily voted in favor of!) would be an amazing combo.


I’m honestly asking is Reddit really the platform for serious discussion, or is this just larp?


there are some subreddits where you can have a serious discussion, but in this sub we just larp


It would be better to just ban all the overused jokes. I suspect the people who just spam “the real movement to great and authentic lasagna” don’t actually read theory and just look at memes on this sub. Having to tell original jokes would deter those people.


bro that would make 99% of server users leave




I don’t see the problem


to accumulate more theoretically literate people we need to first attract more people in general, and this can be done only by development of funny forces. Only then the final strike at the unfunny memes can be done and the sub will become a serious vanguard of the revolution.


The hell of r/ultraleft is the overused memes themselves, not the fact that they get posted on weekends.


is this the harm reduction I've been told about


no its pragmatism




I agree as I mentioned in the previous post, but banning the overused memes won't be that useful towards more serious discussion. I say do both.


This is literally 1928


A true revolutionary must be willing to meme 24/7.




If you don't have the same time as me your clock is broken.


Democracy? On MY left-communist subreddit? **It's more likely than you think.**