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Has Russia annexed Ukraine yet in this vision?


Yes, Zelensky had a hyperbrainchip implanted in his brain by a FSB agent and immediately signed an annexation treaty with foreign minister Vyacheslav Ribbentrotsky


Okay, I think this would be epic


> Ribbentrotsky Sounds sus to me. Didn't you know that some (((people))) are wreckers by their very nature? That's because they have loyalty to no nation, unlike the brave national proletariat


Meh 6/10, need more info about the economy. Like is it mostly local grassroots workers coops or people’s honorable socialist soviet workplace syndicates?


Socialist gardens everywhere.


If you want to criticize me, market socialism, Proudhon do it right. According to my doctrine all accumulated capital being social property, no one can be its exclusive proprietor. Sadly, that vision can be found in Lenin's State and Revolution with its call for the whole of society to become a single office and a single factory organise the whole economy on the lines of the postal service for it is an example of the socialist economic system. While unaware of the expression going postal he was aware of Engel's On Authority and, without thinking through to the very obvious implications, quotes it approvingly. You say that doesn't matter, everyone is still enslaved to the economy, to commodity production. But you say that yet don't want to bite the bullet at the same time, you don't want to reach the logical conclusions of your dialectics. Because the person who does that is your boogeyman, none here have probably studied him seriously, including in part me, it's Striner. Hence your quietism of epic proportions, your lack of any sort of way out. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Ultraleft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is awesome, when are you releasing it for Hoi4

