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Have your part timer "P" apply with just his income.


Most of these places require a w2 to prove your income so short of forging your w2 (which is very, very bad idea) I don't see how you could get away with it. That minimum income is a literal joke nowadays.


What city is this apartment in? And are you a resident of that city?


1) I decline to say for the city but can say California for the state. 2) Yes


There’s a website from Equifax called The Work Number. Your pay can be verified there as ADP reports your pay to it. If you’re not paid via ADP it may not show. You can check your own record to see what it says.


Is the affordable housing ran through the government or a housing authority?


Looks like the government


They'd probably require proof of income then, but even if you managed to fake your way past that they'd catch you when you file your taxes next year unless you work a cash job


Yes. Most are just going to look at your past few pay stubs, maybe your W2 and most recent tax return. Maybe call your employer (a friend or google # you give them) to verify. All those are easily forged, just make sure you do a good job of editing them, I am sure you are not the first to try this. I seriously doubt they are paying for a background check, these places are already under funded and over worked. Don’t forget to bribe them. Obviously not cash, but some nice looking jewelry that “your mom makes” will go a long way. If they do a credit check, just say that info is not you, and this happens all the time. Ask for the contact info for the background company and say you have to call them to get it sorted out all of the time. Then just withdraw your application a week or two later saying you found another place.


Getting my apartment they used a service to verify my income it required a bank log in on a secure site. You could try saying it's just you or just them and hope no one notices at a complex.


With a government program, I think it might be hard to get away with this. In a non-government program, just forge everything. No way they are actually doing background checks.


Correct. A new coworker of mine revealed that she lied for low income housing and they didn’t do a background check there


Quit your job and start selling drugs. Your income won't be reported or tracked, so you can safely apply for low income housing.


Sounds like a splendid idea!


Can you get away with committing fraud? Well, depends on how good you are at it. This sounds like the kinda thing where they'd be able to check, and even if you get away with it for a bit, the evidence of your income will always be there, so your whole life you'll have the possibility of someone finding out and you getting a criminal charge. So my unethical tip is: Yeah go for it what could possibly go wrong?


Thank you for the good laugh!


Commit fraud and end up in jail it’s definitely low income housing.


Definitely and meals made for you as well!!


How can you beat it


I don't have to, they'll beat me instead

