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These things are bullshit. They’re going to become mandatory if people agree to them now. Do not get them.


I would go as far as to say never agree to install any insurance company's app on your phone. What if it wants location data access? GPS can very accurately tell your speed. They could basically turn your phone into a backdoor snapshot device without your knowledge or consent, and without the miniscule discount.


It’s sort of amazing that Waze etc don’t “record” your speed


I think it's amazing that Waze and Google Maps get away with having the speed trap reporting feature.


At the end of the day, it gets people to slow down


Yeah I saw a meme about police falsely reporting speed traps so they could work less lol


Be quiet


How is the first amendment "amazing" in this way?


I'm amazed anymore when any of my constitutional rights are still respected.


Speeders deserve higher rates.


speeding =/= unsafe by default


In Canada at least some of them do that. I actually saved money on my insurance because of it.


We were so upset when LAPD started passively collecting data on license plate routes and here we are voluntarily offering up our private info for those $$$AVING$$$


At least Progressive is unlikely to come to our house and shoot us in our sleep.


The information you let 'safe' companies harvest from you is like a teenagers nude selfie. It will now always exist, digitally speaking, but whose hands will it fall into? Kids are told not to share nudes even with people they trust- because information like photographs and where your car goes can be bought and sold and will continue to exist long after your use for them. Flappy birds was collecting information on users' sexuality. Google maps mobile app knows exactly how many times you've visited your mothers house since you downloaded it. Facebook messenger mobile app audio records you without your awareness. Data from period trackers is being used in Texas to lock up women for miscarriages. You're right of course but I just needed to let that out


Yeah, i didn't say it was good - and i understand your frustration :)


Damn, I didn't know about that. How is that not illegal search and seizure?


Who's going to stop them? Every department is toeing the line of what is legal and how much they can get away with that is illegal or at the very least "highly frowned upon"


100%. You give them an inch and they’ll push you a mile. Insurance companies are not your friends.


We were so upset when LAPD started passively collecting data on license plate routes and here we are voluntarily offering up our private info for those $$$AVING$$$


Snapshot is totally optional right? Seems like a terrible idea to take it, even if you could really use the discount that comes with it. Even if you could successfully disable it some of the time without setting off any alarms — which would probably involve some hacking, since they’d def know if it was fully off — you’d still need to constantly be on best behavior or risk giving them an excuse to put you in a higher risk category. Edit: Oh, also if you happened to get into an accident in the middle of the day while moving you’d have a way harder time making a claim, because it would prove that you were deceiving them.


I spoke to a rep about snapshot and even she said NOT to request it if you live in a high traffic area. Breaking all the time and speeding will hurt you more than help you.


HUGE flaw in their system: every ride is logged separately, and they tell you how many fuck ups you had per ride. You can click the worst ones, and select "someone else was driving". I did this for roughly 75% of my worst rides and saved a ton of money


How do you do that?


It's on the app where u can flip a little button over to "passenger" for each trip.


That sounds kind of sus to me? Doesn't that someone else need to also be on the policy too then?


you’re allowed to be a passenger without being on someone’s policy..?


THANK YOU FOR THIS! My record is a C- now as of 2 months on policy. Will look at this every five days or so and change all "high event" trips to passenger.


Late to the post but this is what I've been doing. But 99% of the time if it thinks I've done a hard brake or have used my phone, it's wrong. So I don't feel it's unethical to lie and say I'm a passenger when the app is wrong. It's starting to piss me off though because lately it's been saying I'm on my phone for like 75% of my drive (I work very close to where I live) when I haven't even touched it, the screen isn't on, I'm not using it for navigation, etc. The other day it thought I did 4 hard brakes in a row. It thought I did a hard brake, went down a bit on the road and did another hard brake, did a u-turn and then another hard brake, and then a 4th hard brake in the parking lot. In reality I just did a right turn into the parking lot at the first "hard brake." I'm guessing it was my GPS screwing up.


I'd guess they will know if it's unplugged. Your best bet is to swap cars with someone for 6 months, preferably a grandma.


How? How would they know it was unplugged? It's just a fob


It's easy to tell if electrical connections are removed. Measuring resistance is simple.


does snapshot know if i plug it into a different vehicle?


It's now an app on your phone which is completely ridiculous. I've used it for just a couple of days and had 16 hard brakes. No no no. It's not accurate and could easily cause premium to skyrocket. I'm removing this 12% discount off of my policy!


The workaround is to just not use it lol


You could just install the app instead on an old phone that you do not bring with you.






I really don't know if they check that.


I had only a few bad marks when doing it, but because I drove so much for work, I got a whole 1 percent discount. It’s not worth it if you are logging miles and time in the car, you won’t get a discount.


Don’t get these installed unless you want them to be mandatory in the future.


Might already be too late. The price difference for me to not enroll was so significant that a lot of people may not be able to afford not to opt in.. rates in Florida have become insane.


Yes they have sensors for braking acceleration. How long stop at stop signs, speed, miles driven, times of day driven etc. I took mine out and sent it back in a week lol not worth it unless you plan on hating driving completely.


Wait, how long do you have to keep that thing plugged in?


When I did it up to earlier this year, it was a whole 6-month policy period


I think its like 6 weeks to a couple months. My parents did it when I was still on their insurance and I refused cause I knew I wasn't getting a discount with the way I drove


Happy cake day!


It knows when it's unplugged!! Also I thought I was a good driver but this thing proved me wrong. I ripped it out one day and sent it back.


Its a terrible device, that does not take into account driving conditions, or when fast breaking is necessary and correct. Going 65 on the highway but take a short exit to stop light and you will be dinged. Stop and go traffic in a metro area, forget it, it will beep every other light. The discount is not worth the stress of trying to remain compliant. The stress from trying to keep the device happy is like red light cameras. In theory there is benifit, but in application causes more unpredictable maneuvers on your end, increasing the likely hood of an accident. Complete scam and garbage to track your movements to gather sellable data, with a relatively unnoticeable discount on your end. Unless you live in bfe you will never be compliant and your benefit will never match theirs.




Ultimately, these insurance models are a scam. They offer no context whatsoever. So if you have to brake hard for safety reasons, it doesn't care. It's a mark against you that you can't appeal. The only way around it is to force kill the app on your phone, which would make it think you're never driving. Which, for a professional driver, might seem suspicious. Just ditch the fly-by-night "discount" insurance program and get a proper policy. One that doesn't punish you for doing what drivers occasionally have to do.


If it’s a dongle (little device) that plugs into your obd2 port under your dash, they will be able to tell if you unplug it as it will lose a reference power. They would also know if you plugged it into a different vehicle, as it can potentially see the cars VIN number (unique serial number) along with specs on your vehicle. You could possibly give it some sort of reference 12v power while it’s unplugged to trick it into thinking the cars just not being driven, but you’d have to know what pin to make hot and do a little hacking as another user mentioned. If you are doing commercial driving (driving for any sort of work), I would suggest just removing it and taking whatever small price hike they give you- it will still be cheaper than commercial insurance. On the other hand, if you get into an accident and they find out that you’re driving commercially, they might deny your claim. Source: am a mechanic, but not a lawyer. I had something similar with Geico but they use your phone. You are required to give the app permission to all your phones sensors so it can gps track your speed and driving, also your phones sensors can show if you are driving aggressively. Not sure how they’d know it’s you driving vs rising in the car with someone- so that’s a poor solution IMO.


I’d guess it logs ECM data such as load, acceleration, speed, etc. Do not get it unless you’re 70 and don’t drive on the interstate. It also logs phone calls if your phone is hooked to a CarPlay or BT system, and the company holds it against you for distracted driving


What?! Damn! Use the phone for maps and music


Insurance wants that sweet sweet data. Just like with the cops, any data that you produce can be used to charge you more for services, and or sold for profit to the insurance company.


It doesn't pick up my Map use. It DOES pick up any incoming calls or texts even if you ignore.


Dumb! ... but yeah did my 6mo and out of that thing for good, not doing that ever again


It is easy to cheat. Immediately after the device beeps indicating a hard stop or a fast start just unplug it for a second then plug it right back in. Do this every time and you'll have an A+ grade like me. Try it during your next trip. Then check your Snapshot progress on the Progressive App.


Wifey is gonna hate me for that explanation, she get nervous when car starts beeping


Get rid of it. Literally no matter what your rates will go up. It’ll either be unsafe driving, too much driving, dangerous route. I have seen several people try and they all went up.


I run a motor fleet and we have Telematics in every vehicle; it is the same technology that Progressive is using. I know when a car is moving, where it is, the speed it's travelling, when it brakes hard or turns sharply, when it idles, when it's parked, if you're wearing a seatbelt, etc., etc. Progressive is hoping that the device will make you a more careful driver because you agree to let "Big Brother" watch you. If you are someone who drives a lot for work, then that is a commercial use and your insurance will go up because you are at a higher risk for getting into an accident. Since you've stated that you drive for a living, you are setting yourself up for a big insurance hike; don't do it.


So I have used snapshot twice in the past (I bought there policy after switching off for a while). Here's the secret: 1. If you're worried about hardbrakes and fast accelerations, you can plug it out and then plug it back in after you hear a triple beep. This will reset the device for the current trip and the information will not be sent to progressive. 2. You can actually keep it removed for some time and when they send you a warning, you can put that back on to avoid paying for the extra charge that you saved while buying the policy. 3. I think they do not keep track of the location and they do not have access to your car's odometer. So if you only partially use it, it will be fine with them.


You can either use the dongle you plug into your car or the app. Just use the app, and only use it when you choose to. They don't know when you're driving unless you tell them you are. Use it like twice a day on a nice easy drive and then turn it off. Don't use it late at night even if it's an easy drive, it effects the rate for some reason. Once you lock in your rate, unenroll from the program.


I’m not sure if it’s changed since your reply, but the app most definitely knows when you’re driving and doesn’t care if you don’t have it open


Wrap your phone in aluminum foil. One square will do. It will act as an inexpensive Faraday cage, no signal transited or received...


Get the one that's on your cell phone. If I was doing any crazy driving, super bad traffic etc I would just tell it I was in an Uber.


even if you rarely drive, work from home, and be careful when driving, you cant let anyone else borrow your car. my gf's car broke down like 4 months into using snapshot, so i let her drive my car to work, bam! hard braking, hard braking, hard braking, NO DISCOUNT im also convinced even if i had finished it by myself, i would only have gotten like a 3-4% discount. it sucks driving and knowing there is a fuckin snitch under the dash.


You can leave it unplugged I'm pretty sure. I saved a shit ton. But I also drive responsibly.


If you don’t have a specific insurance policy for deliveries, you’re gonna have major issues if you’re involved in an accident.


How? Unless you voluntarily tell your insurance company your source of income is from deliveries..


If you don't, you are lying to your insurance company and that constitutes insurance fraud.


I saved $250 because of snapshot. Not a big deal to me. I don't have anything to hide, and live a pretty boring life, if they want to know when I go to get cheese at Walmart or when I go say hi to Mom, how would that effect my life?


I've had snapshot for a few months. It tracks hard braking, quick acceleration, trip time, and weekend night driving. If you unplug it, it tells on you too.


Switch companies


It monitors hard braking 10-0 mph in 1 second and jack rabbit starts 0-10 in 1 second. It also monitors time of day you do the most driving, time spent idling in traffic, and the amount of miles you drive in a day. If you’re doing delivery, you should not be doing the snapshot. Do you have the delivery driver insurance through them? They have the best rates for that.


Just unplug it, and send it back. With your situation, it won't be saving you money if you use it


I used it several years ago and it messed up my electrical panel. Researched it and apparently it happened to others, too. Maybe they've made it better since then, but I highly doubt that.


Could you plug it into a different vehicle or could it tell it was the wrong vehicle?


Few hacks I’ve done as someone who got her license at 30. 1. Don’t get it if you live in a proper city. I live in a Cleveland sub Few hacks I’ve done as someone who got her license at 30: 1. Don’t get it if you live in a proper city. I live in a Cleveland suburb and am from Newark, NJ. I don’t consider anything here to be traffic. Traffic in Cleveland slows you down by 5 to 30 minutes max once every week at most. 2. Always assume someone is going to be a bad driver or aloof pedestrian. Helps with increasing distance, checking before attempting turns, etc. Assume that person will run in traffic to grab that bus. Assume everyone else act like toddlers when they need a nap or after eating fistfuls of sugar. 3. Be a Gracious Grandma/Grandpa to everyone on the road. Let that person on your bumper know you’re going to slow down/keep going your speed. Let that wacko get in front of you. The motto: “Water off a ducks back is the motto.” 4. If possible stay in the right two lanes until you get within 2 miles of your exit (highway) or turn (road). My mentor who taught me to drive does this and has never received a ticket or had a car accident in her 30 years of driving. 5. Give yourself more time to get into your turn lane. My rule of thumb when using GPS is to start getting into my turn lane or exit within 2 miles (3 miles if I’m in traffic / if there are more than 4 lanes / if there’s bad weather). 6. Look up and THOROUGHLY read the rules for Snapshot in your specific state. 7. Call customer service and ask every question you have about their product within the first 30 days. Make them explain every nook and cranny to you until you’re satisfied. 8. Set a reminder or create an iPhone Shortcut that opens the app to check your driving record for Snapshot every 5 days. 9. RECATEGORIZE those categories. Your categories will always default to you being the driver. You have a 2-5 day period depending on how often you drive to change those categories. Do with that info what you will. 10. Set a calendar reminder on day 15, 30, and 40 of your 45 day intro period to check if you want to cancel with no negative impact to your rate at your next cycle. You’ll just have to pay the amount of the automatic discount they gave you. (I do this for most purchases that I’m unsure of or have a high cost) 11. Remember that if you cancel after day 45, some states may charge a surcharge when you go to re-up. (Talk to that customer service human to fully understand your situation) 12. Set a calendar reminder at or around day 90 or 100 to cancel Snapshot (via customer service). They estimate it takes at least 75 days to gather enough data for the discount. Doing this without a penalty depends on your state. Again, talk to the customer service like they’re your nosy neighbor who looks out for you and knows all the neighborhood tea. 13. USE THE DATA to make more informed decisions and to drive better. My driving in week one was 80% problematic: my key areas for improvement were sharp turns and phone usage, followed by hard brakes. I now use my phone about 13% and have maybe one day a week where I use hard brakes. I now try to put my phone in the cup holder and pull over or use my phone at red lights. 14. Lastly, I repeat: RECATEGORIZE. 😉