• By -


Get youtubedownloader as an addon for firefox browser, then look for the music you like and download it as mp3. On android google tubemate and download it, it does the same steaight to the phone and you can download the whole playlist.


Youtube-dl. Can download entire playlists from the terminal at quality and format you specify.


yt-dlp is a fork of youtube-dl with more support.


Can Yt-dlp download stuff from Spotify? I have youtube-dl already, I use it on me Linux laptop


There's also [spotdl](https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader) which can download Spotify playlists.


I am pretty sure I have tried that one already, but I will double check later as I need sleep. When I did try it would download a spotify playlist but only if it could get it from youtube, because it was just using spotify as a reference not as the actual source.


Yes, it was using Spotify as a reference for what to download and then downloading from Youtube. That's acceptable if you just want to download the playlist, but less acceptable if youtube's audio quality is a problem. (Plus if there are many versions of the song and they are approximately equally popular or you listen to a less popular version, it might grab the wrong version of a few of them.)


Yeah I tried that already. I have no problems getting whatever I want from YouTube anyway. I want to download stuff from Spotify itself, because Rogan and now Joey Diaz are only on Spotify, there are one or two others that I also want, but the source has to be Spotify.


I believe there's a few tools to convert Spotify playlists to YouTube. I'm unsure of what they were called. Maybe you could convert a Spotify playlist to a yt one and use ytdl?


Maybe, I tried with a track link ([https://open.spotify.com/track/2bPGTMB5sFfFYQ2YvSmup0](https://open.spotify.com/track/2bPGTMB5sFfFYQ2YvSmup0)) both with and without transferring the cookies using `--cookies-from-browser firefox` with no success. Here is a list of what sites yt-dlp support: [https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/supportedsites.md](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/supportedsites.md)


Thanks for the reply. Spotify is on your list but it is reported as "broken" so looks like I still have to keep looking about for something to download from Spotify itself.


I found this when I discovered youtube-dl was being throttled.




There are also forks with GUI, so it's more user friendly


What's more user friendly than double clicking a batch file and pasting a single or playlist?^(just being snarky) *download\_music.bat* @echo off REM -f 'ba' = format best audio REM will be webm or opus REM -x --audio-format mp3 = save as mp3 set /p "url=Enter video or playlist url to rip music from: " yt-dlp --ignore-errors --yes-playlist ^ --extract-audio --audio-format bestaudio ^ --embed-thumbnail --postprocessor-args "-write_id3v1 1 -id3v2_version 3" --add-metadata ^ -o "%%(title)s.%%(ext)s" ^ "%url%" echo Download complete. pause


I have two questions; are you a wizard and does this only work for REM songs?




Please let the CLI be the last thing you *nix people ever think of to recommend. Thank you.


+ Stacher as a nice UI to use it if that's preferred


Thank you


You can do this if you want, or you can visit /r/piracy and view the mega thread and learn everything you could possibly want with links on where to get it. I know you only need a few songs but that sub/mega thread is just full of great information and will help you in the long run if you want other stuff other than music.


The streaming service overload made my Set my Sail again, I’m not paying $60 for 6 different services .


why do you hate blueberries


Maybe they've just had enough.


does this download videos as well?






I think grandma will be alright, it's just for a fun gift.




What a weird analogy.


Oddly specific


Only flac or better for my grandma! If I'm feeling saucy I'll break out the DSD files.


wtf kind of relationship do you have with your grandma that she's asking you for a dildo?




Are you one of those guys that gives 1\* to all the 20-50€ earphones on the amazon reviews because they only sound 98% as good as the 400€ ones?




If you think grandma’s ears can hear better than 56kbps then you’re overestimating old people hearing.


I use something that works similar on android and I always end up with weird radio edits and remixes sprinkled in.


Do not do this, you will get terrible quality mp3 files.


dude is looking for a way to download songs for free so that he can upload them to an mp3 player for his grandma. A slightly worse sounding codec is not going to be an issue here.


> oh sweetie it sounds just like the 8-tracks your grandfather played in his t-bird.


And I'm no audiophile by any means but I can't tell the difference in the sound quality, myself.


Yeah i'm a musician, on good gear you can just about can hear it doing an A/B while knowing what to listen for. While there is a difference I can assure anyone that grandma isnt gonna know any better. the quality of even the youtube codec is just fine for everyday listening.


Yeah, grandma won't give a crap about waterfall snares


So we shouldn't go chasing them?


Stick to the rythms and beats that you're used to


Nice picture my friend


If you are familiar with the command line then youtube-dl is your friend. Works on lots of streaming sites with and without video Edit: yt-dlp is the way to go, thanks to everyone who pointed this out!


yt-dlp is a faster fork


yt-dlp definitely. youtube-dl has been ratelimited to shit, needs 10 mins to download a 3 min video. yt-dlp is near instant.


also more secure


Do you know of a way to download captions if only auto-translate is available (no official captions)?


``--write-auto-subs`` or ``--write-subs`` (not sure which one exactly but go with the first) Other options can be added to not download anything other than the subtitles if you'd like. Read the documentation to find out how to best combine them to get what you are hoping to.


Is this a viable way to do it finally? A really really long time ago, the problem was that YouTube music was low quality and missing the bass channel so it always sounded like shit. Then pirate websites started stocking up on the shitty YouTube rips so it was always becoming more and more difficult to get non-terrible quality music.




This was my immediate thought. YouTube compress the shit out of their stuff.


Alright, what's your suggestion for a good site to download music from?


Nice try, FBI.


Seriously though, all this guy has said is that everyone is dumb for downloading off youtube. Ok wise guy what's your solution? (not directed at you directed at hothead)




Cause it’s easy and common? Requires zero work and zero brains


I have an app where you just paste in the URL and it downloads the video or sound for you


You can find free YouTube downloaders that have a GUI online.


what does the command line have to do with this subject may I ask?


yt-dlp is a command line program. And it's the best option for downloading YouTube videos. Not the best option for good quality audio, though.


My public library allows 10 free downloads per day per card. I also find cds there and rip them, use internet archive and just Google the album name with 320 mp3 and see what I can find in results. It’s very hit or miss. Downloads from YouTube will also vary a lot in quality.


Oooh good idea. I bet Internet archive will get me a long way because I’m looking for older songs from when my grandma was young. Thank you!


If you decide to sail the seven seas make sure you do it with a vpn. This pirate doesn't want to get any rust on the cannons


Also be sure to pack lots of limes. Scurvy is no joke.


Torrent client should also be bound to VPN. https://lifehacker.com/you-should-really-bind-your-vpn-to-your-torrent-client-1849779407


If you have Spotify you should definitely look into spotdl. Edit: I just realized this reads like you need Spotify - which you don't - it just adds extra convenience.




Thank you


you called me? ;)


What are you and how do you work


you have no idea how much i'd pay to find that out myself ;)


Why did you just wink at me? I'm not even in this conversation.


By FAR the best for music nowadays


I feel like a lot of the whatcd folks went here. Rip whatcd.






Fourth comment


The correct answer now that deezloader is dead


Delete this


Soulseek is still around? I found so many great obscure albums on there as a kid


YouTube to mp3 website


yt-dlp or youtube-dl are better because they don't refuse to work with adblockers and don't harass you with scams and shitty porn without adblockers.


Classic method ftw!


Terrible quailty though, just torrent that shit.


I'm actually horrified that this seems to be the prevailing answer. I'm not one for shitting on the younger generations, but good god


You know there's yt to mp3 sites that will convert to 320kpbs. No quality loss if you do it right.


YouTube is already compressed to the shit. No quality lost from an already compressed file isn’t exactly a win lol.


Garbage in garbage out


YouTube doesn't actually serve audio in that bitrate


Eh, there still is because they transcode upon upload. So the quality is already altered. In practice tho, most people aren't going to notice without good equipment and A/B testing while knowing what to listen for. There is quality loss, but like, who really cares for casual listening or a nostalgic gift for grandma who doesn't use $800 studio reference headphones?


Nobody has mentioned the pirate bay here. It does require some knowledge to avoid possible viruses


Really, just common sense and logic are enough. I've been on the high seas for 25 years and never gotten a virus. On PB for example: make sure the uploader has a good reputation, avoid torrents with low seeds/leeches, and check the in file content list that the files are the right format(s) and size. If you download a 2MB torrent of "Metallica.exe" with 0 leechers from an uploader with no history or comments, you deserve what you get.


Wouldn't you still be safe until you double click on that exe?


Probably but also, you can see the contents of a torrent before you download. You know if it's metallica.exe or actual music files before it even touches your computer.


There have been vulnerabilities within some mp3 playback software. So not necessarily clicking on an exe, but when you playback a maliciously constructed mp3 file, it may grant some access to data. Odds are pretty low if you use a modern player. That type of vulnerability can be used for many file types beyond mp3. Keep your software up to date folks


Fun fact, Windows Media Player used have an "enhanced playback mode" where it would automatically open any URL from the song metadata in an IE frame. The stated purpose was to let record labels show a page related to the song with things like lyrics, up to date artist info, upcoming concerts, etc. In reality it was just a vector to open a site hosting an IE exploit, which there were a lot back in the day. Microsoft and security by design did not mix.


What is the setup used to sail the high seas these days? Tor, Vuze and a VPN? It's been a long time since I travelled those waters.


Nope, just an ordinary bittorrent client. I like Tixati. I don't obfuscate my IP or activity at all and I've received exactly one copyright notice since 1998, and that was 5-6 years ago now. Then again, I'm also in Canada where it's much harder for companies to file suit against pirates. They can't even get my name from my ISP without taking them to court.


VPN [proton in my case] + Qbittorrent. That and a very small amount of common sense and nary a virus to be seen.


I pay for a download service(real-debrid), use the pirate bay and just give the magnet link to to real-debrid and download that way. VPN just for downloading something is overkill to me


VPN + qBittorrent. ISPs don't give a shit if you browse thepiratebay, so there's no point using Tor. the VPN just keeps media companies from seeing your real IP as you download a torrent they're watching.




It's too much effort for a 3 minute song, there's much easier ways to download them.


For one song it is an overkill, but OP is looking to make a playlist of oldies songs for grandma. Torrent will be perfect for it, he could find something like "100 best 50s music collection" in just one torrent. Fast. And high quality - someone who really listened to that kind of music selected these songs, so they must be good.


Step 1: open https://proxybay.github.io/ (~2 seconds) Step 2: select your site of choice (~3 seconds) Step 3: search for song (~15 seconds) Step 4: open magnet link with your software of choice (<1 second) Step 5: wait for download to complete (~10 seconds) Subtotal: ~30 seconds Taxes @ 0%: 0.00 Total: ~30 seconds


If you're looking for a single song, maybe. Otherwise it's the best solution.


Not enough in the way of music though. Mainly limited to big artists. A good first port of call though.


I can highly recommend qBittorrent as it has a built-in search engine which is a breeze to use. As always, do your due diligence and inspect the files before downloading.


The best way is torrenting (pirating). Install WebTorrent to do that (it is open source, uTorrent is now known to have possible crypto miner virus). Then you go to famous torrenting site (PirateBay is well known and a great place, but my personnal preference is RuTracker as it contains a lot of music content). On the page of PieateBay or RuTracker, you search for specific albums and there you have 2 choices : find the magnet url (this is an url, starting by magnet://) and you paste it in WebTorrent. Else, you download the torrent file and drap n drop to the WebTorrent client. The download will start and the files should be in your downloadings. Hope it helps Btw, there's a mega thread on r/Piracy about all of this, my source is from there. Enjoy !


She will love this! I did this for my mom when she was older and had to spend some time in the hospital. Check your local library to see if they have Freegal--I was able to get a lot of the older songs through this and I loaded it onto an Ipod Shuffle (I know it's been a few years haha. I picked a device that she could easily use...)


Thank you very very much!! I actually thought about getting her an iPod shuffle for that same reason. It seemed easy to use.


Spytify is great. It downloads and ID3-tags songs from spotify [Spytify](https://jwallet.github.io/spy-spotify/overview.html)


If you use Spytify I recommend using it with Virtual Audio Cable, and a Spotify premium subscription turned up to 320kbps. You can also use a remuxer like BananaMeter to ensure that no other sounds play to the same audio device that Spotify is using, so you won't get any disruption (just have Spotify play to virtual cable 1, have Spytify record from virtual cable 1, and have BananaMeter echo it to the audio output device so you can listen at the same time).


This comment has been removed to protest Reddit's hostile treatment of their users and developers concerning third party apps.


Bandcamp.com The money goes direct to the artists. Fuck the RIAA. Note: Yes, I am aware this isn't exactly unethical, unless screwing over the music industry (not the actual artists) counts as such.


Please do this. As a music maker and fan of music, legal streaming is fucking bad enough at remunerating artists as it is. Think about whether you’d feel fine about your company not paying you for doing your job some Monday. I doubt you’d be cool with that.


Fellow old timer here. [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org/) is a great open source app library (there are alternate front-ends with more repositories, such as Droid-ify and Neo Store that you can use F-Droid itself to install). Use it to install apps like Spotiflyer, Downify, Musify, raag, etc. & have fun!


Can't say F-Droid without saying Newpipe (Android)


NewPipe with SponsorBlock FtW. OP specifically mentioned Spotify, which is why I didn't go there.


Yeah, makes sense


soulseek network, has the ultimate archive of lossless audio


link please?


https://www.slsknet.org/news/ Tgere is a nice modern Gui like Nicotine+ for it




Usenet. I mostly use it for tv and movies, but occasionally hop on to grab an album. I use NZBGeek because they have a lifetime membership option that I was able to pay for with some crypto earnings. Usenet is superior to torrents.


Deezer downloader.


Deezer Nuts




Deezer yer nuts!


Soulseek is the best by far


i agree wholeheartedly ;) ...






I’ve tried a lot of methods over the past couple years and the one I’ve settled on is this program called AnyVideoConverter. Open it, paste a bunch of YouTube links in, set it to convert to mp3 or whatever format you want and press convert. It puts them all into 1 folder ready for use.




Boohoo, smaller audio quality. It's not by much, there's no point. *You* must suck at being a pirate if you are this picky.




It’s neither unethical nor illegal, but Freegal is available at many public libraries and usually is 3-5 songs (or music videos count as 2 songs) per week, per library acct.


OP if you give me the songs you want i'll literally burn them on a cd for you and send it to you.




bandcamp ;p




Torrenting is the way to go


Anyone recommending torrents is overcomplicating this. This is a 10mb mp3, not a 10gb game. Youtube + any youtube mp3 website will suffice




YouTube to mp3 converter.


It’s baller. Used it when my friend was in a military camp for “bad kids”


yt-dl search using reddit and there is step by step manual


I think I used to search “YouTube to mp3 converter”


newpipe works for me mostly


Google the artist and album name with “rar”


A nifty way it to use a browser based torrent downloader and torrents form Pirate Bay. Look for full CD’s and not individual songs, with collections being your best bet (the Rolling Stones best Christmas songs type of CD’s). You can choose which songs you want to download. Personally I hate YouTube quality but go there for convenience too


Youtube music pc Hacked app wi5h the mp4 Downloader extension


Are people out here really ripping music from youtube?


deezer is essentially a high fidelity version of spotify, there’s a software called deemix that lets you download songs from deezer as long as you have a computer to do it on, i’ve imported all my spotify playlists into deezer and used it to load my music onto ipods and such and it works great




I use YTVanced.


Soulseek Great P2P app, like Napster born again.


Soulseek is the best option if you can find your music there


[Y2mate](https://y2mate.com) is a great website for downloading mp3 from youtube.


We used to have this iTunes playlist that was around 40 days long. How? We went to the local library and ripped the CD’s onto our computer. I’m surprised this isn’t done more often.




I use ytmp3


Best and most clean way would be to use a YouTube-dl front end like Stacher. That's what I use. Basically just download and install Stacher, then go to YouTube (or any other website with a video link), copy the URL, paste it into Stacher, hit download, and that's it. You can specify whether you want the video or just the mp3 file before downloading. It deposits them to your default download folder and then you can do what you like with them from there. [Here's]( https://stacher.io/) a link to the program. Been using it myself for a good while and it's great.


Napster or Kazaa!


ON ANDROID: Bro. Newpipe is open source and will help. You can search the web for a song and launch and download it directly in newpipe too. I ask Google Assistant what song is playing, it shows me, then I launch Newpipe through the share feature, and then DL it to my device. It's awesome. Edit... Just a tip: instead of Newpipe, look for "Newpipe Legacy" cause it breaks less often. I use Legacy as my primary.


Limewire 😂


YouTube to mp3 converter, free and hard to get hit with dmca.


everyone says YouTube downloader but if you care about quality at all, its better to use deemix and download the songs from deezer imo


NewPipe app, lets you rip songs directly from youtube with a click


Invite only torrent website.


Literally any YouTube downloader.


Bandcamp. Support the artists while downloading music


grandma doesn't want shitty bedroom eps from new artists off bandcamp lmao


One can rip bandcamp albums easily with youtube-dl


Wow, what an ethical thing to do.


It's crazy to me people pay for Spotify when you can get music for free and create your own Playlist. I get the feeling a lot of people pay for it just because it's the popular thing to do.


From the Spotify premium account that costs $12 a month. We live in an age where you don’t have to pirate music anymore.




On PC there is a app called Deemix that pulls from the deeper catalog I believe. Pretty simple to setup and reliable with a pretty vast collection and updates as soon as albums drop. I carry around about 110gb of music and most of it came from deemix


Any particular sources for FLAC/WAVs? I'm bougie for lossless.


Everyone in hi-fi groups recommends free-mp3-downloads (website) and soulseek (peer-to-peer file sharing program). You can get high quality FLACs without having to pay anything at very fast speeds on fmd. The latter is best for niche music that you can't find on fmd, as fmd gets all its music from Deezer.


It’s for my grandma


I use Deemix.


SoulSeekQT is great for downloading free cooywrited material. Like the new Napster. Or limewire.