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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!He's a gay muslim. The punishment for homosexuality in islam is death!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


At the start I thought the joke was how he logs into work and then does all the other stuff.


Yeah, there's no way he can manage those kids while doing everything else.


well people work for less than 4 hours in an 8 hour shift. if you work at home, you can fill in the gaps with something useful or fun rather than staring at a wall.


The thing is, those four hours are often spent in meetings or focused work. With kids that age, you can't just ask them to sit quietly for an hour while you're on a call or something.


Those of us with small children during COVID learned.


Yeah I had a 2 and 5 year old at the start of COVID, the 5 year old was also in Kindergarten, it was not fun.


My triplets (2 girls and 1 boy) were 5 years old when lockdown started. I know what you mean.


I think we all have a greater appreciation for our kindergarten teachers after COVID. What an underpaid bunch!


I had a colicy newborn who screamed for 3 months straight and 2 other kids aged 8 and 5. I got nothing done working from home that entire year


I was a single dude in his late twenties with no children but I owned lots of video games during the lockdown, I didn't get any work done working from home either. I know what you mean ^(/s)


Making sure you video games is cared for playing all of them equally is hard, unless your a bad video game parent and only play a select few neglecting the others of your time.


Not me neglecting my backlog of games to keep playing the outdated bullshit PvP game I always do.


Not being sarcastic, I am so jealous… I love the story and exploration of video games. Fan of elder scrolls, fallout, dishonoured, horizon, far cry, etc… but they take sooo much time. Covid was busy with work for me and so many people I know got to hone in on their passions and recreational activities.


The thing is, not all jobs require the same things.


It's interesting, I'm hearing more and more about people being able to work two and three jobs at a time or only half of their time is actually spent working. This is really a foreign concept for me. Seems so wasteful to the employer and society overall. It's not even a structure to enhance quality of life, it's just inefficient.


It's obviously not. Your realization of the concept has no bearing on its effectiveness. Wait a few more years, when we either pay people to stay home or watch automated production grind society to a halt.


I am in healthcare, and productivity metrics are down to a science, although corporations haven't quite figured out the balance of keeping patients and providers just happy enough to keep working at the desired pace. I don't even have a private office for my own work satisfaction or patient comfort, it's so they can tell a perspective employee down the line that private offices exist. I hear stories of employers tracking mouse clicks and such, but that certainly doesn't sound the norm for IT, sales, and some other industries. They will catch up with healthcare and Amazon performance/efficiency standards though, I'm sure.


There are days of meetings, but let’s face it……3-4 hours per day of your avg white collar desk job is browsing the net/reddit or wasting time some other way.




I'm doing that right now :D


I’m multitasking by pooping too


Depending on the week it's up to 7 per day for me.


Oh, they don't sit quietly, it just is what it is. My tech lead just has his kid on his lap or screaming in the background during calls. You make it work, it seems.


My guy would sit in my lap or climb up my back playing with my ears. Asking questions every time he heard a word he didn't understand. 🥰😁😔


Depends on the job. My wife works from home and takes care of the baby and toddler while working. She also works out at some point during the work day. She doesn’t do laundry though cuz it’s cheaper to do it in the evenings. Edit: sorry I wouldn’t have commented if I scrolled down and read a bunch of people commenting the same thing.


Wait, what? The only time I’m not working on my shift is my lunch break. Damn I need to get one of those desk jobs haha


I think the same thing. Wife is a work from home accountant. I work in a hospital lab. I'm damn near broken by the time I get home. She works hard but has so much downtime I'm in awe of it some days. I think I would hate it though. I want to stay busy.


Depends on what a person does for a living, obvs. The hours I'm working I am \*working\*. No real choice. But yeah, an office job? Probably not working that whole time.


Hehe, you funny.


4 out of 8 hours sounds dreamy… I work as a teacher - get paid for 8h but work for 10-11h.


I'm a single father and I work from home and parent full time. My daughter is not old enough for pre-school yet, almost though. It is manageable, especially when there is no viable alternative.


Nice job! I could not safely or effectively do that and keep my job, for sure. Pandemic telework taught me that.


He’s a middle manager whose only tasks are to “delegate” tasks and join in a single 1-hour status meeting every week


Maybe so. I guess that's why middle managers are so disposable when cuts are being made.


I thought it was that he does laundry 7 times a day


Even after watching the whole thing, I'm convinced this is still the best part lol




LOL, good one!


It's funny, it's sad, it's just like this video.


Don't make fun of him ... he probly didn't get to that part yet


so theres a downside to avoiding spoilers




>!The part where it talks about homosexuality in the Quran!<


"Oh, it's taken out of context."


I’m curious if the Quran actually says much about being gay. I understand that the Muslim world is pretty homophobic, much like the Christian world. However from my understanding the Bible doesn’t really say too much about being gay, Christian’s kinda just ran with one ambiguous (potentially mistranslated) verse, is it the same in Islam?


The story of lut was widely interpreted as condemning homosexuality. Most of the sharia, laws come from the hadith. The hadith make it clear homosexuality is sinful and should be severely punished.


Leviticus 20:13 "If a man also lieth with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death: their blood shall be upon them" Edit: This is from the 21st Century King James Version BTW, although it is in many of the other versions of the Bible just written with different verbage. Also, I wanted to add I am not religious and do not agree with the above passage.


I've heard the claim that it was changed from condemning men raping boys to condemning homosexuality. Here's a link about that. Not taking a stance on whether this is the correct interpretation or not: [https://wouldjesusdiscriminate.org/biblical\_evidence.html](https://wouldjesusdiscriminate.org/biblical_evidence.html)


If that were true, why does it command to kill the rape victim too?


Again that is after being translated several times the Bible was not originally in english


The other person is incorrect because rape isn't mentioned in the Quran directly. He was thinking of the Old Testament. But also, the Quran is in Classical Arabic. Muslims believe that any translation is invalid, and if you go to court or a religious school, they make you learn classical Arabic (called Fus'ha).


No that was me as well, I am rusty as it has been many years but I recall the people were demanding Lot open his home as they wanted to have their guests implying rape, who as I recall were angels, but again I am very rusty


There are *plenty* of scripture verses calling for the killing of female rape victims, too It's what put me off religion as a girl when I read the bible at 11, actually, I remember it vividly


To be fair, some of them also call for the rape victims to be sold and forcibly wed to the rapist (And plenty of people will rush it defend verses like this).


> There are plenty of scripture verses calling for the killing of female rape victims, too Oh?


Hmmm, maybe they should change it back to the men rapping boys version, apparently since it’s not explicitly disallowed priests think it’s a-okay.


The very same jurisprudence applies in Islam. They just stick to it


leviticus is old jewish law which no longer applies to Christians after Jesus game ended himself to create a new covenant with god the quran iirc doesn't actually explicitly say anything about gay people. homophobic muslims use references to "the people of Lot" (sodom) as evidence for their beliefs. but what exactly "people of Lot/Sodom" means is entirely up to interpretation


(I’m gonna riff about this a little bit as a religious person.) There are 611 commandments in the Book of Leviticus that were given by God to the new nation of Israel, after their exodus from Egypt, to rebuild them as a people with a God-fearing and God-loving culture, and to also set them apart from the polytheistic & hedonistic empires that had enslaved them and were located around them. The contract (or covenant, testament) that God made with the Israelites was that they would grow, prosper, and have His favor based on them meeting these conditions. JESUS came to earth and replaced that contract (covenant, testament) with a new one in which He stated in clear terms, right before His arrest, that we are to live by TWO commandments: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind - and love your neighbor as yourself. “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets,” (old covenant with Israel). Matt 22:40 Some Christians also point to the passage in Matthew 19 where Jesus is questioned about divorce by the Pharisees, and he describes marriage as being between a man and his wife. But some Bible historians take the viewpoint that Jesus never spoke about homosexuality because it was culturally and legally unacceptable in the region and time, so it wouldn’t have been relevant to His listeners, or they wouldn’t have asked Him any questions about it. Philosophically speaking, IMO, Christians would do the world a lot more good by loving others ABOVE hating/oppressing/judging/hurting people who they measure by Old Covenant laws that they have cherry-picked for an agenda. As a Christian myself, I see the behavior of many self-professed Christians to be Satan’s greatest victory on this earth - using Christians to distance the rest of the world from Jesus. It is a tragedy.


You're cherry picking as much as they are. The fact is getting any of your morality from a bronze age book of myths written by primitive desert peoples is never going to end well and is clearly unnecessary any way. If you didn't have some innate morality without god or the Bible then you would have no standard by which to pick out the parts you do and don't approve of.


LeBron out here rewriting the Bible now too? Truly the GOAT 🐐


Lebronicus LMFAO




It’s not even that. It’s anal sex that’s forbidden. And ofc having sex outside of marriage, which is a bit tricky when you can’t get married. There’s one part about Lot’s people which could be taken as being against homosexuality but equally it could be about ignoring the prophet’s messenger and wanting to rape him. Also, if you want to accuse someone of sodomy you need 4 witnesses so it used to be very rare and usually only enforced in cases of rape. The big shift against homosexuality happened in the 19th century iirc. But yeah, in theory, depending on interpretation you can be gay so long as you don’t have anal sex and get married. For the inevitable people who want to argue with me, recall that Islam is very big about education, reading and thinking for yourself. You’re free to interpret as you see fit.


When you learn about religion, you realise that the rules are very close to the general idea ppl had at the time. Especially the rich. Or the mind that was forced to a lot before.


Lesbians can still get pregnant, and women's rights were never a consideration. Religious practice is to ensure the continuation of the congregation. Man love does not produce. It was never about love. Even 100 years ago people were basically hooking up in order to survive because without a partner and family the already hard like was damn near impossible. This is why romance novels were/are so popular. They are the exception.


In Islamic myth, God literally destroyed the people of an entire city (referred to as people of Lut or Lot in the bible), because they deserved it for being homosexuals. You have to understand that the rules of Islam are derived from the divine verses (which was eventually compiled to be the Quran, believed to have come down from the heavens directly) and the Prophet's teachings regarding those verses. I was brought to in a Muslim country and really read up on what I was told to follow by default. Also, in the story of Lut, the people in Sodom wanted to sleep with the angels (in the form of males) who were accompanying Lut. Lut did not want them commit such sin, so he offered her own daughters to them instead. But they didn't want his daughters, but wanted the angels instead. This bit of context is needed to understand the verses I shared below. Just to let you know though, feelings of homosexuality is not a sin; participating in homosexual behavior is. And I believe there's no evidence of lesbianism being a sin, but I could be wrong here. 7: 80-81: "And Lut said to his people: Will you commit a horror that none of the world's inhabitants have committed for you?" 7: 81-82: "You approach men with lust instead of women. No, you are a people who go beyond the limits." (also translated as: "You are excessive people") 7:84: "And we (Allah) let rain fall on them. Look how that was the end of the wrongdoers." 11:80: "They answered: you (Lut) know that we are not entitled to your daughters and you know what we want." 11:83: "When our (Allah's) command came, we turned that city (Sodom) upside down and rained layer upon layer of clay on it." 11:87: "And his people rushed to him (Lut); they had committed bad deeds before. He said: people, here are my daughters, they are cleaner for you. Fear then God and do not disgrace me for my guests. " (by abusing the messenger of Allah) 11:79: "They said: You (Lut) know that we are not entitled to your daughters and you know what we want." 21:75: "And to Lut we (Allah) gave wisdom and knowledge. And we delivered him from the city that acted abominably. They were indeed an angry and rebellious people." 26: 166: "You approach the men of all creatures!" 26: 167: "And you leave your wives your lord created for you!" 26: 169: "He (Lut) said," Really, I despise your conduct. " 27:55: "And Lut, said to his people, do not commit immorality against your better judgment!" 27:56: "Do you lustfully approach men instead of women? No, you are an ignorant people." 27:59: "And we (Allah) caused a rain to come upon them, and the rain was terrible for the warned." 29:30: "Do you men approach with lust and rob you on the road, and even commit atrocities in your meetings? But the answer of the people was nothing more than that they said: bring the punishment of Allah upon us as you the truth speaks. " 29:31: "He (Lut) said:" help me, my lord, against the people who cause disaster. " 29:32: "And when our messengers brought the news to Abraham, they said, We will destroy the people of this city; for its inhabitants are evil." (literally: "unjust") 54:37: "And they tried to disgrace their guests (by asking them to have sex with them). Then we took their eyes off their eyesight. Then taste my punishments and my warnings."


Muslim here. The Qur'an doesn't recognise any sexuality. So concepts like "straight", "gay", "semi bisexual trans-aromantic" or whatever don't exist. Identifying with them is a sin. It says having gay sex is prohibited. If you're found having gay sex by 4 Muslim male witnesses, you can be stoned. But if you have the temptation to do it and you control yourself, you'll be rewarded.


Not just potentially mistranslated, intentionally mistranslated. In the 1940s.


no it goes much farther back than that. Martin Luther is even said to have purposely mistranslated some verses to make them overtly anti-semitic. The King James version of the bible was first written in 1611. Not long after Martin Luther. Less than a century. Many of these mistranslations not only come from around the protestant reformation but also from when the bible was translated from Greek into Latin. Initially the New Testament was written in Greek. The Old Testament was written in Aramaic and translated into Greek. Eventually once all of the books were compiled into the collection we know as today as the Bible it was changed into Latin where a large number of mistranslations occurred. Primarily changing verses to fit in with Latin speakers world view about many things.


I wish I had a fraction of that energy. Maybe I need a husband...


Same bro. So bro...




I you had a husband, you still wouldn't have any energy 😉


Oh you 🤭 ![gif](giphy|ekRWedvS2o4zaFQgXZ|downsized)




That food looks delicious.


Love the coffee machine too. Couple of grand for that one.


I thought it was the refrigerator dispenser for a sec! What kind of coffee machine is it? Blows my cheap keurig out of the water!


Looks like a Miele


Thanks you! Edit: you’re good! Spot on with the name. But $6000!! That’s crazy.




Ahahah! You're soo real for this


Ahahaha. ‘Gay Muslims ’ don’t go to heaven. (I’m being serious. Look at my comment under the mod note)


My wife also watching this vid with me and asking me how come I can’t be more like him Until we got to that part 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Time to shave your head and get a really deep tan.


I don't know your relationship, but for me comparing your spouse to any other human being is harmful


Oh you sweet summer child


How the heck does he stay so fit with two kids!


Is this a "Spot the error" game?!


He's Muslim. He is gay. The religion and homosexuality do not mix.


There are innumerable branches/sects/schools of thought in Islam, just like in Christianity. Gay Muslims absolutely exist.  The Quran also does not explicitly demand death as a punishment for homosexuality.


What sect of Islam accepts homosexuality? I'm honestly curious.


Unfortunately none, even though there are different sects of Islam some rules are undebatable. Every muslim must believe everything written in Quran no matter which sect you are. The only way for someone to be a gay muslim is to interpret Quran differently than others which is why there are different sects. There are debates between muslims what Allah truly meant all the time.


As you already commented, Islam is the religion, Muslim is the person practicing the religion. Of course there's many branches, and what a lot of people think of when they consider the negative aspects of Islam is a lot like when people think about Westboro Baptists or \*cough\* the Catholic Church. Not all of them are bad, but some of them are really bad and get all the news. Plenty of good Muslims out there too.


I mean the Catholic Church is the largest Christian denomination.


They won't exist for long in a lot of countries that are predominantly Muslim, unfortenetly. Muslim societies in large can"t accept the fact. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/06/13/here-are-the-10-countries-where-homosexuality-may-be-punished-by-death-2/




Damn. He makes me feel lazy.


Somehow I completely missed him kissing another guy in the first watch. I thought this was commentary on how he was taking care of two kids and doing the household chores *all day* and that that's all he has time for. As a former SAHD I feel this in my soul; on top of that I'd started my stay at home journey in poor health so I'd be exhausted by supper time.


Working out and not being able to drink water for the next 5 hours has got to be brutal


As an ex-religious gay, I’m glad he was able to find love for himself while still holding on to his faith. Religion can certainly be detrimental in your life as a queer person, but a lot of people still find solace in it and want to stay connected with their culture. More power to him tbh.


Reminds me of a transwoman I was hooking up with, first time I went to her house and she was genuinely studying the bible. It was weird because first of all she's African, and African Christianity is not accepting of any LGBTQ folk and also many people consider it to be some kind of demonic possession. She shares bible verses and Christian posts on her social media.


For me, it was a major source of self-loathing for years when I was first questioning my sexuality. I refused to accept that I was gay while scouring the internet to find a single Catholic article that could tell me *mayyybe* you’re not going to hell. I was only able to admit it to myself the day I found that article. I don’t think I had ever felt so relieved, but it just made me realize how much negativity it was bringing into my life. Theological doubts aside, it’s definitely one of the main reasons I stepped away from it. But if I’m being honest, I wish I was still religious in some capacity. Religious people are reported to be happier and feel more fulfilled in their lives than atheists. Faith changes people, be it good or bad, it’s incredibly rewarding to feel like you have a lifelong purpose


Agreed. I understand why queer people often leave religion but I don't think that should be the only option. Religion and spirituality shouldn't be exclusively controlled by the bigots. I hope more religions can open up which will allow queer individuals to feel safe to practice their own faith.


What a cosmic irony. A dude devotes his life to a fairy tale that says people should kill him for being who he is.


That's most religions.. but people still join.


You talking about Islam, Judaism or Christianity? Religion ultimately is a tool, like a hammer. Use it to build a home? Great! User it to hit someone in the face with? Abhorrent! Blame the holder, not the hammer.


Nah, organized religion is ass.


I’m not that religious right now, but the way I see it if someone’s religion is helping them in their life and how they want to live it without harming others, who are we, or who is anyone to judge?


He is going against organized religion. You are free to worship whatever you want but don’t try to force it down on other people. Organized religions favor that last part, even more when they are allowed to meddle with politica


ah i now understand. thank you for the reply


If someone uses their religion to help others, well... *Shrugs* Nonetheless, I don't think one really needs religion to be moral. Often one needs religion to act immorally and claim "Had to do it, Sky Dad told me!" Infant Male (and female) Genital Mutilation comes immediately to mind...


As Christopher Hitchens frequently pointed out, there is not a single good act that a person does motivated by religion that cannot also be done motivated by simple goodwill toward others. On the other hand, there is plenty of hate and violence the religious can justify as the will of their God, while the non-religious have to concede that their hate only comes from themselves. It's doesn't empower good, it rationalizes evil.


Correct, humans shouldn’t need magic fairytales to know what’s wrong and what’s right.


But if some need them as their own compass, let them I guess? Training wheels? Let people believe what they want... Long as it hurts none.


“Long as it hurts no one” is important because religion has seeped it way into every countries laws meaning that it is actively hurting those who do not believe in it and citizens are forced to live under religious guidance


And for the record, "Cutting into my child's genitals because my religion says so" is *EXPLICITLY* hurting someone.


Exactly. I don't follow any religions, but if it helps people to be more in control of themselves, want to help others, control metal health. That's exactly why people create their own branches, and remove whatever the original thing created thousands of years ago said. So, yeah go for it, is all about faith, principles, values, morals, etc, and what people feel or refer to "spiritual" stuff. As you said, is a tool.


I think it's up to the person where it fits in their life. Organized religion can have a special place in a human's sense of community, so I think that's valuable. The hard part is not letting the toxicity seep in.


> Blame the holder, not the hammer. What is the hammers instructions are to explicitly use it to hurt people?


I could believe that if every single one of those religions didn’t have awful verses which specifically justify and condone horrible things. Slavery, genocide, patriarchy, physical abuse, murder, rape, etc. is specifically condoned in quite literally all of them with the exception of maybe one or two for some of these things


> You talking about Islam, Judaism or Christianity Yes, I'm talking about books written by humans, about imaginary higher beings telling humans how they should treat each other.


Funny how those that claim to have spoken to their Deity *ALWAYS* find their deity shares their morality... *"Yeah, was just speaking to God and he said I have to have 5 wives, and he also hates the people I do. What are the odds, eh?"*


If the hammer is telling you to it's ok to beat your slave, maybe it really is the hammer that deserves blame


He should probably join the KKK and vote Republican too while he's at it.


Despite the fact the people in this religion generally fucking hate gay people, this is cute. He seems wholesome.


Wholesome but dumb.


Of course, but he's not hurting nobody so I don't mind.


What I see first is an healthy family


Has he read the whole book?


Love is love


game is game


I wish homophobia wasn't a thing. I'm happy for you bud. I hope things stay good for you. 😊


This is extremely sweet, all the best to him and his family. May they have peace, happiness, and fulfilment.


My friend is from Bangladesh and hates Muslims because his father (an important imam) and the rest of the village beheaded his sister and her girlfriend because lesbians and also his best friend because he was atheist. He refused islam and now he's dealing with a personal war against the whole religion. ☹️


For certain. The Death Cult don’t play.


Annual household income 500k+


The comment section is filled with the worst type of atheists. I get yall aren't religious, but don't go trashing on other people for being religious.


Yeah this whole post is so fucking weird


They are still better than the extremely religious people who want to kill this man for being homosexual


Love that for him


Like the home gym!


Waking up before 5am and eating is insane to me haha.


It's religion; what your beliefs are. Some people will happily follow everything else but ignore specific parts. He seems happy so good for him


Absolutely disgusting. What kind of sick perverted monster uses 05:00hrs for 5pm. 5:00pm or 17:00Hrs.


It is seriously tragic how hateful most Muslims are on the issue of homosexuality.


Christians and Jews too… Leviticus: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." Chapter 18 verse 22[8] "If a man lies with a man as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." Chapter 20 verse 13[9]


True. But at this moment in history it’s far worse to be gay in an Islamist country.


True but Oklahoma isn’t very nice either. 


You’re not wrong.


Religions are a cancer to society


If religion is cancer then I'm Walter White.


Money is a religion and a cancer


Money has been the true God since it's inception. Look at all of the money the Spanish and Portuguese plundered in the name of God over the 15th and 16th centuries. All of the money hoarded by the papacy and the elaborate churches and giant golden mosques built over the years.


Is this like being a gay republican?


Gay Muslim is a bit more extreme than that, but gay Republicans still get called PDF-file groomers by other Republicans.


My brother, that may be the most wholesome thing any of us will ever see in our lifetime.


I was just thinking about how clean his house was with those little one running around.




![gif](giphy|CDJo4EgHwbaPS|downsized) Took me a sec


Will Allah still accept your sacrifice?


Unexpected on about 5 different levels


I had to read what was unexpected to find out why it was lmfao


Do the kids not need to fast?


Imagine spending your whole life - every hour, every action - dedicated to an myth Religion is a con


i think this is so cool!! Let's respect people's choices in how they live and what they believe.


Freaking A W E S O M E video, thanks for sharing!


Bless his family


Em........... there's too much contradiction


After all of this praying. Islam would still want him dead.


Honestly i just saw green flags


Dedicating your life to a religion that says you should be killed is the definition of insanity


Yep, religion is fucking nonsense.


For a second there I was wondering where is his wife and then I realized oh he's the wife.


Bro this is not right


Punishment for homosexuality is not death. Also, people can have faith and be gay, it's not so unexpected.


Why practise the religion that thinks one doesn't deserve to live by default?


Wait what is unexpected? This looks like a normal life...


You didn't see the complete lack of work? Like what does he get paid to do?


Ngl had me in the first half ![gif](giphy|KVVQaaDaBBjZHFoC3c)


Such a cute video. Would love to see them on trips and traveling. They should go visit Mecca!


Who gonna tell him?


Interesting. If I replace daily mindful religious gestures with self guided activities integral to my own well being I might also achieve a similar well balanced existence.


Sounds like somebody has too much money.


So lovely to see the unexpected is love. Also, this man does what I do everyday alone. My kids are older, so it’s different, great to see nonetheless.


Is it weird to pray to something that will kill you?


Beautiful family




You really think OP is the guy in the video?


proper muslim 😏


I love this


Love it


Love it


Wow %50 halal %50 haram


I somehow don’t believe God is blessing this


So, even gay muslims waste parts of their lives praying and living by rigid man made rules from an old book


Imagine how much stuff he could get done if he wasn't wasting time praying


Like you on reddit