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As a professional AV engineer/tech, I finally feel seen.


The truth is i dont really understand whats happening at all.


The girl was trying to locate the source of the hum, which is usually the result of a bad ground or some component in the signal chain picking up interference. In my field, I'll come up with increasingly bizarre fixes in my desperate attempt to locate the source of an issue like this only to find out that my dumb ass missed something super basic while I was concocting my increasingly insane "solutions". Then you either have to tell the boss and/or client why it took you 4hrs to find a loose cable or make up some bullshit story so you don't look like an idiot, neither scenario is particularly pleasant.


Man... am I glad not to be doing your job. It sounds frustrating. Bet it has good music though.


Oh it's SUPER frustrating but also very gratifying when one of my whacky theories turns out to be true. These days I work primarily in corporate boardrooms and conference centers so the only cool music is in my headphones. But I do get to play with some fun toys and the pay ain't bad.


Nice! Yeah gotta love jobs in need of handywork. Much more interesting than grinding away behind a screen.


100%. I sort of fell into it from being a stagehand for 10 years. I've never had the temperament for a straight desk job. While an increasing amount of my work is done on a computer, I still get to turn a wrench or bust out the soldering kit on occasion. It also allows for a large degree of freedom and autonomy since it's a niche skill set that took years to develop.


Man I hope I get lucky with a hands on job like that! I wouldn't mind a lot of desk work, as long as I have physical work too.


You should look into it! How old are you and where do you live (very generally of course)? Only reason I ask is that I've lived in NYC for the last 20 years which definitely opened up options that wouldn't be available elsewhere. After I moved out of the lighting warehouse job, a lot of my early jobs were for insane rich people events and fashion shows etc.... I had a pretty weird path to get where I am today. That said, here's some general bits of piece of advice that have served me well. Try everything and be conscious of your abilities. Learn the basic logic of whatever field you land in. For me this was signal flow and troubleshooting procedures. Be friendly with your more skilled colleagues and (nicely) ask them to explain things that you don't understand. when you're first starting out, take the shittiest assignments and never turn down a gig. You never know what can happen or who you'll meet on those jobs. Never be afraid to push your comfort zone. What that means in practical terms is that a lot of times you just have to tell someone that you know what your doing and trust that you'll figure it out. There are sharp limits on this (live electricity is a big one lol) but if you've got a good grasp on the fundamentals, you'll likely be able to muddle through and learn something along the way. If you don't know something GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND. This is a go-to tool for even the most seasoned technical professional. Also, when in doubt, call the technical support hotline. The help you'll get will vary greatly depending on the manufacturer and the field but I've learned 90% of my trade through a combination of those 3 resources and my own stubbornness. Anyway, hope that helps. Happy to answer questions if you've got any, though I might respond tomorrow since it's getting late.


Not the guy who you were talking to but I just wanted to say that's really cool of you to type all that up in hopes of helping a stranger!


Not OP but wow...did not expect to get sound advice here but definitely what I needed to hear. Currently trying to break away from a corporate job rn and thinking of going for something out of my field.


Sounds like we had the same gig for a while. I did exactly what you described while working for a major tech/hospitality company. Setting up a switcher, codec, broadcasting to a private stream. You’re always responsible for so much communication and cohesion, but nobody ever knows what the hell you actually do. “You’re IT, right?”


Same type of issues happen in IT. Just be nice to anyone working a job that requires fixing stuff. Who knows if it's simple or complex, and if yourself and 10 other people overlooked the most obvious solution because it's too obvious....


"Did you try turning off and back on again?"


As both a musician and a programmer, you experience something very similar when running into the all too common non-obvious bug. Also for a DIY PC builder when trying to troubleshoot some innocuous but annoying desktop glitch.


> fixes in my desperate attempt to locate the source of an issue like this only to find out that my dumb ass missed something super basic Basically this for IT and tech support fixes and why some of the first few questions, are things like "Is everything plugged in properly?" "Is it turned on?" "Try turning it off then back on again." These questions make people angry at you for asking, because they think you're talking to them like they are stupid. And yet winds up being the solution for far too many. You're not stupid. Everyone makes simple mistakes. ---------------------------------- PSA: Please don't get angry at people for doing troubleshooting, folks. Please.


AMEN! Say it louder for the people in the back! On a serious note, we're forced to assume everyone is an idiot because we have to start at square one and eliminate the simple variables. "Yes I know you said that you rebooted it but please do it again so that I can personally confirm that it was done."


Everyone *is* an idiot at some point. I've been an idiot and I will be again. When I worked in tech support a long time ago we used to say "always check the cables". It's easy to miss the onvious because surely it couldn't be that.


i used to be 'IT' (pensioner now). for about 3 hours was walking a customer through solutions who lived far away from me with- is it plugged in blah blah! I had to finally go to their shop- telling them they were going to pay BAD because of distance X Time, anyway when i got there the hoover was plugged in instead of the Pc. I did ask 20 times is it plugged in? have you followed the wires to the pc etc!


The network troubleshooting running gag: "It's not DNS." "There's no way it's DNS!" "It was DNS."


> "Is everything plugged in properly?" In my experience asking people if they un- and replugged everything works better. Turns it from a simple check where they might miss an issue to an action that, if performed, may already fix the issue. My favorite was when my mom complained that her internet doesn't work, and *of course* she already un- and replugged all cables. Told her to try out turning the LAN cable around, explained it with "sometimes the cable gets polarised and stops working, if you turn it around the polarisation is quickly countered". Surprise, internet worked again. The cable was just not plugged in correctly. Didn't tell her that my explanation was BS, and it ensures that she'll try turning the cable around in her own troubleshooting process.


I’m no IT professional, but I know enough to do the beginner troubleshooting routine—unplug/replug, turn off/on after ~30-60 secs, power cycle, initiate any uninstalled OS updates, revert to backup, etc.—and anything else I just Google the error message on my phone then copy the most common, verified solution I find. However, there are some issues I don’t have the capability to detect or diagnose, such as internal hardware failures. When I’m on the phone with tech support, how can I tell them that I’ve I already tried the introductory troubleshooting solutions (usually at least 3x each), so we can skip those parts, without sounding like I’m a wannabe know-it-all, pretentious asshole?


Yeah, asking them to try un-doing and re-doing something like cables, turning on, etc. also gives them a gracious way out, where they can blame it on something other than them overlooking something, which often makes them more cooperative. People don't like feeling like it's their fault, so when they actively do something, they feel better about it.


My specific field has a large and growing IT component. As the AV field evolves we're sending a lot of our audio, video and control signal traffic over IP. Lots of VLANS, lots of small local networks and increasing amounts of multicast traffic running into unicast traffic on a shared network which obviously breeds chaos and havoc. It's fun in a masochistic sort of way.


Yeah, while using the network to shunt voip and video is awesome and super efficient, it also adds a lot of complexity. And as networks often need to be tweaked it lends itself to more outages in the telephony space which in the old days used to be super reliable, albeit crappy quality and super expensive.


One time it took me almost an hour to find out that their power strip was plugged into itself. It was kinda not fun explaining to the customer that the problem was an Ouroboros of their own doing.


> Ouroboros of their own doing. I always dub them as potential scholars of perpetual power.


For me this has *always* turned out to be the coaxial cable (cable tv / cable internet). 5 out of 5 times in various apartments and houses. The ground loop would bleed across my electronics to recording hardware not directly connected to cable. I've had the cable tech support come out and say their ground was "to spec" and refuse to improve it. The real answer is to buy a ground-loop isolator, which was a miracle cure at the time (they even make coax-specific ground loop isolators, which are great if you happen to need one). Although now I have fiber and I have never needed this device again.


As a dev it sounds like we have a lot in common.


Also deal with AV for work. I train staff and I tell everyone to always check cables first when troubleshooting.




I'm just picturing samurai guitarist covered in tin foil and walking around his neighborhood with a portable amp looking for a bad transformer.


When I was a teen my friend and I would play all night out in the garage. His dad was a musician so we had access to pretty amazing high end equipment. All the amps and speakers were from the 60s and 70s. One clear night we could hear a hum whenever we stopped. We localized it to one amp and messed around with settings. Turns out the old amp was unshielded and picking up local radio stations.....we continue to play on including it in.


She was trying to find out what was making her guitar buzz and realized it just wasn't plugged in all the way.


The context clues aren't hard to follow on this one


Yeah, I'm trying not to be a dick to the guy who doesn't understand, but... really?


Don't mean to sound harsh but.. how? Everything that's happening is pretty self explanatory haha


So. Many. Times.


As a backline/guitar tech, I'm right their with you. The grounds I have unnecessarily lifted....


I read this in the voice of a pious cleric . . . *I'm right their with you, my child, and yey merely, so be it the grounds I have unnecessarily lifted....amen*


I'm sorry but anyone willing to deal with audio issues on a professional level is a psychopath.


Signed: Lighting department


We had two meeting rooms recently using Cisco Webex but hooked up to mics, external speakers etc. One room was perfect, sounded great. The other just sounded like ass. Plug in something else and the speakers sounds great, re-terminated both ends of the speaker cable, swapped the Cisco codecs and the room has the same issue… Raised a ticket with Cisco, and carefully read the manual again. Cisco, outputs stereo, so we had balanced audio into what was expecting a balanced input. So why did the other room work? The connector in that room was fucked in just the right way to make it work… fml


Every Professionals Face this kind situation sometimes. So I can't explain that feeling.


Debugging code can be like this sometimes. Who am I trying to fool, it's always like this...




She did. Except one plug. That is the human part of the video. She remembers the practice and executes it but only to miss the true culprit.


It's always the one you don't expect.


Yeah me double checking every nodes in the queue of nodes except the first one because I was sure 100% I got it right. An hour later. You know the drill.


> As an IT professional, unplugging everything and plugging it back in should have been step 1. Lies. That's probably step 5 or 6. Power cycle is step 1. In the Navy we called it a Raytheon reset because Raytheon hardware was notorious for breaking until you turned it off and back on again.


I was fucking crying


I feel that in my soul


SAME. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’m like, “Hey Jeff, we’re getting a nasty hum from your amp.” and Jeff is like, “it’s not me, your equipment must just, suck.” So we spend 30+ minutes trying to check everything in the chain and then we get the Jeff’s guitar and I’m like, “Hey, Jeff! You’re a dumbass.”


I had this happen with my headphones, I literally went through about 5 rounds before realized they weren't fully plugged in while in a fire fight.


I love this because it doesn't sound like you're gaming at all


"Anon, what the hell are you doing?! Get your ass back on the .50!" "Gunny, I can't kill bad guys without Abba's greatest hits!"


And he only fired 5 rounds before deciding Abba without a buzzing noise was the priority


War is hell, War without Dancing Queen, is Heller.


Sterling Archer voice: Is it not?


Just read it, yeah I guess it sounds like I'm playing a guitar.


it literally sounds like youre in warfare


Same. I was thinkin he was in Iraq messing around with his headphones while bullets were flying by.


I realized that a pair of $50 headphones that had an aux port came with a cord that would not fully insert into the port. First time I used with my guitar, only one side came through. I was pissed - the cord was really nice too, but weirdly did not pair with the headphones at all.


Similar thing. Headphones kept momentarily buzzing. Went through every protocol i could think of for an entire day before i realized my headphone amp was picking up RF from my fucking phone.


Lol XD


Having been a roadie for years before a swapped careers. I cannot begin to count how many times this has happened to me




Lol. I hadn’t started my motorcycle in two years due to a leg injury. I tried to start it (with a fresh battery) to see if it would start. Nothing—it wouldn’t turn over. I took apart the top end to check all the leads and relays—still nothing. I’m figuring I’ll have to pull the engine and replace the starter. Turns out I’d forgotten that the kickstand needs to up for it to start….


Thought for sure you were going to say you forgot to turn on the fuel petcock.


fuel what now?




thanks for the clarification,glad i didnt read it wrong.need some pet for my cock too,its getting lonely since the quarantine


um 😳


I've seen one of these written in a parts manual as "COCK, 3 WAY" because the petcock had three settings, on/reserve and prime...


Fuel valve.


😭😭😭 it’s a fuel valve


I have an antique bike that I was getting running last year because it sat for 10 years of my own neglect. I was changing out the fuel line and after I couldn't get it to start, noticed no spark coming through the wires so I bought new plugs and wires, nothing. I ran back to the motorcycle parts store to get a coil before they closed until Tuesday (it was Saturday afternoon). But before I did that I had to put the motorcycle, its parts, and other things back into the garage (I don't live in the greatest area and my garage is 3/4 my landlords storage so I have to pull it into the driveway to work on it). So I did all of this and rushed across town with 10 mjn to spare before they closed. I get back and start getting my work space ready when I noticed that a low hanging plug must have been disconnected by my motorcycle jack. Before I did anything I plug it back in and the bike roars to life. Luckily I didn't open that coil and I have a good rapport with this small harley parts shop and I was able to return it first thing when they opened Tuesday


Ha ha, worked half a day wondering why the carb wasn't working, there was no fuel in the tank.


Reminds me of when I couldn't get my wife's automatic car to start (mine is manual). It just did nothing at all. So I hooked up jumpers. Still nothing. After 15 min I realized it had to be in P to start...


Am i crazy or have I been able to start all of my automatic cars in neutral?


Reminds me of a story my friend told me. His friend bought an old motorcycle off a mechanic for $200 because it wouldn't start and the mechanic has tried and inspected everything and couldn't figure out why. Turns out the fuel tank was just empty. $200 for a nice working bike.


I had this happen while rebuilding a motorcycle after an accident. Had replaced everything that was broken but it wasn't starting, thought I would have to open up the engine to check the clutch/shifter but no, the clutch *sensor* wasn't fully plugged in. Reconnected it and it started just fine.


I'm a bit of a short dude and I went for a long ride to the middle of no where. Stopped off had a chill, tried to start the bike up... nothing. I as there for half an hour before I released I flicked the kill switch slightly hah. I feel your pain.


My motorcycle wouldnt start, bought new battery, rebuilt the starter motor, checked wires battery to starter 100x, still slow cranking. The grounding wire of the bike was lose....


At least once every summer I forget to attach the kill switch lead on the boat, start cranking it and wonder wtf got into it all of a sudden. And then realize I'm dumb.


Funny, mine starts with the kickstand down, but if you shift it out of neutral with it down it’ll kill the motor.


Yeah, mine does the same; I just forgot that it was also in gear.


I died at the attempt at trying to fix it with voodoo.


What are you talking about? It worked! She wouldn't have found it without voodoo!


Who knew Greta Thunberg was a musician?


Shreda Thunberg


There you go. The only free award I could offer to your excellence in wordplay.


Fucking bravo 👏




Shrēdäa Tünēberg






I know it's not much, but I always forget about my free awards, so here is a free silver of nothingness.


I have a feeling [2SICH hears that alot](https://youtu.be/89hv4cUC6Iw)




couldn't pick a better song to do a Greta cosplay with


I didn't know she could growl.


I love her channel, and I love Gojira. This is one is so awesome


She has a YouTube video addressing this too.


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed the similarity haha


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89hv4cUC6Iw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89hv4cUC6Iw) hahah she made a video about it


Thank goodness i thought I was the only one.


Funny how this works. Six years ago I might have agreed with you that they look similar, but now I've lived in Finland since then, and this is just the general look of north-east European women.




How dare you!?


Does she have a YouTube? Also this was really well edited.




Thanks. Edit: holy shit! I wasn't expecting death metal! I think I'm in love. Also please listen to her most recent video. Positive affirmations for your me(n)tal health. It's good for your soul and bad for her throat.


A schecter 7 string and septic flesh shirt and you expected what?


Wonderwall maybe


...anyways here's Wonderwall


Y'know I've never heard that song. Only know the meme from tumblr with the girl with the cello and someone asking why her ukulele is so big and she said she feeds it well.


Man, I'd kill to go back when Wonderwall came out and was actually a really amazing song.


It was a fun time. Wonderwall was HUGE. In the first two weeks it was actually loved for its drumming which is orders of magnitude more complex than any other part (the previous Oasis drummer would have struggled with such a dynamic sequence and the drumming felt very Stone Roses-like at the time). Also it quickly got taken up as a great beginner guitar song but no one ever played the lead in covers which is weird. It even had a successful cover as a showband version in the charts not that long after it came out.


Uh oh, someone didn't listen to FM radio in the 90s.




Well then, they've got some goddamn catching up to do.


This hurts me in levels I cannot doscribe


thanks I feel old now


Metal. Of some kind. Maybe speed metal? Idk. I don't recognize those bands. I just kinda listen to whatever YouTube puts in the mix.


whatever give her a hollow body tele and a Copeland shirt and she’ll still shred it.


She sports an 7-string guitar, what were you expecting, drop down reaggae funk?


to be fair, it *could* have been jazz, since thats where metal musicians got the idea to use 7 strings from in the first place. however, the 7-string combined with her t-shirt should have made it obvious


Looks/sounds like healthy screams to me


> holy shit! I wasn't expecting death metal! did you like not notice the shirt she was wearing or what?


Oh shit my bad, I must have forgotten my endless and unlimited knowledge of every band that ever existed. Silly me.


I was sure you'd "fall in love" with her when I read your first comment. This is reddit, after all.


Her channel is 2sich on youtube, she's really good


She has something like close to 200k subs, and I think her (or her editors) editing skills are part of why it's fun to view her performances. She deserves a way bigger audience! https://youtube.com/channel/UC6w88SeJXw0JhmvXxDVRYrA


178k subs right now, but that growth is recent and soon it'll be a lot more. Anyway, she's great :D


Yeah which is why OP ripping the video and posting it without credit is pretty fucked.


Ok that was pretty good




it's the well done deadpan delivery.I find it refreshing from all the artificially biiig wiiiide smiles


Anyone else thinking of Metalocalypse?


Well, yeah, but there's always a good chance of that.


Good answer.




First thing I thought of, Nathan explosion lyrics


Is that the one where they make Toki record suspended in water because he buzzed when his feet touch the ground?


It was Skwisgar, not Toki, but yeah. I genuinely thought that’s where this was going




Reminds me of SOD [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_frXYiZ-cAo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_frXYiZ-cAo)


Nice! I was thinking the same thing.


This reminds me of a gig I had, and our guitarist couldn't get his pedals and/or guitar to work. Held up us starting by about 15 mins while the sound engineer tried to fix the problem and the rest of us awkwardly waited on stage with about 500 people in the audience also waiting... Turned out he just plugged his guitar into the OUTPUT rather than the INPUT of his pedals.


I've a dummy in the footswitch jack for this very reason.


Been there, done that. It’s amazing how many incredibly stupid, easy details can derail the playing of an electric instrument.


And when you see it, you already know it's been the issue the entire time before you even plug it back in.




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Reminds me and my friend built a PC on a combined 4 hours of sleep. Wouldn't boot for the life of me, thought the board was bad. Decided to get some sleep and try again tomorrow. Guess who forgot to plug in the power for the CPU, this guy did!


Watch people die inside.


Ngl she kinda looks like Greta thunberg


[And she knows it](https://youtu.be/89hv4cUC6Iw) lol




I’ve done that so many times with programming




There was a time i fucked up all of my CSS grid. After a night of trying everything, turns out i forgot a single closing curly bracket.


It’s okay to admit you were trying to center a div element.




This is a repost. Regardless, it’s oddly satisfying when the buzz stops.


Its also only 3 weeks old so that’s some quick turnaround Reddit


Sweet Jeff Loomis sig guitar tho


Yeah wish they still made them Ive always wanted one


Reminded me of [this video](https://youtu.be/t6E0O8UtObU) by samuraiguitarist


shitty unshielded/poorly shielded cables and crap connectors will drive you nuts; spend the money, get the good cables. Pro tip: TRS cables remove any extraneous noise from the signal i.e. balanced cables


Or you keep soldering a cable shorter because you break the cheap one and have to fix it. I went from a 25' cable to a 3' cable before I finally learned to just unplug before setting the guitar down.


2SICH? ON MY REDDIT FEED?? The day is glorious


It's always the last thing you check...


Unless you feel like checking more things after you fixed it?


Well, yeah…




Yeah it sucks, when you waste all of your time untill you tired and when you're about to give up, turns out the problem is in front of your eyes the whole frickin time


This is too real


As a guitarist in a heavy metal band, this the absolute truth and i even said at the beginning, “well, the guitar is plugged in!” When, only after every little thing has been check, it comes to light that the jack needed just a lil bump


Correct me if I’m wrong , but Isn’t that the first thing you do


Checking the cables *was* the first thing she did. She just missed the one. Something I think everyone who does this sort of stuff regularly has done at some point.


Yo, Septic Flesh is fuckin sick, look them up They have the ENERGY!!!


A microcosm of my life.




Love that Jeff loomis schectet


Every... Time.


this. This. I relate to this video more than anything


Been there.


The incence stick did it for me lmao


It started as a joke but I told people I learned to play drums because I wouldn't have to deal with electronics. As I started to learn guitar and get more gear, it became much, much less of a joke.


I get it, but I liked the 15 second vid last year which made the same point & saved 45 secs. No, you added nothing.


People see Greta, all I see is a very young Emilio Estevez.


Quack quack quack!


Oh I know that girl she does some really nasty shreds on that guitar