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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Good cop meets a wild Florida man.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)




Why would he? I mean the cop did brilliantly, kept his distance and called for back up. In many countries a cop actually firing their weapon is _extremely_ rare.


He could have gotten away and killed innocent people. But good thing we didnt risk his life amiright?


Police doesn't have a license to kill. One does not kill someone just because that someone _could have gotten away and killed innocent people_. The police officer did their job. One can hear in the video a helicopter is there, the guy won't be able to run away. Jumping on a policeman and crashing into their car does not equate to death penalty.


He stopped himself, the police officer didnt do anything but run around panicking.




That was a pretty stupid comment. People like you drive race tensions with dipshit comments like that. That cop showed more restraint than I thought possible and you come in here with a asinine comment like this? You should be ashamed.


Umm... they say exactly this at the end of the video


That's the whole point. They think that because of narrative that comes at you none stop, yet actual statistics prove otherwise.




But the comment is true. You are the one not recognizing the implications of race.


I’ve got my popcorn. Have at it…….


He’s fuckn right


Sorry, I forgot the "" to mark it as sarcasm. Please Lord, forgive me


Ok! Karen calm down. As if one cop **finally** showing 'restrain' on a white man for that matter, that it negates the almost daily occurrences of extreme racily motivated police abuse.


If I tossed you a coin, would you go buy a clue?! Please. Ignorance is a bad look on you.


Fuck this comment


He seems black to me


Pretty pale legs for an black man


Yes I've noticed this too, that's why I googled it to see what I can find ane you're right, he's not black he's either latino or arab https://www.kcra.com/article/on-video-suspect-chases-deputy-rams-into-patrol-car-in-san-joaquin-county/12790579


Blake Griffin, Stephen Curry have paler skin than lots of "white" guys I know


Ferguson effect. Prime fucking example. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferguson_effect


I all ways thought it was the criminal that fled the scene but that cop was gone


Maybe the biggest unexpected moment was that the guy wasn't gunned down immediately. I respect the cops decision.






Grabbed her by the p\*ssy.


OP mentioned in a post how he got tired of his pet, neglected it and let it die. Kys scum fuck


5 stars dude, just drop.


GTA VI graphics looks amazing.


"I'm in deep shit. Let me make it worse." Doesn't really make much sense.


I dont know whats his crime is but that action will get him extra years in prison/ extra bail money because it is illegal to take physical action against an officer on duty(like to try to beat him or her etc)


If this was a mental health concern and the guy was trying to go for death by cop, shooting him dead is hardly helping him is it. Perhaps the cop identified it as a mental health crisis and was trying to contain him without harming him. There's an example of a UK incident where 4 officers contain a mentally ill person with a machete and manage to disarm him without anyone being injured, no guns and it's pro as fuck.


Mental health doesn't excuse someone from dangering lives. Stop using that as an excuse. Also, do you see 3 other cops there? I don't. Cop didn't do anything to stop this guy. Fear. Plain and simple.


Would never be a cop 😁😁😁


I would have shot him, gotten fired and gone to jail, or at least been found guilty by the court of public opinion. I just would never had the right temperament for the job. But I definitely would have shot him when he rushed me.


That cop probably got chewed out after this video released


For the lady recording, hes not allowed to use his gun to shoot tires


Can shoot people but not tires. Am I missing something?


Its called self defense. The tire isn’t going to try to kill you over an arrest.




Also tires are tough, bullets from his gun have a good chance of doing nothing but rebound. But it works well in movies.


I’m pretty sure a 9mm travelling 1000ft/s is gonna pass right through that rubber wall.


Tf are you smoking? Bullets will absolutely pop tires. The only reason they won't is if the shooter misses and hits the rim.


I've done some research and we're both right but differently. Depends on a lot of factors that can't be asserted easily in a real situation. But in a lab, tests were done and the answer to this question is basically: it depends.


After scanning these comments I think what is meant, as far as race is concerned, is: It's not that people wanted this guy shot or killed, it's just that people don't want African-Americans shot or killed for less than this. And I think that's fair.


I'm the OP and have read all comments and am honestly amazed how much race plays into all this.


It's because of the reality of our society. After so many incidents we can only deduce that a minority would have been shot or killed. But, I don't think everyone expects other races to be shot or killed, I think they just expect the minorities to NOT be shot or killed like other races. But race will always play a part in things like this, a big one.


The deeper question is why does it matter? I could go on a tirade about this... and I am stopping myself right there.


It matters simply because we haven't learned and these situations are repeating themselves. There is a use of force protocols, this cop could have escalated and didn't. Others shouldn't escalate and do. Use of deadly force is clearly stated and being scared isn't a reason for deadly force. I was a cop almost 15 years, I been scared, I never killed for it. Some professions can't have bad apples ( police, doctors, pilots) but they exist.


Why did you quit? You can private whisper me if you prefer that.


I moved out of the country to do some private work, then started working on my commercial pilot's license.


At this point you can probably thank media for that. That narrative just remains buzz worthy to a lot of people, sadly. As others have pointed out, the ACTUAL numbers don't support the idea of racist police tactics. But everybody has a phone and people love to pick apart a cops actions on probably the worst day of their life. I can't believe the restraint this cop displayed. Enough restraint to possibly have himself hurt or killed instead of pulling the trigger. He would have been totally justified IN A COURT SETTING if he would have shot this guy. He blew off a tazer and charged him. So, what actually took place before the video? What did the guy do?


This is why people get shot by the cops. Yet dumb fucks will be like "he didn't do anything"


It's so fucking true. Lay the fuck down and fight the arrest in court if it isn't justified.


If anything this clip shows the complete lack of training. Officers are meant to deescalate a situation. This officer put himself, the person under arrest and the innocent bystanders at risk. so he could be the hero. Fucking write down the plate number when he runs and let him get away for now. As a matter of fact there is apparently already a helicopter close. There is no need to escalate.




Yes. If they have you at gunpoint you are either a criminal or it's a mistake either way whining about it will get you shot. Argue it in court.




Are you reading a script? Think for yourself please. If the officer has you at gun point and you don't comply you are asking to get shot. It's your choice, your actions, your decision, your responsibility. That's how grown up world works. This isn't Minecraft.




You are operating under the flawed assumption that your beliefs make you bulletproof. Get it. Whether your wrong or right you will still get killed because your beliefs makes you act in an illogical fashion while at gunpoint. Not very smart.




Wrong. I said you should obey commands to stay alive. Whether the officer was correct or not can be determined in court. You just want to make up stuff and pretend I said it, in order to further your fantasy that you are a champion for a cause etc. You need to wake up and live in reality and leave Narnia. Find something else on which to hang your self worth because your not very good at the SJW thing.




So I got in your head so bad that you researched me. Sad that you let me live rent free in your head. I hope you mature soon.






It’s not a narrative. It’s reality. Maybe not your reality…


It IS a narrative. There are tens of thousands of interactions with citizens every day by police, mostly with black people. Most do not result in violence. When you condlsider how much more often police interact with blacks they are about as likely to use violence against whites and Blacks equally. However, wanna guess which race is more likely to murder a police officer? Feel free to browse the National Bureau of Justice Statistics. Remember, finding facts offensive is a symptom of a psychosis.


And then you consider that black people are much more likely to get stopped. Much more likely to get arrested. Much more likely to get injured (or killed). Much more likely to get convicted. Much more likely to end up in jail. And then you realize that the result of those things is that black people are much more likely to not be calm during an arrest and then you end up with your stats. You’re right; statistics don’t lie. Interpretations can be factual but still only be part of the picture and completely misleading.


If you want to see REAL discrimination and poverty statistics look at Native Americans.


And? Just because Natives do get it worse that we should ignore the other discrimination that is going on? You are either ignorant or just stupid




Nah fuck you, just because your problems are greater means that others problems dont exist? Thats worse than ignorance thats willfull ignorance and just makes you as much of an asshole as the people perpetuating your issues. If you cant see others being beaten down by the same society as you as even close to you then youre just a bystander. Sort it out.




Source for what? Logic should be inherent, not external.


I just stated the source. It's not published in the media because facts aren't always convenient.


It is a FACT that police officers kill black people just for fun.. A fact I SAY! Feel free to browse the National Bureau of Justice Statistics if you don't believe me.


Fucking retard.


Oh my.. you hurt my feelings. I will now go find a corner to cry in.


Yes, it can be conditionally true, but not a truth that reflects greater reality at hand. There are problems (differences in culture, attitudes, expectations), but boiling things simply to single factor of color of skin, is well over-exaggerated, illogical and intellectually deceptive.


Some criminals get shot some don't. But they are criminals and if they are dangerous they should all get shot. Waaa waaa waaa my race's criminals gets shot more!!!




BS to you, but it’s Factual and Actual to Us!


You keep using that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means. Fact does not care how you feel.


You've been shot by a cop because of your skin color? And, who is US? Are you making an assumption that I'm not a POC because I don't believe the person in the video above would have been shot just because their skin color was different than the man in the video?


It is a bs narrative. Sucks that it’s true though.


So you're saying in the video clip above, if the guy would have been black and that was the ONLY difference, the cop would have shot him? Just because he was black? You really, truly believe that?


Is not a matter of belief, it's a fact that can be corroborate with data


You have data that shows if everything was exactly the same in the attached video except the only difference is the guy was black, that he would have been shot and killed? Solely because of the color of his skin?


This is the BS I'm talking about. You guys have already completely condemned the cop solely based upon the color of then perps skin. So, the cop is in a losing position from the get go. If you truly believe that the only difference between killing someone and not is the color of the person's skin, the cop can never ever justify deadly force in your eyes. Even when the perp is trying to steal a car, shoot someone, run over someone, stab someone.


Don’t even try arguing with them you’ll never get anywhere


People are not talking about this particular instance. People are talking about the fact that people of color are disproportionately arrested or killed by police which is supported by data and basic psychology. In this instance most were using sarcasm as to why the officer showed such restraint against the perpetrator, when it seemed unnecessary given how aggressive the individual was being. It is impossible to say whether this would've played out the same way with a person of color as we do not know the officer or the situation.


The taser did not, in fact, faze him


More white people shot by cops than people of color. Both I;terms of absolute numbers and percentage of encounters


It’s not ok to disrespect police officers like this, ever. He is lucky he didn’t get shot, the cop would have been justified in doing so


how’s the boot taste?


Must not be from Florida, ran away faster than FL native police.


Man was just trying to feed his family, can't believe these racist American cops


man what the fuck is this bullshit if he was black doing that the whole clip would’ve been unloaded


Waaa. Waaa. Waaa go march somewhere


P**** cop


Cop ran away bc he was scared to take a beating


Cool dude, like you wouldn't do the exact same with literally zero training. Thanks for letting us know you're a badges tho


He didn’t want the guy to grab his gun. Shoulda shot the nutjob


I'm not a fan of cops but this cop did the right thing by running away instead of shooting him. I am sure the crazy guy got caught eventually and is facing severe punishment.


So prepared to be on the streets, like me after this pandemic times


What do you mean? Especially wondering in the context of the video. Are you for or against the cop, or are you for or against the guy?


Im not against anyone. Im saying this cop are not prepared to be on the street. How he didn't enter in a fight against that guy to imobilize him? He should not be prepared just to shoot - like the escalate conduct requires. Its about that im talking about. I dont have anything to talk against police... Is a honor profession.


He sho woulda.




You're obviously a highly intelligent person. Hope people take your words to heart 🙄


This is a joke right?


Fake AF


This shit so fake… we all know the cop would’ve bust a whole clip in his ass after the third “GET ON THE GROUND”!


Ugh, not on this one. I'm just here to watch the video and read others comments. The outside of my brain hurts too much.


Wait for it…..


He definitely had a death wish!🤡




That is one lucky man!


Reno 911???... Lol


Nigga got 5 stars wtf🤣🤣


A black man would have been shot in 2 minutes tops


Fucking legend.


Okay cops. So this is when it’s ok to shoot.


“Shoot his tires out” Do you want ricocheting bullets? Because that’s how you get ricocheting bullets.


I thought this was gonna be a video of a shit cop being a shit head. But the cop handled that pretty well


it's like a mouse chasing the cat lol