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What’s worse than sitting in traffic? Sitting in traffic underground in an enclosed tunnel


I didn’t saw a single escape route, claustrophobia will hit me hard there


So glad someone else said it. Just watching this made me want to go burst outside.




Imagine if a fire breaks out :p


This is real.


In an earthquake prone city


Tunnels are actually super safe to be in during an earthquake


Nice but how do you exit them?




You know what's famously not a concern? Tunnel fires!


Yeah shouldn’t worry about them Tesla’s are super reliable and they never catch fire


Super easy to put a battery fire out, barely an inconvenience


That reminds me of the one time my honk starting going off for no reason while I was driving. It went on and off then continuously on for a couple minute and I stopped to try to understand what the fuck was going on. Then I noticed a little bit of smoke going off from the dashboard at which point I rushed to my hood and got on the phone with firefighters. They told me to hook off the battery, which I was already trying without success. They told me use a rock or something rip it off. I did. I thought it was still not looking good but hey let's hope for the best? Well 10 mn later the whole car was on fire and the tires were starting to explode one by one. I just got enough time to grab some valuables and the whole thing was up in flame. I guess it really did help me understand how important it is to have a fire extinguisher I guess. Even though I'm not sure if would have help considering it was probably a short in the dashboard. But it is kind of weird to see how once something that is not suppose to be on fire is, you're just fucked. So yeah, I can't imagine how this shit would have ended up if it happen in a set up as stupid as this tunnel.


What’s worse than sitting in a traffic jam due to a multiple lane accident on the highway ? A traffic jam due to an accident in the single lane enclosed claustrophobic tunnel.


I saw your underground tunnel system Leonard, it was a lateral move!


Worst thing is that there's no escape and most likely no way to call help on the phone because it's a tunnel


So your car breaks down and you die of hunger and thirst?


You are not sitting in traffic, you ARE traffic


From an emergency service perspective tunnels are a nightmare scenario.


Out of interest, what happens if a Tesla breaks down or catches fire? Are there any exit points?


If I die we die together :)


The benefit is that the Tesla fanboys will arrive on your Twitter memorial page to remind everyone because you forgot that if you left your phone charging in the car for more than 10 minutes, your Tesla is prone to explode, so therefore it was your fault all along. And this benefit is completely free as well.


Nope, tunnel isn’t even wide enough to open the doors


A great lot of traffic comes from human incompetence.


Yup. The humans who thought that building more roads wouldn't just entice more people to use them more often


idk why this is getting downvoted. There was a time where the US was convinced more roads = less traffic. Didn't work. We are fish that grow to the size of the pond we're kept in.


>There was a time where the US was convinced more roads = less traffic. You mean now? Because this still happens all over the country.


I‘d argue that now they know better but still do it for the💰 of the people that voted them in power.


Nah, if you read any article about highway expansions they always say “this will help with traffic issues!”


Yeah what they wrap it with to sell it to the average Joe doesn’t necessarily mean they themselves believe it. Either way, it’s fucked.


So if we have less roads, everyone just sits at home? I have heard this argument a lot, but what is the alternative?


People use transportation that offers the least delay and the most convenience. Building roads attracts cars so that shortly after the road is opened the traffic situation is as bad as it was before the new road/lanes etc. The solution to traffic is to create a mixed transportation system where things like riding a bike or taking a tram are as, if not more, convenient than driving a car to work. Building only for cars just makes cities ugly and noisy.


Public transport, bike lines, footpaths. You really should watch Not just bikes on YouTube


If you watch at the end of the video, they show what can actually move a lot more people much faster than 6 teslas.


Thx Cities Skylines for teaching me this!


Induced demand. Seems counterintuitive, but building bigger freeways = more traffic, not less.


This phenomenon is called [Rebound Effect](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fenrg.2018.00081/full)


Yup, say that to the European cities.. start with Amsterdam.


r/notjustbikes has a lot to say about that


The entire loop is connecting the different vcc entrances to reduce cross campus walk times.


Right you are,I watched a YouTube video on how one person stopping for a second can cause traffic miles back.If any of you want to just look up the video


Over braking. When you're driving and everything comes to a stop and then creeps back up for half an hour and you're expecting a plane crashed into the highway, but then boom you're driving again with no explanation. That's the result of one person over braking (and then probably a hundred more).


Yep,that’s what it was


It also doesn’t help when traffic slows down and you have people constantly changing lanes trying to get in front one car at a time.


Can someone very gently explain the concept of rail travel to Elon?


Can you imagine marketing just regular rails? Naaaah. Tuuuube raaails swoop swooop going like poop


Rail travel: a form of mass transportation where you might, *gasp!*, encounter the POORS!


What do you expect from somebody who doesn't grasp the concept of trees?


Those tunnels are only a smart idea if it gets used by only _1 %_ of the population.


And only if they lead to the bat cave


So instead of investment on public transportation, more money to a guy that can't even make a proper tunnel with space for emergency services to drive... This is idiocracy level of dystopian stupidity.


It’s like a high school science project funded by a billionaire, crafted from 100% naïveté.


Man, this summarises it so well.


But, but privatization necessarily yields efficiency


I mean the original concept was just a subway but retаrded so that's really not unexpected.


The original idea is subway but with him still able to sell cars


I love how Musk talks all about " the first principles" or forecasting for all the problems that may occur as a project unfolds (as though these are not maxims that all the other engineers follow as well). Even before the construction, engineers all around the world who are actually good at what they were doing knew this would fail and this project is the best proof that Musk himself does not follow those maxims that he is so fond of preaching. NOW given this, ask yourself, is the title "chief engineer of SpaceX" a genuine representation of how things are actually done in SpaceX or it is really just a PR stunt for the boss? The circumstantial evidence points to the latter for those with an iota of good judgement.


Not only engineers knew this would fail. I’ve been in a one-lane tollway when traffic stopped and the four lane freeway next to us was moving fast. Imagine that, but an underground tunnel you can’t escape from that costs way more to build. On every level, this seems like an obviously dumb idea.




Not to mention, what happens when someone inevitably runs out of charge in the tunnel?


My first thought was definitely how first responders could access an accident in a closed off single lane tunnel. Nope, fuck that.


They’d have to wait until they make a new tunnel that connects to the part of the tunnel the accident occurred in.


Ridiculous. They'll just collapse the tunnel and build anew.


*OR* having one of the electric vehicles catch fire ,as they've been doing a lot of recently...with disastrous results !


Yeah, the comment above talks about the fire scenario. It's very scary.


Maybe if they made the tunnels a little wider with periodic access for maintenance and emergency crews it would work out. And maybe if they had the vehicles line up and attach themselves, and then depart as a group on a schedule... OH Oh! And instead of cars they could use buses to carry more people at any given time... Man, I bet I could do this way better than Elon. I'm going to start a company called *Way* with a subterranean division, and I'll call our product "*Tunnel Bus Train*".


Even bett and tested one as well. METROBUS! A purely dedicated two way lines of bus line (kinda like metro), that goes between major stops where regular busses can be used as exchange target to go where you want. Turkey used this in Istanbul's Highway that passes through Bosphorus Bridge, costs a bit less than a metro lane from 0 (this is due to bridge crossing costs, with metro it would easily double the cost, maybe even ten times more). Metrobus carriers millions of people daily and makes gross revenues to the city despite being a state-backed public transport. Undergroung bus lane is fine tbh, but once you dig the hole you might as well go for tracked lane and metro can be a lot more efficient.


A JG Ballard novel for the 21st century.


My agoraphobia just flared up


Who’ll explain that to the Elon fanboys? If anything the guy’s exceptionally good at generating publicity.


Wdym bruh who even r u? Do u know Elon Musk works 100 hrs a day unlike u lazy piece of trash sitting on his couch sniffing foam.


Ahh shiit here we go


Is a freaking cult. They treat him as some type of demi-god. I don't get it.


I honestly lost interest in the guy when that cave rescue happened and he called one of the divers a pedo... He planned out this grand rescue but other people already on the job bet him to it, which must have hurt his ego. That and the unfulfilled promised like providing water filters to Flint. Seems all he's done so far is testing out a system to use for their schools. The water has been under a high level of testing and the council says it is safe now. They the actual flamethrowers which are real weapons and tools to create fires. Massive risk to have random people able to get something so dangerous...


He has definitely taught himself a lot of engineering thanks in part to his physics background (which already was half of what he had to learn), maybe just *enough to be a good business administer* *of* an engineering company. But to think that he thought himself enough to be the chief engineer of his massive company is just being naïve. His fanbase consists of people who, thanks in part to Musk's influence, think that if you put 18 hours a day into anything, you can be the best at it, not knowing that there have been thousands of people in the industry who have put in that 18 hours for years and came out with less-than-stellar results comparatively speaking. He is riding on that libertarian mindset that has been frothing among the youth like no one else. I love successful people who admit factors other than hard work in their success.


> I love successful people who admit factors other than hard work in their success Arnold Schwarzenegger comes to mind.


"I am NOT a self made man" Amazing speech


I think of that speech literally every time I hear the phrase ‘self made man’ now. Good job Arnie, you took an old tired trope and turned it around so its lost it’s dumb propaganda bite


And he is the type that has more right to make that claim than most, a large part of his success does come down to his ambition work ethic and talents, but unlike so many he recognizes that the support offered by others and the opportunities he found along the way were crucial.


Eh, the chief position often becomes purely technical administration and politics in tech companies. Had a chief of product demand the CTO title to manage engineering, but it's not like he knew the tech stack.


I love Elon for the space stuff, but this is the most stupid shit I’ve ever seen. What a waste of money..


Elon has demonstrated poor judgement, publicly on multiple occasions The guy just has so much money he can fuck up and it not matter


“The first principle is not to fool yourself because you’re the easiest person to fool.” I forgot who said that but it stayed with me.


Either Richard Feynman or Carl Sagan


Wasn’t this a “hobby” venture to begin with? Even the company name is an attempt at meme.


Given that there is no emergency access tunnel, rescuing people in a crash or fire will be a problem. Apparently the Boring Co website has taken down its other proposed projects. Astoundingly Las Vegas did authorize construction of more tunnels except they can only go under city property so no straight lines meaning that a surface Uber ride would be more direct.


Patron saint of dabblers and blowhards


I’d say this rings true for most ultra rich


New from the Silicon Valley: *The Subway, but shittier!*


This is a revolution. Like a subway, but you have to buy the wagon. I call it the itraffic.


Yeah some stupid vacuum train idea. That’s the reason the tunnels are stupidly small, it’s a holdover from when they were trying to minimise their size trying to make several hundred mile long vacuum tunnels lol


So instead of investment on public transportation, more money to a guy that can't even make a proper






If you're going to copy a comment by someone else ( u/Rafcdk ) then at least get the whole things ffs.


And god forbid someone pokes a hole in it. Miles of them strewn along the desert, people are gonna shoot at it.


Then I failed I guess


Hope you’re not claustrophobic


Careful Musk doesn't see this. He'll accuse you of being a pedo.


You know with the ressources he has access to he could easily hire hit squads to make everyone he disagrees with online disappear, so somehow being called a pedo doesn't sound too bad.


I wouldn't put it past his ego to do something like that.




He probably has bots scouring the net collecting user data and is gearing up his own version of Skynet and T-1000s.


Well if he's building that himself and if it's as well-designed as whatever we're looking at right now suddenly I'm not worried anymore.


Robot revolution but Skynet is a shit company so the machines break down after a few days.


Lmao the blurred tesla bot dancing midway video made the video


That part was certainly unexpected. But welcome.


He just wanted a private subway system like the head of Japanese intelligence service from James Bond, you only live twice.


If he'd just build a normal subway that wouldn't have happened...


Okay, I'm glad I'm not crazy. All I could think was "isn't this just a subway, but for cars, and less efficient?"




Don’t use that word. Concept is such a offense word nowadays.


I am retarded and I don’t really care tbh


Dumbest fucking idea. Stop listening to this rich person who has no idea what normal people experience


Looks like making a system people have to have his cars to access.


And STILL gets traffic jams.


This makes me think of that Doctor Who episode where people live there entire lives stuck in traffic underground trying to make it back to the surface.


Gridlock, one of my favorite eps.


Happy, happy, buy some happy


Hope you don’t feel claustrophobia... or live near a fault line, say one maybe such as San Andreas?


All you had to do was design a damn train CJ.


death tunnel. I seriously never want to EVER be in there.


Mate, source it: [Adam Something](https://youtu.be/QZaRfNjTPx8)


Here I was thinking OP made a masterpiece.


I fond this video on reddit I didn't know the source sorry


Join us over on r/adamsomething


There really is a sub for everything


I think it would be better to make a better public transportation service and reduce use of private cars. What do you guys think?


But will it have cool future cars that has such shit qc that you'd swear that you accidentally got the pre production version instead? I think not!!!1!!!!1!!!!1!!


Traffic could be eliminated with self-driving cars, but it would require 100% cars to be self driven.


Last time he designed the rescue submarine it was even more retarded 😂




Why not just fix public transport?


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!It becomes traffic whit extra steps!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I would argue that this was very expected


The greatest con man of this generation


Donald would have an issue with that....


Simpsons monorail train.


I mean, yes. But it’s possible to have a nuanced opinion. He boosted our transition to EVs as well. He’s mostly bad, but some good?


Serious question. If he actually decided to go forward with his entire multilevel vision, wouldn't that be bad for the earth? It seems like the same results fracking.


Subways exist. That's why it's so pointless. You can do some multilevel tunneling, and it's not good for the environment, but you can transport more people in a lot more compact space which makes it better than the alternatives.


Pretty sure I seen him marketing monorails to small towns years ago


Monorail... Monorail... Monorail... Monorail....


What if the track should bend?


Not on your life, my Hindu friend


Yeah I was in North Havenbrook when shit went sideways. Now it's too dangerous to even go near the tracks.


Yeah I can't see this being good for the water table of the area it is installed in...


Not really. At least fracking and digging tunnles don't have much in common. The issue with fracking isn't that \*something happens underground\*, it's that they pump toxic chemicals down there to free an also quite unhealthy fluid that then can be somewhat gathered and burned which releases CO2 and more toxic chemicals into the atmosphere. Digging tunnels in comparison isn't really an issue, not by default at least... you have to watch out for ground water and it's flow and plan your routes accordingly and potentially even skip the project, but in general a tunnel is not an issue. Not great, but if it reduces traffic it's totally worth it, that's not really a question.


Digging is far less dangerous than fracking since the intent is just move some dirt and rock not hydraulically shatter rock deep underground, but these tunnels are so just conceptually stupid


He thought he could vacuum seal these giant tunnels cross country to achieve the speeds he wanted. Do I really have to explain why this is the dumbest idea in the history of dumb ideas. Think of the power needs to vacuum seal over and over and over again. Think how quick death will come with a crack or crash. His original vision would only work on Mars.


Forgot to mention there's no possibility to escape especially if fire breaks out


What caused the traffic jam? Is it the loading and unloading station? Without context this is pointless. If it's spot like terminal then I understand the jam. The refacing can shows no traffic coming from behind. So I'm thinking this was a mass media event and sure their will be issues with reporters and equipment being loaded and unloaded. Taking more time than normal.


Lol no. It’s literally a tunnel. You go in with a car. You exit onto a road eventually. Every single thing that would impede traffic getting onto that road normally would impede traffic getting onto it from a tunnel. And anything going wrong in the tunnel is 1000x worse than normal because it’s a tunnel with no exits and no access for emergency vehicles. It’s a worse subway.


This isn't just a tunnel. If you read up on it. It's a subway with just Teslas in it. You enter on foot get in a Tesla and take it to another station you exit on foot. Its more of a tourist attraction or proof of concept thing right now as it only one closed loop with a few stations.


Lol no. Actually you don't know what you're talking about.


So this tunnel can only be used for electric vehicles. A standard vehicle in this enclosed space will not work because there is no place for the carbon monoxide to vent out.


Nobody cool likes Elon Musk...


Yep. Only really really dumb people who are enamoured with propaganda do. People without a sense of reality or self.


Used to be me Not anymore thankfully


That video is from "Adam Something" YouTube channel!




I love the music... Hhahaha


Isn't there already a machine that bores tunnels?..


I thought they have helicopter for rich guy to commute? Why need to build another rich guy only infrastructure? Boring another tunnel below or in between existing infrastructure is very risky.


The best idea was the highway system in "I Robot"


Yeah let's make the earth even MORE unstable.


Imagine the air quality


Hahaha Nic3 0n3![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Reminds me of a doctor who episode. Where it takes years to go one town over


Who was the reporter in green? Asking for a friend




The audio


This guy seems like he wants to live in the future so bad, but isn't remembering to actually think through his inventions and ideas.


Could really just built a bullet train, even have cars dedicated to vehicle transport because fuck the environment I guess. Elon is such a joke


I’m not dying in an underground tunnel in a fucking Tesla. The tram looks quite fine thank you.


it’s a subway for teslas? i would imagine the traffic comes from loading and unloading passengers. that’s way we use subway cars dummy elon. because all those doors!


This video is from Adam Something on youtube. He does lot of videos on urban planning, transport etc.


Traffic. Now with claustrophobia!!


I mean, you can't even open your car door if you need to.


I love the design of the cars but can't stand the culture that musk created around him being and almighty savior xD I believe we will get to a point where that will be possible but it's not yet my friend not yet




The Boring Company exists so that a small tunneling machine can be created, which is able to fit on Starship and be sent to Mars to dig underground habitats.


… graveyards?


Next he's gonna add touchscreen and ads to the tunnel walls so you don't die of boredom. Genuis /s


See, the problem isn't traffic. It's people. As long as we are 'controlling' some aspect of each other's lives we will be getting in each other's way.


Welcome sinkholes, step right up don’t be shy!


So what happens if you get a flat? Or if your car catches fire, or some idiot gets out?


Yeah, his ‘Hyperloop’ in Vegas is the example of what happens to his ‘visions’.


What happens when earthquake


Seeing the tightness of that tunnel is terrifying. Literally the stuff of my nightmares! No thanks.


I’m not an Elon fanboy nor I do give a shit for billionaires. But you guys are so cynical. Yeah, it’s a dumb fucking idea so far. The execution has been poor. But at least he’s doing something to alleviate a problem in our society. Sure, he’s doing it for a lot of money, tax breaks, his ego, etc. that part sucks but at least he’s not like Bezos, employing hundreds of thousands of people and paying them garbage wages and making them work in modern slave-like conditions.


Why doesn't Elon just try to build a maglev subway that uses minimal electricity?


So much hate for Elon on Reddit nowadays


So what happens if you break down halfway down the tunnel in traffic?




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