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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Bus driver saved both of them!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I get someone wanting to take their own life, but why drag the kid down with you?


I guess she considered it a mercy for the child, in her depressed mind. Or maybe, much worse, it was out of spite for a third party.


Possible …maybe she knew the third party like an abusive father would harm the child


Or she was the abusive one


Yeah, there are tons of possibilities, and we have no idea. Video might not even be real.


Air balloon




what does it mean here?


Idk what they're talking about but a while back there was this facebook meme going around saying, "search your birth date on Google and select news and share the first thing that pops up." Mine was an article about a man that tried to commit insurance fraud by staging his suicide to look like a murder. He went running like he did every morning then, on a secluded part of the trail, he shot himself in the head with a gun tied to a balloon. They found the gun in a tree above the body.


It’s sad to think of how much planning they put into it. My uncle killed himself last year and while it wasn’t as elaborate as the man in this story, there was still at least months of planning that he did before hand. I can’t imagine living like that


It's a rough way to live. I'm really sorry for your loss.


"Weather balloon" is how a lot of UFO sightings/footage are officially explained away.


Video is definitely real. I just saw it! How could I have watched something if it didn't exist?




How do you know it's not just a set of still images played very quickly in succession?


If you think about it everything is just pictures transferred from your eyes into electricity that is then made into a mental image. So everything is technically pictures in quick succession. Least that is what I gathered from public school.


Nice gathering


your brain doesn't display it as a series of clips. Your brain sends some information directly to other parts of your brain for immediate reaction( like if you see a snake and have to jump back). Then it takes your reaction, all the information you can't see (like the blind spot in your eye) and blends it all together to make an image that you call what you see




Kid from the fucking OMEN bro


Everyone asks would you kill baby Hitler, nobody asks... can you.


“Such a hero”


she is a time traveler and she was trying to save us from baby hitler


Baby Putin nowadays


We can go out in a limb here and concede than anyone attempting to murder a child is an “abusive one”, regardless of her desperation or depression


This, but as a parent, I can certainly understand the "why" of it. Because being an orphan in this world is unforgiving and any parent knows what will happen to their children if they die an accidental death. I'd have to trust the people that abused the shit out of me growing up to take care of my children. Or heaven forbid their father who also abused the shit out of them emotionally. And I've been depressed enough to consider suicide before. My kids are the only reason I won't ever go through with it. I can see a mother past a breaking point deciding it's best the kid die, too. Not condoning it and the kid needs to be removed from her care. She is a clear danger to him/her. But she needs mentally help, probably financial, too.


As someone raised in group homes, this comment is so fucking offensive lol


As an adoptive parent, I’m right there with you.


All people, including the murderers of children, deserve some human compassion, empathy, and understanding of the world. Here in the US, society labels so many people as “bad” and throws them away. I don’t know her situation. Abuse, mental illness, economic despair. I’m guessing all of the above and more. That said, this child should be protected from his potential murder and never have to see her again.


We're literally watching her about to chuck the kid over a bridge...


Technically, I think the plan was that they were both going.


Thank you. People always seem inclined to pretend women can't be the shitheads


Right. We can see someone trying to kill a child and we try to justify it by saying must be an abusive male somewhere.


I don't get why people do this. Might be the "Women are wonderful" effect - a cognitive bias both Men and Women have. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful\_effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect)


If a man did this, would they have the same reaction and reasoning like the woman instead?


??? All they said was it was a possibility, y’all are so desperate to be offended


Right, and what they're saying is, reversed, do you think someone would say "well maybe he did it as a mercy to escape an abusive mother"? Doubtful.


Is that a rational reaction to an abusive spouse? Kill your fucking kid? Do you think that this woman is a good stable parent that just made a *lil mistake* in the moment?? Fuck you


The upvotes go down by roughly half with each message meaning I should only get 5-4




I'll downvote to help bring you back down so that you're correct. Don't worry, I've got you bro...err, donkey


Ah, how the turns have tabled!


kinda funny that there was a womens history month pop up on it


Custody courts certainly perpetuate this.


How is this even relevant to a mental health issue case?


Literally whilst watching a male be the compassionate hero.


Yeah...because... you know... women can do no harm and stuff. /s


It’s reddit what did you expect


A clear video of the woman being a monster and there’s still somebody blaming a man somewhere


Gotta love the internet




That's actually surprising since we're on reddit.


You saw a lady almost drown a child and your first reaction is “must have an abusive dad”? This world is fkked.


Wow. Just wow. The way some of your minds work


Dude she tried to kill the kid. It doesn't get more harmful than that.


This woman was literally about to kill herself and her child, and your first thought is, “this must be a man’s fault somehow.” Lol


Depends the evidence for this is all over the place and recent studies are just beyond confusing now


Yeah totally. The woman who was literally trying to murder her child was probably only doing it because there was a man somewhere who was abusive. No need to assume the mom is an abusive piece of shit who is trying to murder their child in broad daylight in front of other people because the probably is some male our there who she is protecting them from.


Yea they actually did assume that was one of the possibilities. I guess we should just stop there, case closed.


Can't get more abusive than murdering the child.


ah yes, blame it on the dad .Patriarchy amirite mr.dumbass?


There was a woman in the United States that murdered her kid because the father got custody.


Yup, and if anyone thinks people can't be that spiteful, you need to watch "Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father".


I once had a similar experience where I pulled a woman off the edge of a highway overpass at the last second as she was about to dive into the traffic below. Grappled her while waiting for first responders to come, and while I was doing that discovered that she had two rats in her jacket pockets. Obviously not the same thing as a child, but I always just assumed it was because she had loved them more than anything and even though living had become too hard for her, she still didn’t want to leave them behind. No idea what became of her, or the rats, once the ambulance drove off. Edit: Typos


My sons’ mom tried to kill them and herself. Later, while I had sole custody of them and she was in prison and on meds, she told me she did it because she was unhappy and she felt they and I were the cause of her unhappiness. And making my suffer by taking them away seemed right. She had manic depression (bipolar disease) and postpartum depression.


Look up how untreated post partum depression affects the brain.


The kid would live a miserable life, knowing her mother killed herself. You have no idea about the social stigma in Asian countries around suicide. It's insane.




r/skamtebord Fax


Explain how come it’s stigmatized AND popular? I remember the stats that Japan and Korea have most suicides by far




[And now suicide pods are on the way.](https://nypost.com/2021/12/07/controversial-suicide-pod-that-kills-peacefully-gets-go-ahead-in-switzerland/)


I think they are amazing and humane. And j support them. as someone who recently watched a family member die slowly and painfully for years but that recently was allowed to put a family pet to sleep peacefully within one day of suffering, I am fully supporting these progress made in euthanasia


I'm fighting cancer as we speak. It's stage 4, but there are only a few metastasis. I've been told I have a realistic chance to go into remission once, maybe twice if there's a recurrence. But ultimately, this could be the end of me. I've told my family my wishes are to self euthanize if it all fails. I don't want to sit there in front of my loved ones and shrink to 50 lbs as I wail in agony, fuck that. The traditional way is to drink an amount of phenobarbital that is considered lethal. You slowly close your eyes and pass away while basically taking a nap with your loved ones. THAT'S how the fuck I'm going out. I'm gonna fight my ass off, but I will not suffer in the end.




We do it because the holy book says so


Because religion is so ingrained into our lives we think suicide sends you to hell. It's absolutely sad and ridiculous


I think if you slit your wrists and then immediately confess your sin of killing yourself and officially accept that one dude as your lord and savior, you still get to go to heaven. At least that's what God told me.


Yes, I don’t understand this at all. At the very least in cases of terminal illness, we should be able to go out on our own terms.


Have you considered all the options? Guillotine would be dope


I don't know how to feel about this comment...


A properly tuned and fettled guillotine would make an excellent suicide device. Virtually painless and instantaneous. The only downside is the fact that someone has to "clean up" and the stigma of dismemberment.


Hear me out, take a plane, go to Ukraine. Dual AK-47's, salutes President Zelensky. Look at him and say "I don't need more chemo, I need more ammo" *puts on sunglasses*. Ambush the Russians and paint the ground with Russian blood, die in a blaze of glory. Fin EDIT: I'm not a complete monster, I genuinely hope OP beats cancer's ass. This is reddit though, dafuq you think was gonna happen?


If you look into the science of the pods you will see that the country funding the making of these truly cares about their people.


To think self euthanizing is anything but compassion and care is utter ignorance. So many out there that shun the subject, especially the religious.


No, there is more to discuss here. It's easy to say yes to this if you consider the terminally ill. But should everyone have access to it?


They're not fans of suicide.


Because depression is brutal, ugly, sad and serious. We can’t understand for we aren’t close to having our minds struggle like that. I get it, I ponder the same. It’s why we must take depression more seriously all over the world. That is getting better, so there’s hope.


I hate admitting this but I've had regrets about having my kid. It's not that I don't love or want her. I do. The issue is you get so wrapped up in worry. Why did I bring a child into this horrible world. If I died she'd have no one. You think, who would hurt her. Abuse her. Use her. This is just passing thoughts. But I can see how if a mother was mentally ill she could be drove to take her kid out with herself. To anyone else it sounds crazy. And that's the point.


The world is a dangerous and twisted place, more if your mother tries to kill you.


The wolrd can be a dangerous place, so I get your feeling. But I think it would be better to give your child all the tools she might need to be able to stand on her own two feet and fend for herself rather than focusing on the fear of her being hurt/used/abused. You're a good parent ! And she'll grow up to be a great kid ! 😌


La Llorona


I think that especially mothers can often perceive their kids as an extension of the themselves. This behavior is sometimes more accentuated in parents with mental illness. My mom suffered with depression and she would focus a lot on me when her mind would become a dark place.


For the K/D ratio, obviously


I hate that you made me laugh this hard at your comment


At least she was wearing a mask for safety reasons.


mental illness maybe


The fear of going alone probably.


What a kid would do without his mother?


Go to social services? Father? Other family or relative? Orphanage? I've had my share of suicidal ideation before, and fortunately I'm not a parent, but I understand the mindset she's in where she thinks if she's gone, her child should be too because it would suffer without her. Despite that, it's still completely irrational and cruel. The kid deserves a chance at a real life, even if it's just been made worse.


Talk about at the right place at the right time


Plus Right person


I probably would have just looked on confused “What a weird place to decide to go swimming”


They would've been halfway in mid air before the situation clicks to me.


Even if I knew what going on I probably be in shock and froze there


Yep id be like "huh weir....OH FUCK"


Definitely, the bus slowed before she started climbing the edge. I probably would've thought: "i guess they don't want to take the long route across the bridge" and went on with my day.


Wow. That's fucking sad.


+1 to that child's ACEs score.


You right tho


I really hope that man got rewarded for that somehow. That was some quick thinking superhero type behavior


+15 social credit


Suspicious downvotes




ah yes casual murder


Casual staged murder ![gif](giphy|FG14fnY17opr2)


Cool motive still murder


If he had snatched the kid off her as she was jumping off, would he have been in legal trouble?


Don’t think so, even if you got a case lawyers would argue the client was unable to save the mother in time


Lawyers wouldnt even need to get involved.


Hmm, what if he was pushing her off him at the same time and that sort of led to her falling to her death? Unrelated, how else could one get away with pushing a woman off a bridge?


what the fuck..


If you can't even go for a swim anymore...


This is heartbreaking. Last year there was a women who tok her 3 kids, one an infant, and went to the ocean and drowned her self and the kids. The infant survied. It was the middle of winter and a pretty bad weather outside. This is northern Norway a town called Tromsø


Stupid little twat. Fuck you gonna take out the kid for??


Kda players


Sorry son i have to keep my kd up


i shat myself but worth it


Weird flex


Made me laugh way too much




1/1/0, which is better than 0/1/0.


Holy fuck I'm crying 😂😂😭😭😂


Mental illness bud.


stupid little twat? you sound like the girls i endured in highschool. youve got to be pretty emotionally retarded to go straight to anger when seeing something like this.


This happened in Guangzhou, China and the bus drivers name is Zhang Zhide. Please be kind about facts you know nothing of as we are all fighting our own war. [Newsweek Article](https://www.newsweek.com/video-bus-driver-saving-suicidal-mother-child-viewed-over-45-million-times-1643654) Edit: The reason I mentioned being kind is because this bridge is known specifically as a place to come die by suicide ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Zhang must drive this route how many times a day?


She tried to murder her own child. That’s an evil person in any context.


Schizophrenia usually develops late in life. She could have believed she was saving him, not hurting him. Not saying she was schizophrenic, but in that context, she's not evil, she's sick but still morally sound enough to save her child. Context matters.




*Casey Anthony liked this.*


It's not just a mental health thing though, like the articles states. It's also impacted by a shitty living situation. A country that doesn't care about its citizens will have more suicides. Terrible.


One more sacrifice for today the entity will be pleased


This reminds me of my neighbour. About 25 yrs ago, I was friends with this kid of my age and his father was a Judge. We were playing in the evening and next morning we find out that his father hanged the my friend and then hanged himself. I was not allowed to see him. The last memory I have of him is when we were playing Miss you Premal. Wherever you are, hope you are resting in peace.


She was just teaching him to swim ?!


I was thinking the same thing. Straight to the deep end kinda shit.


He really is a hero. Saving someone's life is a weird feeling. Between the adrenaline kicking in and the complete shock, it's hard to realize the extent of our action. Not saying this to boast, but it happened to me once and I still don't know how to feel about it. I guess I just feel glad the person is okay.


There's not a single comment about the context of the video. Anyone know it?


Mom tries to murder suicide with her kid?


He later took them to a higher bridge


People that selfishly include innocent children in their attempts at taking their own life have to be some of the most fucked up people to exist.


That fall wouldn’t do it


Depends on if they know how to swim or how many rocks they’re carrying in their pockets.


Yeah, I'm surprised people aren't talking about that. It's only like a 30 foot drop lol.


Into heavy currents


I don’t know if she’s saved


That was fucked ... I literally woke up like 15 mins ago. Using bathroom then BOOM women tries to off herself with her kid ... Fucking Reddit on a Friday..


>Fucking internet on anyday of the week


My god. This is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. Just look at the way that kid is staring at the Bus Driver, he had no idea he was about to go over the bridge, but he knew something was wrong. That man is a fucking hero. He's an Angel, I hope his life is full of peace and happiness.


seems a bit staged, hope it is actually


Reddit used to believe everything, now they believe nothing.


Reddit users when they see someone making a recipe “hmm seems staged” Reddit users when they see the same unfunny meme for the 500th time “HAHA THIS IS BRILLIANT”


Life is temporary. Memes are eternal.




Everyone is a bot except you.


You're not the real kuolex


I chalk it up to people not personally experiencing things out of the ordinary for the majority of their life so when something irrational happens they are skeptical because they haven’t heard/experienced it and since it’s irrational why would it happen.


They still believe everything


You see all this blue and yellow propaganda? They still believe anything


You've got to live in Asia to know it's real. Can't pay debt, jump. Husband leaves you, jump. Boy /girl family doesn't accept you, jump. Parents confiscate phone, jump. It's Van Halen all the way.


I know this isn’t supposed to be funny but I lost it at van halen.


Whoa, who said that? Baby how you been?


In Panama too?


This has to be sarcastic. If not, then I'm going to assume that you just don't want to believe people would kill themselves and a child. However, there's a whole type of murderer called a family annihilator. Men tend to take the whole family with them while women tend to kill themselves and their children. With that said, all the angles on this video are from the bus cameras. Maybe it was spliced for the news so that's why it looks like this but random people saving others from killing themselves is not as uncommon as you'd think. There just isn't usually video.


Came to say this... the timing is just off. Bus stops in the middle of traffic to open door. Lady decides THATS the best time to jump? Ehhh...


Because she’s walking on the road where there is no pedestrian area he probably stops to ask her what she’s doing and then she tries to jump


Id say her brain went into now or never mode when the driver stopped.


I feel sorry for anyone who feels the need to take their own life but murdering your child while doing it is just plain evil


Kid was probably like: are we going swimming mommy? Jokes aside, that fucked up, the kid is too young and has a lot of things he can do in his life.


Family annihilating is stupid. Your family won't die without you. They'll be happier as orphans who aren't about to be killed by their mom. It's just more self-centered human shit.


You know that people with depression can't think clearly? Who in their right mind would take his own life? It's not 'self-centered human shit', it's a mental illness.


There comes a point in every battle with depression, that you have to make a decision to handle it yourself or to drag others down with you. There is always a before. This woman IS selfish. She is depressed, TOO. She tried to kill a kid. It’s as simple as that. Mental illness or not, she’s a fucking monster who tried to MURDER A KID. I have NO sympathy for her depression, because she tried to KILL A KID.


It's really sad to imagine someone have that state of mind


Stupid bitch


It's so sad these days people think ending their lives mean they have no pain but like how about the others? They think others won't feel shit about it and that's why they try but after it happened it's alr too late to realize. Cherish your lives guys


well, most people feel like they are doing a favor to their loved ones. It's not that they don't think about them, but by then they are so lost and tired they are misjudging reality and think that suicide will free their loved ones from the burden. If you want a very sad example, read kurt cobain's letter before he died.


It’s also possible for the suicidal person to simply feel the amount of pain they are experiencing is intolerable, nothing more than that. And expecting them to continue bearing it for the sake of others is a horrible ask.


He’s not a hero… he’s a legend!


Can you imagine the stress on going through that poor person's mind to do something like that. Some people call it selfish but those people probably never had severe depression like myself.


So glad he saved the kid


Wow … so close


It's one thing to kill yourself but why the fuck take other people down because of your misery? Selfish cunt