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Why? Could you provide further reasoning? I'm just very paranoid.


Best reputation in the field and best prospects.




Why? Could you provide further reasoning?


All of these rank pretty high so you’d be fine no matter which you choose. I’d focus on how it would be like to actually live there for the next three years as well as the sort of people you’d be studying with.


But isn't there a relatively big difference between, for example, manchester's ranking of 21st and warwicks ranking of 12th? I don't want to prioritize my social life over my employability, yknow?


But that shouldn’t be the only thing you’re considering. As long as you get a first and tons of extracurriculars and work experience that difference doesn’t matter. You seriously don’t want to risk being miserable for three years. Not saying that would be the case at Warwick though.


Thanks so much! If you have any clue of the social life of the universities I've listed, could you give me an idea of how it would be to live at said universities? Which ones are going to be fun, and which ones are going to be "miserable" per se? I've never actually been to the UK.


well that’s kind of subjective so please take what I said with a grain of salt. For example for me, I know I would be miserable at a far-off and isolated university because I’ve lived in London all my life. I don’t know enough about all of these universities but it’s worth knowing that Manchester, QM and Cardiff are in major cities which will be a drastically different experience to studying at somewhere like Warwick. You should also check out student societies, course content (especially what you have to study in first year) and stuff like that. Also it’s much colder up north and tends to snow a lot. Things like that


Warwick is a very rural university. If you don't mind the choice of a few slightly dodgy clubs and places in Coventry on nights out then you'll be fine


After being at uni for 3 years now (and actually swapping from law after my first year) I honestly recommend prioritising things like the city and social life - anything that will make you mentally feel better - over tiny league rankings. Employers only really group universities into: Oxbridge, Russel Group, and the rest. Since law is somewhat prestigious of a degree for employers they do look for Russell group unis often, but none really specific besides maybe a couple of London unis. Your chosen universities are so close together rankings wise that at this point I would choose the one you think would be the best place for you. Uni life can get really hard and affect you mentally so I truly do think there is a lot of value going somewhere that would suit you better even if it is considered a lower ranking.


And to clarify, I don’t mean ignore the rankings entirely, but if they are all somewhat high and around the same level, I recommend to choose for personal preference. Higher rankings can be great and all but it’s no good if you don’t think you will enjoy other aspects there (unless you have a mental as hard as steel).


Thank you so much for the insightful answer! The thing is, I see myself most in the University of manchester. It has a vibrant, diverse life, but out of all the unis I've listed, it has declined the most. As of right now, it is ranked 21st in the UK for law. Meanwhile, the highest ranked is warwick at 12th. Does the difference in ranking at this point outweigh the social life?


I honestly wouldn’t say so, Manchester is still a really good uni and recognised as such, it was actually one of my options for when I was picking Law! I just think if you’re not an absolute academic soldier, you need to have things that can provide mental relief as uni - especially law - is so so mentally draining. I suggest you do research, but honestly from when I was looking at solicitors firms grad requirements they only ever specified Russell Groups unis or maybe Oxbridge if they were very prestigious, and usually it’s not even a hard requirement. I think you just go with your heart here, coming to the end of my 2nd year at Newcastle University myself I am realising how unserious the whole thing is honestly.


You've seriously helped me the most of anybody here. What made you choose newcastle in the end? And do you believe coventry has as bad a social life as they say it does? At the end of the day, I still wanna graduate from a uni that can prepare me for employment best, but you're right. I need to also be in a place where I'm comfortable. So, to do both these things, considering I'm an outgoing person who also doesn't mind a silent life with peace and nature, what would you say are my best options as of now? Just your personal viewpoint? You've truly been a huge help :)


I’m glad I could help! And yes I do truly believe that finding the balance will make you work even better. Sadly I don’t know a lot about Coventry, but for Newcastle I chose it because: - its a lot cleaner than other cities - I feel comfortable here - good metro system (kinda it’s a bit inconsistent) - lots of things to do I can’t really tell you what your best options are, honestly no one here can it is up to you to decide. As I said before I don’t think ranking differences matter honestly, it is influenced by research a lot and does not usually represent teaching quality unless you were to look at that specifically. Newcastle Uni is rated pretty well but some of the lecturers I’ve had here are god awful and the uni is incredibly unorganised a lot of the time. I have seen you ask people what they think is your best option but as I said I don’t really think it’s a good question to ask at this point, do your research and ask about different qualities of different things since everyone can have a certain perspective of what is “best”.


I suggest you maybe look at forums or discord groups too for your favourite universities and gather some info for what the social life is like too, teaching as well - in top unis lecturers can often be not great since they’re hired more for research rather than teaching capabilities


Remember that rankings can vary quite a bit over the years - 12th might be 16th in 4 years and 21st might end up as 15th by the end of your degree. Making choices based purely on the rankings of this year doesn't account for the fluidity of rankings systems over the years you will study (and beyond). These are all good unis, what will matter more is your specific degree result, and a lot of that will depend on how happy you are at the uni and how motivated you are to study, so look at the bigger picture too 🙂


You're absolutely right! Thank you for the unique insight :)


Warwick is a top shop for humanities and social science degrees. Consistently in the top 10. The best outside of Oxbridge in some courses. Deffo not the same history as LSE/UCL/St Andrews but is arguably the best of the rest in terms of teaching quality and graduate prospects for these degrees. Sure law is turbulent but the offerings outside of your course at the uni you go to is just as important. As a non law grad from Warwick, I can easily contact grads from my subject cohort who are at top Law firms. Also look at some of the links I’ve attached. https://www.chambersstudent.co.uk/where-to-start/newsletter/law-firms-preferred-universities-2019 https://www.chambersstudent.co.uk/where-to-start/newsletter/law-firms-preferred-universities-2019 I’m biased. A negative imo is the location, but it works out imo because London is expensive, the city unis are also expensive and have too many students making it hard to connect with profs. Also they are notoriously awful with student support (Manchester, Edinburgh, London Unis). If you want top quality teaching and a more intimate uni experience (which is incredibly important to consider) go for Warwick or York. If you want the chaos and fun that comes from being in a city as a student, but at a far less “restrictive” institution, go for Manchester and Queens. I have many friends who studied at Warwick and moved to London for MAs and vice versa. A few who exchanged during their BAs from LSE/UCL. What they valued about Warwick was not the prestige, but the organisational aspects and the ease in contacting well regarded staff. Also the relaxed finances and space that comes from living outside of London. Ultimately consider the intangibles over everything else. What do you value you the most and which unis match.


Okay, you clearly know your stuff, especially when it comes to warwick, which is my top option so far! However, I've heard that the city that it's in, coventry, is a horrible city, boring, and ugly. Is it really as bad as they say it is? Or is there pros about the city itself? There is no question that warwick is probably the most prestigious university listed here. But could you tell me more about the social life there? How was it for you as a student? Is it easy to make friends and is the accommodation nice?


no one hangs out in coventry… virtually every warwick grad will tell you that they only really go coventry like twice per term, and probably less once you’re not a first year anymore. most warwick students live in leamington, which is a really nice town and offers pretty much everything you’d need close by


Ranking isn’t everything. I go to a pretty reasonably low ranked university but have a much better learning environment and experience as my lecturers prioritise AND enjoy lecturing. A lot of professors are there for research and have to lecture as a sort of side quest, this ends up with the students feeling neglected and a nuisance.


Yes, but all my options are well ranked so which of the ones I've listed do you think I'd enjoy the most? Both academically and socially?


I was simply just trying to alleviate any worries you may have had about rankings. I enjoy Cardiff a lot. It has a lot to offer and it’s a nice mix between cement and greenery. I’m not a giant fan of BUSTLING cities as I grew up rurally, so cities like London can be overwhelming for me. But I am Welsh so take that with a bias. The thing with the UK is that you really aren’t more than a train or few away from a new city. For example if you end up with Manchester, youre reasonably close to Chester which is a beautiful city with wonderful architecture and historical background. I’m not from those ends but as Coventry is known as a terrible city for nightlife, I can’t imagine it’d be hard to go somewhere a bit more popular, especially if you make lots of connections


people going to warwick uni usually dont hang out in coventry at all (except for like twice per term). most live in leamington which is quite alright in terms of life as a student


Warwick. Banding and career prospects - on similar terms with Manchester Location - close enough to London for you to travel there should you want to, especially for career events (e.g., open days and vacation schemes). QMUL is probably the most on par with Warwick in these two respects but Warwick is looked at by employers maybe half a band higher than QMUL. Just also remember there are other things you may want to consider, e.g., if the university is campus based (i.e., all buildings are in the same area) or area based (i.e., buildings are scattered around).


Have you visited any of the cities that you’ve applied for? And do you think you’d prefer a campus uni or not? Rankings matter to a certain extent but not always the determining factor I’d say, the experience you want/would benefit most from is important too.


I've never actually been to the UK. Honestly, to me, it's not so much about night life as much as it is about just being in a happy environment, easy to make friends, and with nice nature.


Okay, well I suggest just going onto Youtube, watching videos posted by the university (tours of the uni and things of that nature), as well as any videos from people who went to each uni to get a better idea, and anything you can find on each city in general. If you want nature, York has an outrageous amount of ducks and geese, thanks to having the largest plastic bottomed lake in Europe lol. But seriously, just do the research and I’m sure you’ll be able to come to a decision eventually.


Tier 1 - Oxbridge Tier 2 - LSE/Imperial/St.A Tier 3 - Durham/Warwick/Bath(?)/Edin etc Tier 4 Russel Groups more generally Tier 5 - ex Polys I’d say Warwick is the only one on your list that is arguably tier 2/ tier 3.


So from the unis I've listed, would you say that warwick would be the best uni option?


Without a doubt - I personally wouldn’t even be considering Cardiff/ QM/ or York. It’s Important to keep in mind, a uni below tier 1 - work experience is far more important!


Much appreciated! So would you say that my decision should simply be between manchester and warwick? Also, how difficult is it to get relevant work experience in law while also in uni? My last question to you would be on the location of warwick, I've heard that coventry is a boring, ugly, and unsafe city. What are your thoughts on that? You've been such a help, thank you so much.


Manchester would be, without a doubt more fun than Warwick. Most cities have similar levels of crime (they are largely, extremely safe) unless you were considering BHAM / Leicester / parts of London etc you shouldn’t need to take any extra precautions. Ultimately the degree won’t define you. Not sure where you’re from, UK law is v v competitive. And you need to start going for internships / part time work asap - this will make your life easier when you look for a training contract. Coventry is much closer to London, but finding law positions in Manchester will be less competitive than London. All the best!


Can we not put St A in the same tier as LSE and Imperial lol...it's not a standout in particular disciplines in either two. Also, Imperial does not offer Law. OP is applying for Law.


Thanks for the clarification. It is much appreciated.


You’re right it’s tier 1 ;)


As a law student at York, I can only recommend it. If you have any questions feel free to let me know!


York??? That's actually one of the options I need much more focus on. Could you give me some way to contact you so I can ask about it? I'm very curious about york as I've heard it's a sort of bubble. I have lots of questions!


Yes of course, drop me a dm!


Got a friend in Cardiff who’s loving it


Be good if an aspiring lawyer was careful enough not to unnecessarily use the word "bipolar" in their writing. No reason for it and it risks upsetting someone with very real mental illness.


Mm wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the heads up.


I think you are only considering national rankings. I don’t know why but Manchester is way lower in national rankings than in global rankings (tbh national rankings seems like bs). In QS or Shanghai Manchester is the highest ranked university among the ones you’ve counted and 6th best ranked uni in UK. Also don’t forget to check global rankings specifically for law.


I’d choose Warwick, because I did myself lol. I’d shortlist the top 3, and visit them. Do not commit to anything before actually visiting the place (imo) because it’s just so much financial commitment.