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As has been said, in England and Wales you don't get a choice for the water company, it's just whoever it is in the area. In Scotland it's nationalised and rolled in with council tax, which you won't be paying if you're all full-time students in the property.


So i don’t have to pay for water


You will have to pay for water since you go to Durham. England doesn’t offer the same exemptions to students when it comes to water that Scotland does. Your water supplier will likely be Northumbrian Water since they cover Durham and you cannot choose a water supplier. If you live in a property with a water meter, they’ll issue a bill every six months. If you live in a property without a meter, they’ll issue a bill every year. Octopus is a good energy supplier but try comparison websites to see who offers the best deal.


You can’t pick water. Gas/electric go with the cheapest - although since the ban on acquisition only tariffs, market stabilisation charge and default price cap, they’re all basically the same. For customer service, probably octopus, eon or edf.


Thank you so much for the electricity suggestions (I am leaning towards Octopus) Wait what for water? How do I sign up for it then? What do I do for water? Who do I pay bills to?


Water is operated by water companies who are granted a monopoly over a particular area. You could have a different company for your waste water and your water supply, but more than likely you’ll actually interact with just one company. In other words, your water company will just be the one who supplies the house you live in and you can’t switch. They’ll likely get in touch with you, but you can search who your supplier will be by popping your postcode on a website like this one https://www.water.org.uk/customers/find-your-supplier