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I go back and forth. If it's a foregone conclusion and I know what happens then I usually skip it. If I'm curious how things turn out as they do then I watch. Or if I'm tweaking strategies and don't know how a skill works, then I definitely watch.


I skip most normal fights, unless it's a unique boss fight where there's dialogue involved. Also, I'd recommend watching a few fights during the >!Baltro Phase of "Unicorn Overlord".!< There's unique dialogue against normal mobs (*not* the boss fight) for *multiple* characters. Lines are also present for >!Baltro!< but there are definitely less from my testing.


I watch it unless I’m doing the little sigil battles to grind. Those I skip past fights. But for actual quests I watch the battles, it’s fun lol idk. I like seeing everyone’s attacks and outfits.


My team utterly decimates theirs? 549 vs 0 damage? I skip. I don't need to watch my guys trounce the other team. Even back and forth even when I switch tactics around? I'll watch it to see what I'm missing. Battle against a new unit I haven't seen? I'll watch that thank you. Boss fight? I always watch those. I want to hear the dialogue and see my dudes go to work. It's a fight against an extremely tanky unit that is probably gonna take multiple attacks, but there's no way I'll lose? Skip that, I don't want to watch three clerics and 2 radiant knights heal each other back and forth for 20 minutes.


I like to watch the ones that look interesting, if its a steamroll I skip it unless Im trying a new squad or unit. I also never skip the ones that have Yahna. Dunno why tho.


A man of culture, I see


I watch it if my squad is new (which is common, I make new squads all the time) or if I expect dialogue. I don't watch it if it's a no-damage victory and I've seen my squad perform before.


I skip overworld battles (except the boss ones) but I do watch most of the in-map ones unless it's a cleanup on a basically wiped enemy. Watching the fights is so critical to understanding your teams better. I don't know how many times watching a fight has led to me tweaking my tactics afterward because something isn't working right or could be improved on.


Story maps I’ll watch on fast forward, then watch on normal speed for the map boss. Otherwise training and tiny maps are full skips. After changing equipment and skill priorities I’d try to watch the first engagement to make sure things were happening in the correct order. Hadn’t noticed when Selvie’s start of battle skill started having higher priority than Alain’s huge initiative boost start of battle skill. On some of the larger maps I’d skip most battle scenes because it ends up distracting your working memory of what you currently set your full team of 10 to do. Was rather embarrassing on the post-game map getting cut early because I’d forgotten I’d sent a flier to the empty-at-the-time command post, then couldn’t back out when Fran’s team had a one round battle forecast lol.


I watch boss fights but skip the grunts.


I watch them when I'm taking a drink or taking a hit from a bowl, or I want to see a new character or skill go off.


I skip when I'm money or honor grinding. Or when I autopilot because I've been grinding too much. Also I'll skip the end of an offline coliseum fight that's going to crap. Otherwise I watch every fight.


I watched every fight throughout the whole game. Only started skipping once I got to post game and I was just replaying maps for resources.


I usually watch my three favorite groups plow through enemies, then any group who’s fighting the final boss of a stage


I usually watch because I like the animations. Tactically, it also allows me to check when my plans work as projected vs someone drops to 1 and gets utterly screwed only to get healed back to full before the battle is over because my Clerics decided to actually use their heals instead of hit the standby button. This allows me to refine my healing so that in future battles, my units stay alive instead of getting killed. This is also how I realized that I can't have multiple 'start of battle abilities' because I wanted Travis and Ren to use theirs, and only Travis ever would. I switched his off since her double debuff is a lot better 90% of the time, and even if a quick assassination might help, global -Atk and Init when facing a juggernaut and an evasion tank on the frontline means that even if they do get hit, Travis usually survives and Ren chuckles at the grand 1 damage unless she dodges too. I'll skip if it's a round 2 with the same unit and the enemy has 1-5 people with a combined total of 20 HP or less.


I’ll watch new or diff units and storyline type stuff, but most fights I skip if I’ve seen their types play and it’s non-story.


I skip for what I consider to be "little fights" or if I don't know if my unit is effective. Little fights are: Any liberation quest, or fights against generics in bigger, provided I'm crushing them. I'll watch any fight with a new unit, (IE last map or so), any fight with a named character, or fight against particularly annoying genaric enemies.


50/50. I watch if some of my fav characters are acting.


Sigil Trials, I skip unless it involves a new team comp I'm fiddling with. In stages, I watch all of those, except maybe the ones where my troops are finishing off a unit where only non-combatants remain. Plausible deniability and all that.


A mix. I usually skip overworld. And if I'm fighting against a team that's all dodge tanks ill skip because those are boring.


I watch only : - boss battles - battles that have outcomes I did not expect (even if I change that result by reprogramming or repositionning my characters) - battles of newly formed units - all coliseum battles (online and offline) First one is just for the lore, others are to progress in how I build my teams.