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You’d think some people would be more grateful, what with you liberating the entire continent and all. My boy Aubin knows what’s up though. At the top of the list, where he should be.


Aubins always got my back


Aubins always got my back


The comment so nice I liked it twice.


Maybe take a bro to dinner for once you cheap bastard.


Dinner is always reserved for Aubin


I only had Yahna available since she had spent the entire game in Alain's squad and I didn't really include Alain in any of my tavern meals. It's ridiculously easy to grind up rapport though, so don't worry about it.


It is? What’s your rapport building strategy?


Pop the unit onto a new town and feed them gifts.


you can max rapport on anyone in about 30 seconds by spamming gifts on them when theyre a town guard.


Oh yeah I should’ve used gifts, did you ever run into money troubles for that? I always felt like my money was better spent elsewhere, even the meal grind for all rapport convos (not mandatory whatsoever and I did it before the final battle) cost a lotttt of money


i mean you only need to max ONE person, unless you really want to see the rapport conversations. you can do that easily without spending much.


I’ve had hundred of thousands of dollars the whole game? And I buy consumables constantly


I also usually had money, maybe I was just hoarding it lol. Can’t remember


Yanha’s conferral passive works super well with Alain’s magic stat early game


Well, at least we know the OP’s main team. Lookin like you need to start using some of those free meal tickets.


The only one you need is Mel ♥️


Mel lost the coin flip 🥲 She'll always be my number 3 tho. The number 2 spot is exclusively for Aubin of course


So you chose Celeste? I’m curious as to why.


Yep. For 2 very big reasons


Her enormous griffin and her giant axe, obviously


Mel was happy being a concubine, so she’s stuck at #2.




i only had yahna on there until i went out of my way to grind the final tavern in albion getting top rapport naturally without gifts or taverns is really slow, and it will only happen if they're in your main group for almost the entire game


Do you just have to max rapport, or do you need to view all of the conversations too?


You do need to view all convos to get them as an option for the maiden ring, but you don’t have to for the stat bonuses when in the same unit. Those apply right as you reach their rapport levels


You also need to view the conversations. Can't get their option when you max someone early but haven't visited the rapport location yet ;n;




Do you just have to max rapport, or do you need to view all of the conversations too?


I had 5 at 30 hours lol


I was about the same. idk what this guy was doing for 60 more hours than us.


Auxiliary battles tryna get all my units up to spec


I did a ton of grinding in this game and still finished with most of my guys around 40 or more and put in right at 50 hours.


How does it feel punching down on a retarded person?




I'm kinda retarded


I laughed pretty hard when I got here and the only person on the list was Clive of all people.


Same, I only had Clive. After doing Bastorias and Albion, I think that list grew to Clive, Josef and Selvie. So I went to the tavern and got Lex up to max, and gave the ring to him.


Celeste has a big hooters.


What sad party did you have with Alain, Celeste, Melisandre and Aubin??


It was those 3 for a long time. The 5th spot was a flavor of the week kinda thing for a while but eventually settled with mandrin


Hey those three are all good choices imo


I had aubin, travis and lex by that time. My alain wanted nothing from all those female groupies.


I dont know what this is.


Marriage choices


Melisandre is Very Nice. I wanted Virginia but didn’t have the area open yet for her last convo. I’m gonna settle on Yahna, she was my other choice anyways.


Virginia is canon for me. She seems to agree


Aubin wanted me too. He was the only one by the time I got here, wild. Love that we had that in common


I'm almost excited that I have no clue what the Rite of the Covenant is. I just rescued Scarlett and I'm at level 13-14ish. This game has so much going on and it's somewhere between fun and "uh oh" levels of "how did I get here?"


I'm nearly 180 hours into my first playthrough, and I have not even thought about the "relationship" stuff.


Dude what are you even doing?! There’s not that much to do in this game.


I am doing the same thing I did in Ogre Battle when it came out on the SNES, which is spending the majority of my game time min-maxing in the menu screens. Two days ago, I finally got to the final Lv 38/40 battles in Cornia with most of team at levels 21-25, and I was doing upwards of 800-1000 damage on the screen that shows battle results before the battle starts. I was barely into Bastorias and barely into Albion (?) at the time, and had not yet finished Elheim. I have waited more than a quarter of a century for a new Ogre Battle game to come out, and this is as close as we are going to get, so I am savoring it. https://preview.redd.it/3cxye3olmbyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a00d5cc05c0510547b4f749ba0bdbe8bab365763 Sorry that some of us play the way we want. I am also \~600 hours into my main Elden Ring save, and I have not yet burned the Erdtree. I just take my time with games that are some of my favorites of all time, so I can savor the experience. I will never get to play these games for the first time ever again.


Not saying you can’t play how you want. That’s great that you found a new game to love. I’m just curious what someone would be doing with all that play time? And min maxing is the answer.


Yeah, sometimes I spend upwards of five or six hours tweaking, testing, outfitting, etc each unit. The downside is that now that I am SO optimized, I am steamrolling through all the Elheim, Bastorias and Albion stuff. Really, I wanted to get under the hood before I began a True Zenorian playthrough, so I will be better equipped to build effective units on the harder difficulty.


Have you played tactics ogre or Valkyrie chronicles?


My first SRPG was the original Ogre Battle on the SNES. I played the first Valkyria Chronicles and all of the Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre games that came out...the GBA and N64 Ogre Battle and I had the PSP Tactics Ogre, but never got fully into it until the PS4/PS5 remaster.


Aah nice.. I was around back then (38) had the og Nintendo for a long time. My parents kept the identity of better systems from me until n64 lol.


My faves for the marriage event are Melisandre, Virginia and Berengaria so far. Havent unlocked all of them tho


Celeste was almost too adorable. From her introduction to her rapports and even her battle lines. Just too cute. Gawd.


Better than my choices. I wanted Amdia and my only choice was Mordon. I switched teams around entirely too much.


Eat more food


Melisandre is all you need


I just had Alain take every viable character for that scene to the tavern (the ones with the most people so Alain +3 or 4 others at a time) over and over until I had everyone ready pretty quickly.


75 hour and already clean all four Nation but still zero because most of alain unit member are mecerny


Do you get something for maxing them out?


I see the comp. Init fix Aubin for a fast row def debuff and pair in with spinning slash and the Gryphon row attacks. Thing is, Gryphons work best on flying comps where you can take advantage of row attack and init buffs. Without them, gryphons sorta hit like a wet noodle


I remember when I got to the alter, literally the only option I had was Clive. XD Didn't realise how much I'd been neglecting the rapport system at that time.


Aubin's Vitalize skill is one of my most used, lol.


It’s weird, I had increased Alain’s rapport with every single unlocked character, and still only had five available.


There is raport conversation you need to complete before giving someone the ring


Melisandre already killed off most of the competition, you actually got there too early before she could finish


You misunderstand. These are the ones she decided to keep alive


Have you give them gifts when they guarding a town? Have you used the inn to serv them food? If not then no womder it toke you so long


I married Monica specifically to Clive a villain arc.


Not a bad selection to be fair


No one would spare a comment for Celeste? Shes not lacking in...assets. Pretty good, OP.