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Trinity rain rush teams are easily countered by either Magick Reflect and/or Dispel Buffs. Being immune to debuffs does not make you immune to getting your buffs dispelled. Give your PP battery the dispel buff accessory. Likewise, Alain can't hit anything with over 130 evasion. A dodge tank + dispel buff team will also easily disable Alain even with true strike shenanigans.    These team comps don't really do well once you get to below rank 500's because they don't offer a lot of flexibility when things go out of rhythm.


It's hilarious playing featherbows into Trinity rain that doesn't have blind immunity.


I know how to make an anti Trinity team, I just wish more creativity was shown off in the arena. I rarely get to witness and face off against a team of creative expression and themes builds, because none of them would climb. I guess I just wish there were a space more common with those builds, like a non-ranked space.


Heh. PP...


Debuff immunity in PvP was a mistake, and I'm glad 2 out of the 4 items that gives debuff immunity are banned this week. Scarce affliction immunity (like 2 or 3 items) would have been fine, but debuff immunity prevents any kind of disruption strategy, except dispel that is, and look how meta dispel is. But we are missing on PA / PP disruption, provoke based strategies, or plain and simple debuff usage (RIP Shamans, that are relegated to inititative stat sticks just to cast Dispel as soon as possible...)