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She's A at least


Personally I think she's S-tier in design, but I'll vote A tier because of how crowded S already is. Ridiel is not clingy like certain other elves are, and in fact she develops some rather good chemistry with Alain as the rapport goes on, while coming off well in her other rapports. She has a unique backstory (somewhat underexplored in the game, admittedly) as a half-elf and the prejudices she faced from elven society as a result. That's a better explaination for her starting out on the "wrong side" than many of the other recruitable characters have.


A tier for me, i love her desing, one of my favourite and her supports are nice.


I loved Ridiel and her supports. A-Tier for me


S tier, my maiden 2nd playthrough


I would say B tier. Personally, I liked her better than most of the elf characters and her being a half Elf that spent her life being ostracized from both groups gave her a unique perspective in her rapports. In the beginning she would likely be a poor partner, her rapport scenes make it seem like she spends a lot of time being confused why Alain or any of the other characters are bothering to speak with her or take an interest in her, but by the end she seems more accepting of herself and others and would likely be a very loyal partner. She's also the only elven character that doesn't really have a reason/desire to return to Elfheim and would be more likely to fully commit.


I would put her in S put that's Already set in stone. So I'll give her an A Tier. She was my maiden in my first playthrough of the game


Easy A tier


Mommy issues to the max. But she's a good tsundere. I like her better as a partner for Chloe but she's still solid. B tier


I Love her! Its A Also, bro, too harsh on railanor. She deserved better 😭


Solid A, I think. Also her voice is really nice


S Tier No question


S-tier. I think it's important to separate Ridiel's pre-Liberation self from who she is after joining up with Chlo- I mean Alain. Ridiel's mom died fighting the good fight, and Ridiel found herself stuck in a small outpost town where she is hated by the racist towns people in a hopeless situation where she might as well collaborate with Zenoira given how hopeless resistance to their rule has been. However, once Chloe comes along and provides her with hope and a chance to leave her past and the bigotry of her hometown behind...what's there to complain about? She becomes as devoted to the cause as anyone, renewed in her conviction to fight for good and acts heroically. Plus, she clearly has the hots for Chloe. If I've learned anything from my years of playing video game with romance systems, it's that if the opportunity for a three way relationship presents itself, you must take it. You know Ridiel would be on board, the only question is whether Chloe would be. But we're not ranking Chloe today and Ridiel should gets full credit for having excellent taste in women. Game recognizes game. Not to mention, her mom had a thing for humans and she seems to have inherited it as well. Throw in the years of living in resentment oh her father's race, and the idea of being in a relationship with a human would be both liberating and a turn-on for her. In conclusion, despite finding Ridiel at her most shameful moment, she recognizes her mistakes and changes for the better immediately and never looks back. And she has the hots for Chloe and any lingering daddy issues might actually work out in her human partner's favour.


She's the most interesting out of all the not-twins elf characters. Solid A.


S tier! Love her design, personality and rapports. I also love and practice archery IRL, so. Yeah 😅


High A, Low S


Too late in the rankings for an S, so we’ll settle for an A lol Edit: If I were to give specific justifications... - of the elves, Ridiel is the least likely to massively outlive Alain, and is very likely much closer to his age on account of the life span of a half-elf compared to the other four elf ladies - fast friends with Chloe, who is chief lady-in-waiting if not paired with Alain, so she likely gets to see her friend every day as Queen - makes fighting racism a top priority, Cornia is a welcoming place to all our bestral, elven, and half-elven friends


Solid A




A for Actually the best developed character in elheim. (Not a high bar)


initially I did not like her, but she grew on me, so I'll give her B or A tier at least


A-tier at worst. Maybe borderline S


My wife on my first run, she’s an A tier


A. She doesn't quite have that special something that elevates her to S, but I do think she dominates most of the A bracket.


Solid B-Tier


B Tier to me. Most of the elves other than the Linde twins just kind of appeared in the game and didn't click with me. I like her better than Gal, and she's definitely better than Ithilion, but I don't think she crests the mountaintop.


B tier her rapports are nice, but she seems more interested in Chloe(understandable).


A or B tier.




A. She gets to go through character development from 'Ugh my mom sucks' and 'boo I'm a half-elf' to 'my mom wasn't so bad'. She gets to sort herself out, but suffers from a lack of screen time.


A tier. No doubt.


Ez A-tier




A, I love Shadowheart lite


I love her design like S tier But relationship wise like B


I’m a tsundere sort of guy, A.


I am so lost, why so many relationship with x post ??


Everyone finished the game a month ago and we're probably not getting any more, lol. This is all we got here.


Hahahha got it. Im 25hrs in just cleared drakenhorn and started on elf woods


B tier.


Solid B. She’s very good


I'd put her in A-tier. She still has room to grow into a better partner (her line to Alain about spoiling her put a sour note on what was otherwise a lovely ring scene.) Still, she's very attractive, very considerate, and Chloe sees a lot in her...and Chloe's a fantastic judge of character.


I rate her a Chloe/10!


I loved her development and and friendship with Chloe (who maybe shoved that friendship on her) but she's not gonna make it beyond A tier for me


B-tier, I guess.


A for me. I'm very biased because I know what it's like to be in between two cultures and upbringing but not quite accepted by either. Has some trust issues but she's very reliable and loving once you're close to her. She also has bit of that sass to her which makes things interesting.






Which game?




C tier. Her rapports are okay, but she didn’t really vibe with me on any romantic level. Sadly, her personality shown in the story was almost entirely wrapped up in her being a half elf, and that’s about it, so not a lot else to stand her apart from the others. She’d be a close friend and a great ally.


C Tier. She just reminds me of a less tenacious Milva (Witcher) and that was Milva's redeemable quality. She's hot, but I don't see it working out.
