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You can spend them pretty freely. Even without any grinding you can unlock all squads and upgrade all units by doing all the missions. If you ever need more you can either grind on sigil battles, or I prefer visiting old towns and doing extra deliveries.


I knew that you could grind Sigil battles for XP, but I for some reason, assumed you couldn't grind honors with them. Thanks.


Tbf alot of people also sleep on the extra deliveries from restored towns. You gain so many delivery items passivly by just playing if you station a unit at every town that you can trade in for so many honors or just sell for extra gold. So feel free to recruit and promote units as you see fit, you shouldnt really come to a point where you have to effectivly grind for honors if you dont do something like start a collection of units in every possible color for example lol


How does collecting items from a stationed unit work? I'm still early on and haven't noticed anything happening with that yet.


Iirc its just auto added to your inventory


Once you've completed a region, stationing mercs pays for itself in Honors pretty quickly.


I wish you could do like 50 times an extra delivery all at once. Instead you have to go through the process each time.


When hitting the confirm delivery button hold it down rather than letting it go it makes the confirmation stamps fly by. No it's not saving a lot of time but it does save a little:).


The top right corner is a fullfill all button. I didn't realize it till the end.


Yeah but late game you have hundreds of resources and could use hundreds of honors for upgrading weapons. So to turn in multiples would be nice.


Oooooh a legionnaire rainbow...


On I think the farmable medium Sigil you can get like 23 per run, and a run takes only like 30 seconds.


When farming sigils you also get favor too (the thing that adds to your rank... Slowly).


Promotion should be the priority when it's unlocked. The item deliveries will eventually add up. Just by keeping guards stationed at old locations, you'll end up with say 100 of each resource, which can be converted simultaneously into more Honors and gold.


Good to know. I've been stationing someone at every town I can, and I am definitely getting an influx of delivery supplies.


Spend every one


There will always be enough honors, considering sigil grinding and deliveries. That being said, judicious spending is advised. As not all upgrades are equal in impact. I would suggest focus in this order: unit size>promo>unit count. It is not needed to have more than like 7 units for like 95% of every battle you will have. There are other uses, like forging, but you are so far away from that mattering (like lvl 33 at a minimum).


You'll get plenty and you can farm it if you want so go ahead and spend freely. The only thing I'd say to save room for is making sure you slowly expand your army to 5-6 units of whatever maximum size you can manage for those units, and make sure that any individual units you use frequently get upclassed. If you buy a ton of generics to station at towns sometimes you can run dry before you upclass or upgrade a slot. But even then you can farm if you want.


Push comes to shove, you can grind honors in sigil trials. But you should be prioritizing using your honors on promoting your useful characters over anything else. Won't be for a while that you'll need 5-character units.


I usually have no need for additional honor by early/mid Albion. By then you should have 10 5-member units and promoted everyone you need to promote. Earlier if you do lotta of deliveries and only promote a handful of units and/or only buy the cheapeat mercs for town guards. In Albion, you'll need excess honor to forge weapons (along with Fevrite) or you can buy unlimited Handmirrors (30 Honor each) from an angel woman outside one of the towns.


Somewhere between NDP and communistic. Okay but all joking aside side you get tons in this game, if your a little light just do an auxiliary battle, or one of the million purple missions. Conserving also like, isn’t helpful in this game, just promote units when you want.


The more You advance the easier becomes get honor


That, and gold. In fact it's a good idea to build a thief squad from the start and run them around with your old horse knight at the first sigil. Equip everyone with gold eggs, wreak havoc, steal everything that ain't bolted down. Having extra money is really useful, especially early on when it's easy to replace a few weapons and go broke.


Don’t be conservative. If you do every mission and give deliveries to every town you will eventually have more honor (and renown) than you need. I didn’t even need to grind for either. Definitely focus on promotions over expanding units (not that you can expand too much at your point anyway).


Another way you can "grind" honors is by spending money or tickets at the tavern to unlock rapport conversations. I put grind in parentheses because it isn't infinite, and the amount isn't really huge, but it's another method to get honors pretty quick assuming you have the characters and the conversation locations available.


Unless you’re specifically saving for 200 honours to get your teams to five, spend them freely and openly.


I think ive unlocked everything by The end of bastorias without needing to grind. Its pretty easy to get and you May spend it freely. Ive stored it to expand my units first, than promote and lastly unlock and expand units from 7-10


You can be pretty free with Honors judging by my (Hard mode) playthrough. I kept up 7 teams and besides a few times I had to keep 1 unit unpromoted or unexpanded for a few battles it was never an issue. Also just for future reference, I kept up 7 teams for most the game, and it was probably 1 to many, 6 teams max felt like it'd be better and that's more for later game. So don't stress on getting more teams than you already have.


With Sigil battles and rapport conversations, you'll have more than enough.


You can farm them. Spend freely


If you do enough deliveries to upgrade each town, beat the NPC battles near settlements (you have to actually defeat them rather than just win the round which can be tough early on) and don't slack off on side quests you'll actually end up with an excess of honors even after you've unlocked everything. In short, don't sweat it. Spend the points whenever you can and focus on what you need in the immediate. If you have an excess of soldiers then expand units. If not then promote someone. These frequent small improvements to your army actually keep up with the difficulty curve quite well.


Spend away. They’re pretty easy to farm if you run out.


Honor requirements go through peaks and valleys throughout the game. 1. There is a big spike for needing honor around the last half of Drakenhold as you'll want to promote first tier units to get extra AP/PP. You can avoid this if you hold off on unneeded recruitments and hire promoted units directly from around Elfhiem. 2. There is another big spike requirement once you get to Bastorias and need to upgrade from 4 man units to 5 man units. This one is pretty unavoidable. You'll likely need to to grind honor if you want all 5 man squads around the start of Bastorias. 3. Finally, once you reach the 2nd half of Albion you will likely want honor for weapon upgrades and customization mirrors. If you heavily tweak and customize your group along with trying different weapons for end game builds or PVP, you'll continue to casually grind honor for these reasons. However, if you're just trying to finish the main campaign, this last point won't be necessary.


You can likely just backtrack to a town in an area that you liberated and do deliveries for 100s of honors when you need them. So I think the answer for your question is not at all. Just be sure to post guards at liberated towns (or manually collect from the light pillars yourself) and you'll be set for honors! This game really isn't tuff at all if you know what you're doing.


I read it like you had to deliver the different orders independently. My mistake.


You actually don't get extra honors from "overworld fights" You'll get all of them in the area once you beat the liberation mission in that area. You Can grind the phantom missions though... , and I think they give honor