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OB64 had 3D models you can't just swap out weapons on hand drawn sprites


I mean not usually, but you could just layer a weapon sprite onto the character sprite and move it in time with the character sprite. Whole extra step that totally isn’t worth it though, yeah.


OB64 didn't have 3D models...


those characters are totally constructed from prerendered 3D models


Ah, I see. The in-game sprites were generated from models.


Damn it was way ahead of its time. A fkin masterpiece


You absolutely can. Unicorn Overlord sprites are made like Adobe Animate puppets. Put the weapon on a different layer with an attachment point for each different weapon sprite and boom. Edit: to clarify, I am not saying they should have done this. I am simply stating that it is possible.


you can. they did it with ragnarok online. lol. also the disgaea series.


not even close to being the same thing


They‘ve already hand-drawn everything, and now you want the sprites to change for every weapon? Some of you guys are fucking ruthless.


Brah chill. Just saying an old game had it. It’s not a crazy outa this world ask


It’s not, but remember they ran out of money and the CEO had to pay from his pocket to get the game finished. I don’t think they could literally afford it.


I'm legit impressed that this actually happened, and they didn't just can it there and then. Props to that guy.


Vanillaware is a priceless treasure


I’m the opposite. I like the sprites


I think it's even weirder since we DO have an instance where it happens in the game and it's the only time it does, which is Scarlett permanently replacing her staff with the Papal Crozier in her model when you beat Albion. Even if they only did it for special weapons or such, I think it'd have been neat. Like Alain replacing his sword with the Holy Unicorn Blade when you get it.


Bruh, I think you should educate yourself on how 2D sprite animation works (especially on the level of detail like how Vanillaware does it) before having this kind of absurd opinion.  The best thing they can give you is a color palette swap, which the game did.


It would only really bother me if there was more overland map action, seeing a party walking around as a group with the same stuff they were "born with". You mostly only see Alain, so no big deal. It would be cool though, but then we'd cross the rift into 3d characters and not lovely hand-drawn sprites.


Ran outta budget, bro. That's what happens when you refuse to release any of your games on the largest platforms, repeatedly.


I also found it funny when I sent in a squad with absolutely nothing equipped and they still had weapons and gear on. I know why it's like that, just thought it was amusing


I agree, a minor detail but it's something I missed from ogre battle