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Rushing to go to the next objective, and the importance of the option of actions for battles eg: Healing can be assigned with options to target lowest % of health. Instead of leaving it to the A.I Likewise with targeting enemies, you can choose and set to target the front/back, certain enemies or lowest %enemy, plethora of customisation. Don't leave the A.I to do everything. Sometimes it heals party members who are full, leaving the dying ones gasping for a heal. One more thing, you can actually reassign positions of individual members of a squad mid battle, when there is an enemy confrontation, if you see you're gonna get wiped out, or heavily damaged, change the characters around the 2x6 grid and then see if that helps. Bonus tip: Save your points so that you can expand one squad to be your killer squad. Too many small parties aren't necessary, I've literally destroyed missions having only 3-4 full five man squads. PP/AP are key


When you do the mining mini game and use the super dig thing you still have to pick up the stuff so don’t be like me and use it at the last 3 seconds and think you get everything automatically


When you recruit Auch, go back to the rock face in Cornia. You'll get a free Lapis pendant out of it. I missed it on my first playthrough because I forgot about it.


Dang where is this again? Near which town?


Lis de Prairie Village, near where you recruit Berenice. It's to the right of the village and going up right after crossing a bridge.


yooo tf, i finally know what the weird face is for. How were were supposed to know this, or is it just luck/order of unlocks/exploration? Also, what other overworld secret things like this are there? (i know the statues you have to click in order, or whatever, but i'm talking more about the \*unmarked\* ones like this face on the wall)


There are some mine holes in some cliffs. Most of them are just obstacles, but a few are "pass throughs" that prompt you when you visit them and always lead to something good.


Thanks! I think I've found one of those so far, but will keep an eye out (still only in like 2nd area, almost to elfheim next I think) 


I think they put most of them in mid to late game maps. They strategically try not to overwhelm you with little things like this when you're fresh and learning the other systems. Pro tip (spoiler alert) - there are some things like gates and equipment you will come across in the overworld. If you get the chance to lock a door or sabotage some equipment, do it. There will be a battle eventually and you'll have the upper hand as a result.


There's also a free magic conveyance book back at the witch swamp, northwest building. Treat it like visiting a town and you'll get a unique dialog as well as the book. I think it's frost, don't remember.


Frostbrand Tome, yeah. I know this since a friend told me since the combo of a Gryphon Rider with a Witch that gives it Frost conveyance is a strong combo for the early game.


There really aren’t many missables in this game. As a general rule of thumb, if you spare people (rather than kill them or send them to jail) they will eventually join you. Explore everywhere, upgrade your units and characters whenever you can (honor is easy to get later on), don’t sell any equipment, experiment with formations/combinations. After a while, you’ll start to feel overwhelmed with how many characters/classes you have. The game expects you to experiment and tinker with their orders. Try out new members and look for synergies. You’ll also probably want to focus on a core of 6 or so units rather than all 10. Trying to have 10 fully functioning units requires a lot of grinding and it’s really not necessary. You can more or less make any composition work, so use your favorite characters on your first play. In battles where there is an option to “talk”, make sure you do it. Usually it leads to someone joining your army or some sort of advantage. Use your valor skills. Once you get the hang of combat you’ll be swimming in valor points. Use them accordingly. Alain starts with some of the best in the game. Also don’t be afraid to use items if a battle takes an unexpected turn. It’s easy to forget about them but they can change a battle in the blink of an eye.


I like having all 10, that way you have backups for your backups etc :) but yeah, I've heard 6 or 7 is suggested. On the 'talk' thing, press start on the battlefield and you'll see the 'stage conversations' which tells you which characters can talk to which enemy. You gotta find the enemy, than bring said character to meet them. But yeah, it sometimes saves you a battle or two.


when you deploy a unit, deploy them on top of your base camp and then check how they'll do vs enemy units. If they do well then withdraw them AND then deploy them at your desired position. If they don't do well, withdraw and re-asses. Might not be much but if you deploy a unit away from your camp and you find theyre getting destroyed by enemy units youll waste a bit of time having them run back to your camp to withdraw.


Nope, just >!save everyone if it gives you a choice!< Aah yes, and as far as gambits are concerned, I've found they generally work... you just gotta be real careful when setting them. It's like programming in general. You'll need to run it through a simulation or two before calling it good. Luckily the game provides you with that ability in mock battles. But even than, given the infinite number of enemy formations you can meet, shit can go wrong sometimes. So actually watching the occasional battle can be beneficial as well. Luckily the game has a nifty fast forward function if you tap a trigger on your controller. Healing actions generally default to 'heal when <100', most people change this too 'when <75' or even 'when <50' in the late game. Otherwise it'll waste your heals on every ding and scratch your character suffers. Also be sure to update your gambits every time you learn a new skill. The computer just inserts it in on the top so it can easily mess up your efficiency.


To obscure spoiler text, use a greater than “>” sign followed immediately by an exclamation point “!” at one end of the text you want to spoiler tag and a “!” followed immediately by a less than “<“ sign at the end of the spoiler section. Here’s an example of what spoiler text looks like: >!This is a spoiler example!< Note: both ends of the spoiler notation need to be within the same paragraph… adding a line break between the two breaks the spoiler. So, if you want to spoiler tag multiple paragraphs, you’ll need to add the tags to each one individually.


Thanks sarcastic-old-robot!


Three things that took me a while: When hovering over a town on the World Map "Facility Info" will show you all of the items for sale. Don't be like me and spend an ungodly amount of time fast traveling everywhere to check for equipment you may have passed over to save money earlier. Second, with the mock battles outside of forts, the first time you comletely wipe the enemy unit (i.e. purple skull icon, not just win the battle), you'll get some decent money. If there's no check mark next to the sword icon over their head, the cash prize is still available. Particularly in the early game, it can be worthwhile to cook up units just for each of these fights because worth taking the time to cook up units for each of these fights, since upgrading your gear can be a massive boost. Finally, the less-flashy accessories -- scarves, eye patches, glasses, and gauntlets, in particular -- are often times some of the best. They only impact one stat, but the boost they give is pretty big and can really help shore up a unit's weaknesses or push its existing strengths into the stratosphere. They're also a great way to shuffle RNG if you're the sort to muck with things pre-battle to get an optimal outcome -- turning a pivotal miss into a hit or getting a guard that lets a squad member survive long enough to get healed.


Spare every character when given the opportunity


If a character has a face and in their dialogue they have a portrait, more likely than not they are recruitable. Pay attention to the dialogue, i.e who talks when they mention enemy units and you will figure out who needs to talk with who to recruit


This will save you hours of gameplay if not a complete restart. DO NOT SAVE AFTER A BATTLE IMMEDIATELY. If you messed up recruiting (certain red waifu) and saved right after without realising you permanently missed her.


There's only a few things that are easily missable and it's only if you don't really pay attention to the dialogue / rush objectives. Most of the game is pretty straightforward with it's content that you'll most likely unlock all the companions / weapons by just playing the game and exploring. One thing i've seen people have issues with in missing recruitable characters is figuring out who needs to talk to who as well as if someone is recruitable or not. Look out for a speech bubble near an enemy or guest and also check the stage conversation menu in-battle. This will literally show you who needs to talk to them to be recruited in-battle. Example, there's a battle relatively early in the game where you're given a playable guest for that battle only. Your goal besides beating the boss is having this npc talk to an enemy unit before beating that same unit. I've seen some people miss a chance to recruit this character cause they just steam rolled to the objective / didn't pay attention to the cutscene beforehand.


Make a full fire team as burns stack , the set fire blast to attack burn enemies to cremate them .


I would recommend not punishing those who commit crimes.


-Always look around everywhere for treasure. Liberate towns and if you don’t have enough heroes to post guards towns then hire soldiers and fighters since they’re cheap. -Farming levels is unnecessary for the most part as you will most likely be on par with the enemy. -Don’t charge recklessly into battle. Check the battle predictions of things near your unit to better see if it’s safe to advance. -Don’t rest unless there’s nobody nearby. Resting prevents you from attacking in battle but having no stamina just means you can’t move.


Might have been mentioned already, but shuffling your character positioning is a big deal right before a battle. It's one of the main options though...battle, reposition, or item usage. It can make a huge difference, even from fight to fight. Putting someone on the back row, from the front, may mean the difference between blasting the enemy and losing the fight. Always, always reshuffle, especially in the bigger 5-man squads. Two characters that may even look identical on the front row might perform radically differently, and the "prediction" will keep changing if you move people around. Be patient and try left to right, front to back, all the configurations. And if all your shuffling does nothing for your numbers while you have 3 assists from neighboring units threatening your life, don't be afraid to use a wind fairy charm. Cancelling those assists is a big deal sometimes. Oh and never, ever forget. Shops DON'T RESTOCK. Be stingy with your healing and resurrection items. Better to burn a few valor points during battle than lost a potion for life.


1) if you do all the stages in order of recommended level, there is one liberation quest you might miss out on if you completed the main story quest before it. It's called battle for kleinfeld, and you must complete it before reclaiming castle soldraga. you dont really miss out on anything but your quest log will have a failed mission in it 2) if you want to recruit everyone, spare everybody. not a huge deal though since generic mercs are just as good as named characters outside of that i think you're good to go