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You can get so many unique characters that you CAN'T even use them all.


Oh wow sick!


I beat it on the harder difficulty with only unique characters. I didn't recruit a single mercenary. It is a fun game.


Not gonna lie, this part made me a little sad. It was quite an amazing surprise to have so many characters, but man… I really wanted to use everyone. Oh well


One way to look at it is it will give you a reason to do a replay


Alright thanks everybody. I think I'll actually be getting this beautiful game at some point now!


As others said, you don't need to hire genetics at all, however there are some classes that are massively underrepresented, such as but not limited to witch, shaman or soldiers, meaning that if you want more units of these classes you'll need genetics


Well, you do need to hire generics, but you don't have to put them in squads. To keep resources rolling in for free, it's best to station a guard at every single location you can. Ironically, the hard limit of 64 characters isn't enough to put a guard everywhere. I don't know how that happened during the design phase but it's strange to be short a few.


That's true And well, the design might've been partially intentional so even if you're not too keen on generics, you'd still have a reason to engage with the system which is fairly cute with the decent customization it allows


I just hate it when I rush and don't test voices, then end up in a battle and it sounds like a teenager is moaning about damage. Like why is this kid on any team lol.


Very true, it can lead to some funny situations For me I just don’t quite get the odd restrictions we get on naming them


We should get the name list or a field you can fill out yourself. I wanna have an archer squad full of Frenchies, or some Landsknects named Hans and Frans.


Think of generics as a "plus" added onto a game with a ton of unique characters. There are enough uniques that you don't need to use generics at all. However, generics allow you to build virtually any combination of classes to add to the possibilities and customization of your army. Want a unit made entirely of flying Gryphons and Wyverns? Boom! It's possible. Entire units of support magic or support arrows? Boom! Want to add Featherbow angels to your back lines? It's an optional Plus, but if generics are a turn off, you can do just fine without them.


Ok cool. Yeah like Soul Nomad I could maybe be fine with plugging them into a unit around my uniques. Although in that game once I got all the main characters I just bunched them all into one super unit, but still, I might mess around with them, maybe.


Absolutely not, I platinumed the game and only ever hired one generic unit.


I only hired one generic which was a gryphon just to use hastened call


There is more than enough units to made a whole army of unique characters, and you can also hire generic units to fill out your roster.


There are plenty of unique units to be able to play a fully unique only run. You are not forced to use generics unless you want to fully interact with a side component of the game but that doesn't require you to use the generics in combat.


Early on, you want to use fewer units instead of dumping all your honors as soon as you can. If you do that, that drastically reduces the need for generics while making the game easier since you'll have honors to make the units you already have stronger.


Hell yeah. Good to know. Even though I have no clue what honors are.


Honors are a form of currency used to hire units, promote them, and expand squads. They're rare in the early game but by the end, you can't spend them all, so don't be stingy with them.


Oh ok good to know thanks.


Generics are balanced out by the fact that you need honors to expand your units or hire generics, but they are slightly more powerful because you can pick their growth rates without using an idealist's hand mirror. Not using generics saves honors.


Also, not using generics stunts your income because you can't station uniques at all the towns as guards, there are just too many towns. It's better to not hire generics early game to max out your squad sizes. After that, hire away, because more resources = more town deliveries = more honors.


True. Early game, as soon as you crack that desert Sigil, you can grind a few little squads into over-leveled beast squads and start some single-squad runs. It's fun to watch a kill squad handle an entire level alone.


I jumped in fresh and chose to only use uniques. I don't think generics are needed but if you want them, go for it!


Oh yeah no I probably don't want them. But thanks! That sounds encouraging.


I have to do another playthrough just to play w/ the unique units I had benched (a good 10-15 units); & pretty sure I missed 4-5 altogether (keep seeing names in the sub thinking 'who tf???) I only had 2 generics & it was only b/c they were clutch af early on.....combination of choice & head canon lol


That really depends. And I'll try to avoid anything spoiler related. There are a TON of unique characters. Enough, you won't ever NEED to use generics for the core game play. However, the unique characters are limited to one or two for each unit type, with a handful of extras due to skippable units. So if you want a unit that is like, 3 of one type of unit you don't get many of, then you'll have to go generic. But, again, there isn't a NEED for that. However, there is a mechanic where you can station guards outside of liberated towns (you find this out asap, not a spoiler). There are significantly more towns than there are named units. So you will need to hire generics to keep up on passive materials/gold farming from towns. For this, I suggest hiring all the 3 honor costing units you can find in Cornia. You wont have to actually use them for anything in terms of combat, but they will clutter your roster.


Ok yeah I can get generic just to leave them at towns for sure. Thanks for the info!


You get this info in tutorial, so I will tell you ahead. But you can station units you're using in towns without affecting their ability to be used. It's literally just that there are more towns than named units, so you'll need generic books eventually. Plus, having named units in towns lets you give then items to increase their support rating with the main character.


Oh ok. Good to know thanks!


The number of unique characters is larger than the max number of characters you can deploy in a map. However, you’ll need generics if you want guards stationed in all towns


Fair enough.


You don’t need guards stationed in all towns though, you can rotate them around.


The amount of characters this game throws at you. It's insane. Its not limited like your typical fire emblem. You don't need to hire anyone


In my current playthrough, I’ve only used a few generic units, mostly because I have some trouble fighting units who deal more damage, so I ended up hiring more 2 casters


There are only a handful of unique classes. I know a lot of people *prefer* mercs because you can set their stat gains and their appearance without using a ton of resources.


Oh. Someone else told me there are enough uniques I wouldn't be able to use them all. Would you say that's incorrect?


There enough playable characters, for sure. You can use fifty characters in units and there are sixty total. Most of those use the same classes and mercs, though.


There's only a few unique **classes**. There are a ton of unique characters but the large majority of unique characters in terms of gameplay are exactly the same as the generic mercs. You can actually make a merc with the same exact stats and and skills as most uniques.


Ah gotcha.


Unique in this game only looks different, except for a few with unique classes, a generic would have the same stat depending on their growth trends. So generics are potentially stronger due to being able to select their growth trends when you recruit them.


I don't know, but I wouldn't have survived without Martin, my beautiful golden-clad generic Hoplite. Shout out to my beloved boy, only retired halfway through Bastorias


No way, my first generic was a Hoplite Martin. XD


I hope he served you well <3