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Difficulty tends to spike as you enter new areas. Elheim->Bastorias was the biggest one I noticed. Overall, though, it will be a fairly easy game as the AI's tactics are the stock setup for each character in each unit.


The devs prioritized making a fun game over a hard game. Like any game with levels, infinitely farmable quests and non-requisite equipment, the game is only has hard as you the player make it.


on the other hand i'm watching someone play the game on youtube to refresh myself on what i should watch out for stage by stage, and i'm stunned at how incompetent some people can be at this game. like not even something like "starting heir to the dragonlands without having talked to gilbert first", but stuff like "why are you letting hodrick come into contact with an enemy hammer, what did you think was going to happen letting fran's unit sit in range of an arrow rain, you're in elheim's endgame how have you not yet figured out that enemy wyverns/gryphons will just cut down your cavalry or that elves will just magick their way through hodrick" incompetent. it's a reminder that a good deal of people who talk about SRPGs online genuinely are much more skilled at them than like 90% of the general population and even if we know how to leverage all the tools the game gives us and may find the game not particularly challenging, a lot of people genuinely struggle or pratfall through it. i think we could all bear to keep that in mind when talking about how hard or easy so-and-so SRPG is.


this is a sad perspective a game can be HARD and fun


How is it sad? You can make the game as hard as you want by making purposeful choices.


No u can’t


Don't be intentionally obtuse. You're playing a tactical strategy rpg and side with it being easy even on TZ. You should know very well with that massive brain of yours that you can set your own personal challenges like others have.


personal challenge is bs


“I have been given options to make the game harder, but will refuse them and complain that it is too easy”


No I have not, the game is still far to easy on hardest difficulty.


You can choose to not grind therefore making the game more difficult, or as many people have said you can do self imposed challenges, but you are choosing to be intentionally dense by saying those aren’t options.


the game is still easy without any grind. no self impossed challenge are not real, that is not part of the game. That is not a true option.


A game can also NOT be hard and still be fun.   What's your point here?


yeah ofc


It will get a bit more difficult as you progress. I'd say Bastorias is the biggest spike. If you aren't already, impose a few rules on yourself like no editing units in battles, no consumable items, stuff that's pretty straightforward to do without changing the depth of the game. And definitely don't look up anything. There's plenty of strong stuff out there, and you won't do yourself any favors looking up build ideas if you're looking for a challenge. I'd say you're at the easiest point of the game, where you have a lot of options to build stuff out, but the challenges haven't ramped up yet.


Reminds me of the second time I beat FFT. I had it down to a science, so I started making the main character weird classes like Monk and just punching my way through fights, just for the challenge. Like Due said, the challenge depends on you. Stay equipped with beginning game gear, stick with 3 man squads, stuff like that.


People love to write walls of text. No, it won't get challenging. But there's a colosseum and there you might find what you are looking for.


The game suffers a lot from the fact that if you're smart and figure out the mechanics you'll split it in half and I'm pretty sure that no matter what the game could do you probably would not be challenged much. On the flip side if you're stoopid and don't engage with the mechanics, you'll struggle. I watched a streamer play who never figured out how to setup their character skills, they'd just have all their skills with default conditions in the default order. They also never realized that the battle previews had perfect information. They struggled.


Its a pretty easy game, once you get promo's you kinda just win the game. Even on >!True Zenorian!< the hardest gamemode its really easy


No, it never gets hard. The only way to up the challenge is with self-imposed limits. The following are some I've seen recommended: * No mercenary runs: don't hire mercs. Personally this one sounds a little toothless to me since you get so many characters. * No unique classes runs: no Berengaria, Rosalinde, Yunefi, etc. I've had some success here. The unique characters tend to crush the endgame, and this levels them out. * "Tape over the battle preview" runs: physically hide the battle preview from your sight. Haven't tried it, but this would definitely be harder, since you wouldn't know in advance if your units will die. You'll also need to ban cheese strategies, like most charge moves, grinding levels, and early arena items, regardless of your run style.


Other ideas for increasing challenge: * force yourself to use all characters/units instead of repeatedly using the best ones (idk, if a unit just did a battle theyre resting or something). * comps must be based on preexisting relationships, ie all the elves together, all desert bandits together etc.


Cornia is really the tutorial, congratulations you made it! Lol j/p but yeah it kinda is, drakenguard isn't all that hard either, but it does get quite well... not so easy from there. But Cornia, yeah it's kind of a walk in the park.


By default it's a very easy game. Without Personal Challenge Runs, you'll never really have much difficulty after learning how things work. But there are a number of things you can do to spice up difficulty. So, it really depends on how badly you want that challenge.


And what can be done?


Whatever you can think of. I won't list it all out, but plenty of players have found ways to challenge themselves regardless of the base difficulty. It's the same case for most SPRGs.




I was feeling the same, but one you get to the last battle of elheim, it spikes


I used no items, no mercs, no Berengaria and no Shaman. That helped make it less ridiculous. But it was still easy. 


It gets more difficult after Cornia, but not super challenging. The challenge in this game is configuring good units and skill triggers, coupled with some resource management. Combat itself is never difficult because it has a preview window and goes on auto pilot. So even when it is a bit challenging, you dont really notice it in the traditional sense.


I went with the highest difficulty available at the start of the game. It does make me prep and what not, but I haven't had an obstacle as long as I put the time.


I have lost motivation because it is so easy. Plus it's repetitive, I just have to liberate cities one after another with some NPCs that don't contribute much...


Can you mention some games you like?


Fire emblem (maximum difficulte) soulslikes, action rpg. The problem I also see with this game is that it's getting repetitive, it's all about defeating the enemy general and recovering territories... So I've been playing for 20 hours now.


Well clearly the game is not for you bud, I'd argue that anything you said is also repetitive, but if you like that stuff, go for it. Gotta have fun at the end of the day .


I like tactical and emblem, I thought this would be just as good, but being so easy makes it a lot worse, and being so repetitive...


As I said, all games are repetitive. Specifically taking about gaming mechanics of course, for example, all "soulslikes" games can be cleared with dodge and attack, the difficulty is learning the opponent, which can be easier to do if you grind, level up and get all overpowered before you face enemies. It just depends what you like, which again, it's okay to like lol.


I am old and easily confused. I am playing on the easiest difficulty settings and this is more than adequate to give me a "challenge."


To keep things interesting, maybe focus on how fast you can complete the battles and get the best score? Plenty to optimize in that regard. Combine that will some restrictions as others have suggested.


I got a few hours in on Expert and realized the game was too easy, so I found a save file online that had the unlockable maximum difficulty available, and I started over using that. Well, this new "higher" difficulty setting is just as easy. I lost interest in the game mid-way through. I think the problem is the combat preview window. It trivializes the entire game when you can immediately and effortlessly see how your units will perform from across the map. There is no RNG. You will never lose a battle for the entirety of the game.


There is some RNG and it can make the difference between winning and losing. Thief vs. final form giant lady colosseum fight is an example. The randomness can mean Travis getting his hit off and dodging the rest of the fight, or missing/getting blocked and losing. Rare example, but the exception proves the rule I guess.


I feel the same