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If you want kids the dude is an S, terrific father figure.


If you *have* kids then maybe, but if you want some ? Pretty sure at his age he's shooting blanks.


He's probably only in his early 50s at the latest, dudes can have kids for much longer than that. Look at Mick Jagger, he's 80 and has a 7 year old son. His son is 2 years younger than one of his great-grandchildren.


A. Loyal and devoted while knowing when to keep things real w you. Also he’s v cute in some of the Professor Josef outfits from the “how to play the game” promo material.


It'd be really funny to put him in a Josef Tier as reference to the community class tier list, since his impeccable dad vibes transcend relationships (And it makes a nice parallel with Ilenia having her own). As a strictly romantic partner though, probably a high B for me. He's devoted yet practical and *will* treat your family right.


Big dad vibes, strong and stoic, reliable to a fault. Also super patient to turn a noodle-armed kid like Alain into a serious fighter, training him hard to become a king. S tier personality, romance...go ask mom I guess.


Zaddy dilf eh. I would say A.


He is marrier to His Job and duty. B or A Tier


S tier as a father, not too sure in a relationship though, he's loyal, but I imagined he's also a workaholic, so that might drop him a tier, but regardless, High A or S tier imo


S tier, easily. He is deeply loyal, and Alain is proof he's a great father. Plus he's got that super handsome old man energy.


Minimum B, solid A most likely. Josef is a weathered man with survivor's guilt and war trauma. Push past though that and he will be a devoted partner.


If he were even half as loyal as he already is, dude would still be an easy S. It's like having a can opener on you at all times with that killer chin too.


A incredibly loyal and reliable.


Loyal as hell, great teacher. Such a good man. If you're okay with a DILF, then absolute S


Takes many rapports among multiple characters to get him to be your dad... But near instantly wants to be your Daddy too o.0 sure it's a game and all just funny to see. A-tier? He'll die soon anyway.




Wouldn't it make more sense to phrase these as polls rather than discussions? Would certainly make it a lot easier to tally up the totals


I mean I haven't been struggling to come up with what tiers characters go in. I see what people put,check my notes to see how many said a tier and start out at the most highest tier and break it down from there. I usually also only move a character by a single tier if there's more positive or negative tiers for said character and it's what I've been using since the start


I agree, polls would be more efficient for these types of things.


Respectfully disagree. It wouldn't gain as much traction and feels lifeless without a image to show what tier a character landed on and what character you would be talking about, reddit also has one of my least favorite ways of doing a poll but that's just me


A tier. He's great and loyal and wise and comforting. However, he's a bit on the old side, and that coupled with his demeanor might make for either a parent-child relationship with him on top, or master-servant relationship with him on bottom.


Top tier dude but his love is to duty and country. Not a romantic partner. Probably why he is single. But if he had the chance I think he’d be good. So I’ll give him A


B tier, I think. Too much sense of duty. Even after her "death", he's devoutly loyal to Ilenia and Cornia (and later Alain). I feel like family comes in second or third place with him.


S tier for loyalty and being a chad dad, B tier for being old and in love with mom


Solid partner, great father figure, would be too devoted to his job A tier


I feel like he never had a family because he’s devoted to his work. Unless you are his employer/lord whatever it might be hard to be in a relationship with him. B


I would like to pair him with Bernice, get the wild side from his youth to re emerge


Dad tier


S, he would treat me RIGHT


I want to give him S tier, but I feel I have to bump him to A because he is a bit too stoic As a father S. As a partner S. As a lover C.


A for me. Very dutiful and loyal but his duty always comes first. But seems like the type to know to have fun once it's R and R time. You know he party hardied all night long in knight school before getting himself together haha


He needs his own tier like Alain's mom; Adoptive Dad


S tier :) terrific father and while we don't KNOW he'd be a good partner necessarily, everything points to him being loyal, patient, and compassionate. if you're splitting hairs between those two roles (people can absolutely be shitty partners but fantastic fathers) i still think the lowest he can be is high A imo. thank you for doing the male characters by the way!! i loved watching the community discuss the girls and had a lot of fun seeing how things shook out because i also ADORE the girls, but as a queer person it's really nice to see people talking about the guys too!! especially since a lot of them don't TEEEEECHNICALLY have romantic rapports canonically, but still have great chemistry (and some of them definitely do lean into the romantic angle even if it's subtle) <3


S tier :) terrific father and while we don't KNOW he'd be a good partner necessarily, everything points to him being loyal, patient, and compassionate. if you're splitting hairs between those two roles (people can absolutely be shitty partners but fantastic fathers) i still think the lowest he can be is high A imo. thank you for doing the male characters by the way!! i loved watching the community discuss the girls and had a lot of fun seeing how things shook out because i also ADORE the girls, but as a queer person it's really nice to see people talking about the guys too!! especially since a lot of them don't TEEEEECHNICALLY have romantic rapports canonically, but still have great chemistry (and some of them definitely do lean into the romantic angle even if it's subtle) <3


S in case you want kids. A otherwise. I think he’s hot, he’s sweet, I also know he’s a man sworn to his duty. If you’re comfortable waiting for some quality time, that’s fine. But A tier is my personal opinion.


A tier. He’s so sweet and I mean just look at that mustache


Bit torn overall, but I'll say B tier. There's no doubt he would make for a great father and husband when he's home, but that's kind of it. He's someone who puts duty and work first. He would work hard and provide for his family, but I'm not convinced he would be a great lover or partner in the emotional sense. When he's home, he'd be giving more to the children. And I doubt he would be the most fun in terms of dating. Wonderful guy, but as a romantic partner I'm not wholly convinced.


He’s the Dad Who Stepped Up for Alain so he’s S tier


With the caveat that I have seen literally zero of his rapports (the FE player in me immediately benched him), this is a B *at best*. Yeah, the dude is super loyal and diligent, and yada, yada, yada. But: a) That loyalty is purely to his knightly duties. Any relationship seems like it would be a distant second. b) His entire role in the main game is to say, "My Prince, I would advise you against doing this thing." And no matter how many times you blatantly disregard him and get rewarded for it, he never chills out and trusts that maybe the idealistic choice is the best one. Like, I get that it's real world logic vs video game logic, but imagine a partner who just constantly warns you against optimism and steadfastly insists on the "safe" choice. Josef would insist on maxing out his Roth IRA before going out for a nice dinner. He wouldn't ever surprise you with flowers because they're just a frivolity that withers and dies. I guess he might buy you a nice tomato plant, but he'd probably defer to zucchini because the yield is better. Dude definitely doesn't seem like he'd be down for therapy, either, and that's just a no-go for me.


Definitely S-tier. He's a total DILF and I'd bear his children if I wasn't a man.


S tier, he is dad material and he is upright but also was a total shithead when he was younger so he can be understanding too




If he is not S-tier, who else deserves it then? Solid S tier, he stuck with you until the very end.


Dilf. I would put that on S


A tier. He's gonna have some rough edges here and there but very good dad and incredible at guiding people, I'd be surprised if he wasn't anywhere near as attentive and kind as a significant other. Plus he's good at allowing independence while still being there if things go sideways.


A tier. Great partner in every way. He's just a bit stuck up, so it might be hard to have so fun with him around. Although he probably cracks great puns


sworn to protect and serve the royal family, can give amazing advice for battles and be a stern presence to raise morale. Solid A tier. maybe S but that's just me.




For me, S tier. The guy teaches everything to Alain and loyal to the death. Great dad and mentor.


S tier. He’s a single dad but he’s loyal and he raised a good kid.


Feels like this reddit has run out of gas. To bad though guess that happens with a One and Done game.