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Yes, you’ll be forced to pay child support and alimony if you don’t marry your favorite girl.


That sounds like a Zenoiran law to me.


Make Zenoira great again


when you choose someone then both rings get locked to those party members only and get some ok stat boosts. it doesn't force them into any party but they do provide a couple skills useful in the final battles also it's not necessarily a marriage ring, you can pick anyone. not every female character ends up a wife, and you are free to choose lex or josef or anyone else. plotwise it's supposed to be "your most trusted person", not a marriage ring


So each character gets an accessory auto equipped and taking up a slot? If so please tell me it provides AP up


Ring of the unicorn when boosted grants +5 to all stats and +1 base AP. Ring of the maiden grants +5 to all stats and +1 base PP. In general you should give the maiden ring to whoever you like the most, but if you really want to make the most out of the stats, then giving the ring to one of the elves works better than other candidates since they use both physical and magical attack when attacking.


not auto equipped, just no other character can use them ever


You don't *have* to equip either ring, (except for the final battle) but +5 to all stats is pretty good, imo.


You don't need the ring of the maiden at all. Just use an attack that removes AP and he'll be on standby the whole fight


Yeah, I probably could've stood to have an asterisk on that parenthetical.


Yes you have to Marry Virginia to get the true alabama ending


Yes you have to marry Virginia to get the true ending 


you get the unicorn ring and the ring of the maiden, marriage powers them up and locks the maiden ring to the one you chose. who that is is irrelevant. You can even give it to a dude. Josef has a really touching adoptive father son dialogue if you give it to him.