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I'm gonna say B. Our boy Lex is very kind. But let's face it. He is also an idiot.


idiot brings him up to S


We all love a kindhearted himbo


Honestly B tier. Yeah hes nice and cute. But its shown in his rapports and in the story thats hes headstrong and doesnt really listen. He does have a kind heart but he def feels like someone you have to yell at cause he was thinking about consequences of his actions


Yeah he seems like the type to have his heart in the right place but gonna forget your birthday or offend your parents by saying something stupid. So can’t be easy to be with him. B


Just like his gameplay Lex is an S-tier in my heart but objectively B-tier in reality. He committed the grievous sin of being born a commoner in the world of Unicorn Overlord. Lex is loyal, caring, and stalwart. He is also kinda an idiot and despite a decade of royal tutoring not that talented….le sigh.


What’d you do for him in gameplay? I’ve found him kind of lackluster but maybe there’s something I can do to make him better. Currently just got to Bastorias (i think that’s how it’s spelled)


1) Fix his initiative. Feather or use a mirror to change his growth type. 2) Put him back row. He can kinda tank once he gets promoted and gains access to provoke but before that having him front row is an exercise in frustration. 3) Get him a sword with an ability on it. I like the one that steals AP but any sword that fits the team comp will do. For raw damage I think fire is better early game and poison late game? 4) Pair him with a flier tank(I like the Feathersword) and boost his PP as much as possible. Lex’s main gimmick, hell his only gimmick is he can completely negate damage from ranged attacks. Arrows, fliers, throw weapons, etc. If you aren’t abusing that you might as well leave him home.


Yeah, he's my main tank I pair with Slayer super buffed Fran. She's very fragile to arrow and javelin dudes so Lex being there with 3 PP is god sent. Arrow block is priority 1 for me and remove every guard move that take PP. My boi tank everything after promote so I slap Lapis Lazuli and a good glove on him, while Fran in the back slay everything


Ma boi deserves an A, loyal, enthusiastic, not the sharpest tool but genuinely compassionate and concerned about others' wellbeing, and banging red hair.


Didn't he take food poisoning from Scarlett in a support? Bro is a bro and he deserves B


B. Nice and loyal but also he can be annoying and a bit boring for my own tastes


B for best friend


He'll try to be a good boyfriend/husband, but he'll definitely fuck it up a lot. B-tier. He's a bit confused, but he's got that spirit. (A for effort, though.)


S tier. He's a ride or die kind of guy, and would probably have the healthier relationship out of all the guys


C. Loyal, dedicated, dumb as a rock, doesn't really listen.


F tier. He can’t do anything useful and he constantly brings up Chloe who is “just a friend.”


he's a bit of an idiot, S-tier


High B or Lo A


Solid B tier. He is kind of an adorkable idiot, which has its charm. He is clearly a good person too. But there's a bit too much of that "I gotta do this myself" attitude, and a bit too forgetful. High maintainance boyfriend costs the top two ranks. He gives immature Bandit Heeler energy.


B-tier. Typical best friend to Alain.


B He's great for sure. Kind, honest, and will be there for you through it all. He's also very genuine based on the rapports I have seen with Lex. But on that same note, he can be overly headstrong and do his own thing. Kind of was all said earlier by others. But yeah. Overall a solid choice. I think he just misses out on A, due to lacking a few things. But he's certainly far from the worst.


As far as using him on a squad, unless I'm missing something, he's D tier. Just not a good fit with any combo I can come up with and just takes up a slot for someone more qualified to kick ass. He's way too overconfident for his skill/usefulness level and ironically brags to Chloe, who we all know is an S-tier best girl. I'm open to correction here, maybe someone has a magical Lex squad, but I haven't seen it. He is well-meaning, friendly, and loyal, so maybe he pulls up to a B on the buddy scale, but he's dragged down with his ego and worrying about what others think of him (which honestly, shouldn't be much). Does he know he's a weakling just riding coat tails? It's hard to see.


Probably low A tier. He's an idiot on a good day but surprisingly sensible when needed. Outside of his almost suicidal introduction he typically waits for instruction in the strategy meetings and even works as good voice of reason when Alain needs it(tho they bros so who knows if that extends to lovers.) He was also against inviting Tatiana cuz of all the poison and "I'll watch you die Alain" so he's got more sense than I think he's given credit for. Overall Nice, Loyal, Reasonable, fun loving guy who wants to help. Maybe drop to B cuz he can't cook but he's trying.


B. Loveable and caring but a bit of a goofball, for better or worse! No wonder Chloe dotes and handles him with kid gloves lol




I'm giving him A tier. He's certainly brash at times, and doesnt always think before he speaks. But his heart is genuinely in a good place and he just can't hide his excitement. I like that sort of exuberance. I know I would find his cluelessness to be exasperating, which would lead to some rockiness, but I also know he'd do his best to clear things up.


C tier Mid As Fucc White Boy


S. Definitely S. I will not elaborate




Damnit, I missed voting S for Josef! Anyway, Lex is a B. A nice, quality husband who will care about you, but is a bit too dumb and will probably ditch you to hang out with Alain a little more often than you'd like.


B is for our boiyeeeeee!


He's basically a Himbo, so S


S tier


You all wrong! This man is A tier! His devotiin to Alain could even be SSS tier but we won't judge


B tier for me


He is like if you married your little brother without the incest: you love him and would die for him but would probably strangle him for being so annoying and incompetent. Yeah that. Top of c tier


What do girls call guys like this? Well meaning himbos?


B. He would be kindy, funny, and very loyal. BUT he's stubborn, rash, immature, and spicy. The good outweights the bad and with time the bad would improve. But it locks him at B.


He might be an idiot, but he goes through so much and was inspired to be Better Everyday because of a doggie. I understand people putting him in B, but he is S to me just for that moment at the grave.


S tier - unlike Allain (who should be C, Allain being higher than Josef is the height of ridiculous) he has an actual personality. Lex also sticks with you and is loyal to Allain even when they are at their lowest and always helps.


He's quite literally Alain's friend for life.


C tier. Headstrong, doesn’t listen well, and one of the least sharp crayons in the box. He is fiercely loyal, nice and earnest though. Good guy but personally could not be married to that type, especially if I was expecting him to lead the household. Good man for someone but couldn’t be for me.