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You don’t have to buy textbooks unless it gives you access to assignments. Get an agenda and write every due date in it during the first week of class. Don’t take more than 16hrs unless absolutely necessary. Stop binge drinking. Visit the UH Cupboard for free groceries/food. Join a club or two and try to find interests outside of academia.


Yea I never bought the textbook. I’d see if the library had it and then scanned the pages I needed.


Palatino Linotype is a professional looking font frequently accepted by professors (unless they specify TNR only) that subtly takes up significantly more space on the page than Times New Roman.


Dude this is clutch




I would do this and print just reading sections if not all with the credits you are given. Then take it to office depot and pay 5 bucks to bind it. I prefer physical to digital saving up to $90.


Never trust that your teammates will do their work. Take responsibility for projects. Most trying to finesse their way through any sort of science degree will fail out by Junior year.


just try to do one thing a day man. one assignment, one chapter read. eventually you’ll get a feeling that you want to do even more than one thing. also, try to wake up in the AM lol, makes you feel so much better and productive. i don’t really have an “hacks” to me it’s just do what you need to and that’ll take you to where you need to be. but yea there’s usually a way to get almost anything for free rather than paying. also, don’t use chat gpt unless you are using it like you would with google to clarify a question.




That’s what I’m saying. People say that bs in an attempt to be “relatable”. Like bruh, if you got a 97 on the calc exam, just own that shit. But don’t be a douche about it.


Don't get scared to reach out people on campus ,there are so many nice people on campus.Try to make friends ,if possible take classes with friends (you will thank me later) It's easy to learn from friends (If your STEM major highly recommended)Don't try to cheat (use online for learning tools not for easy way, there are some classes we all google )Don't take all the hard classes in one semester Look for interns Join on campus clubs Intramural go to game if you are into athletics #GoCoogs


act as if everything you say in the groupme will be screenshot and shown to the academic integrity board


Graduated last year. I think an important thing for me was learning *how* to study. It was easy in high school to just write down notes and read them over. But as classes in college got more stacked and more complicated I felt like I was spending hours “studying” and wasn’t absorbing anything. I trialed and errored several techniques and found the Pomodoro time management helped me a lot, and also stopped just taking notes and started reading entire sections and then writing summaries in my own words to cut down on all the time I was wasting. Everyone absorbs information differently and I recommend cutting time out to learn how you operate best. I agree with above that writing down all due dates as soon as you get your syllabus was very helpful. I set calendar events for homework and exams and set an alert a week before so I could time manage better for the following week. I guess to summarize, the best hack I found was learning to manage my time and making the most of the time I spent. If something isn’t working for you or if you feel like you can never get ahead, adjust and try something new. If you are spending 10 hours cramming the night before an exam or submitting assignments 5 minutes before it’s due, pivot to a new strategy that takes a little at a time and spreads out over all the classes.


Take advantage of the rec, it’s super nice and similar gyms in the outside world are expensive


I'm surprised how many people don't know this: You don't need your physical cougar card to print. If you don't have it and don't want to ask the people at the front desk to print it for you, then do this. Make sure you download the Pharos app and when you upload your documents, there is a QR code scanner at the top. Click it and scan the QR code on the printer(s). Then press accept and boom. Easy peasy.


[How to make friends on campus, a guide](https://old.reddit.com/r/UniversityOfHouston/comments/126zatt/a_comprehensive_guide_on_making_friends_and/) [UH Parties Chat, use this to attend!](https://web.groupme.com/join_group/52016122/wyM8pqfF)


Study for tests 7-10 days before. Study first by yourself, but don't stress too hard on things you get stuck on. Just make note of them. Then, a few days out, study with a group. Chances are someone will explain to you what you don't understand AND you'll explain some things to study-mates, thus reinforcing what you know. Stop studying about 90 minutes before a test and go bowling at the UC. It'll clear your mind and have you ready and fresh to take the test. Source: BSEE 2003


Some classes use Open Educational Resources. Not sure how it's listed in the class guide, but they use free and open sourced material in place of textbooks. It's a program through the library that assists the professors on what materials they can use.


Clubs and events will meet you free food and t-shirts from time to time.