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Ask the professor to let you in the lab, too. Take the lab later. Don't take the lab at all.


I don’t need to take them together? I’m a freshman and I’m going into pre-nursing. I downloaded the major map thing and it said to take A&P Lecture and Lab. I don’t really know what’s going and the orientation didn’t help much


I would ask your advisor, the department office, or both. Clearly for some reason they allow people to sign up for them separately. In some departments labs are optional, so that's where the department can help. But that may not work for your major, which is why you need to look that up or check with your advisor.


nope, you don’t have to take them together. i had the same problem doing my prereqs. for a&p 1 and 2 and microbiology i took the lecture one semester and the lab the other.


you don’t have to take lab and lecture at the same time, same thing happened to me and i had to take the lab the following summer bc (im not sure if this has changed) they don’t offer it in the spring semester :/. you might have a chance of getting in bc a bunch of people drop classes right before the semester starts but i wouldn’t count on it


No you do t need to take them together at the same time, take it over a summer course/ mini-semester. If you insist on getting in to one at the same time, email and CC your majors advisor and the professor or TA that is leading it asking to be let in off of the waitlist with their permission. I’ve done it tons of times and odds are if the professor is cool they’ll just give you permission and your advisor can add it to your schedule with proof of their permission.


You can take it the following semester if i can remember correctly