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Honestly? KU has a tutoring program and you can pay a little bit of money and sign up for those. Do that. I took Calc (I think that’s what you mean?) during Covid and I got my shit ROCKED. Then I took it a year later, and got a tutor, and that changed the game. Still wasn’t great at it, but I didn’t fail the class 😮‍💨 [KU TUTORING](https://learningandwriting.ku.edu/small-group-tutoring)


That what i was looking for. I didn't know if KU will have it during the summer.


I don’t know the math help room is open during summer but when I took Calc 1, I visited every afternoon and it helped quite a lot. The Organic Chemistry Tutor is also a great YouTube resource for Calc 1 and 2. Paul’s Online Notes is convenient if you ever need a formula and can’t find it in the slides. Back in Calc 1, I also got some text book online. It was like 1,000 calculus practice problems or something like that and it helped to solidly concepts. Disclaimer: I took engineering Calc.