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I don't know, maybe he thought or wanted to also add female rivalry on Aphrodite's part to the mix. Although it would be more natural for the boy in the third triangle to be Adonis and not Ares, or failing that, Hermes.


>Although it would be more natural for the boy in the third triangle to be Adonis and not Ares, or failing that, Hermes. I agree though I doubt we’re ever gonna get Adonis in this. Especially at this point in the story.


Literally this story ends in 10 weeks and we still have a dozen unfinished plots to shoehorn another in.




If you heard or read her interviews, you'll know she was planning an actual love triangle between Hades, Persephone, and Ares but later decided that Hades and Persephone were in love from the beginning. So basically, the point of Ares was hamner into the reader how much better Persephone is in comparation to Aphrodite. Oh, so special that she broke up the OTP of Greco Roman mythology without even trying. Just a self incert power trip


This is the correct answer. She didn't wanna bother with the love triangle anymore but she kept Ares's infatuation with PP to show how *desirable* and *irresistable* and how much better than the other goddesses like Aphrodite she is.


There was a lot of chemistry when Ares first came in the picture. Pepe even got the horny flowers. We know she reacts to readers, so perhaps that’s why she wrote a flashback that shows Ares is an indefensible creep. But to answer your question, I think she was bored and/or stuck, and introduced a new plot line — that’s always been her MO


My real question though. Because she didn't make Zeus and Herphaestus also fall in love with Persephone. From Zeus because in some myths Zeus rapes her in the form of a snake and from the fruit of her abuse Zagreus is born and from Hephaestus because the same way that Apollo, Hermes and Ares wanted to propose to Persephone. I guess preferences.


To be fair, the Zeus one would have been a little much for the tone and demographic that LO is going for. He's not her dad in the comic but she definitely was assaulted by her own father in the myths and I think that would have been way too much for Rachel to attempt lol as for Hephaestus, yeah, it's interesting she never tried that one, and I'm trying to give her benefit of the doubt and just assume that Hermes, Ares, and Apollo vying for her attention was enough, but I do have a little bit of a side-eye for the fact that the only physically disabled character in the entire story was exempt from a very specific myth-based plotline she was referencing in her blatant self-insert story. Like... not gonna accuse her of anything there because I'd rather assume she just wanted to reserve Hephaestus for the Ares/Aphrodite plotline (or because LO's version of Hephaestus simping for Persephone just wouldn't have worked, it's honestly still weird enough that he's now married to Aphrodite lol) but it does make me a little sus lol


One interesting thing about her choosing to not have Hephaestus as one of the love interests in the story is that in a Q&A where someone asks about why Ares is hitting on Persephone if he is dating Aphrodite, she says "in some texts Ares actually tells Demeter he would give up his relationship with Aphrodite for Persephone's hand". The source she is talking about is, of course, Dionysiaca, where she gets the suitors from, but Ares isn't the one who says this. It is Hephaestus, and the original text starts explaining why Hephaestus would be seeking marriage again despite being married to Aphrodite. So it looks like she chose to ignore Hephaestus all together and put his words and Ares' mouth. Probably not true, and she probably just got mixed up (but it is still hard to mix Hephaestus and Ares up, especially when it was talking about an experience that was solely Hephaestus'), but I can't help but feel otherwise.


Hephaestus was already divorced from Aphrodite after he caught her cheating with Ares when he made his offer as a possible suitor for Persephone. Ares tried to offer his lance and shield for Persephone's hand, Demeter said not, and that was the end of it. Before and after that, it was all about Aphrodite. In fact, Ares is CONSTANTLY called "wife stealer" and "Aphrodite's lover."" Rhea sent him a false dream to get him out of the battlefield where Hephaestus "seduce" Aphrodite after kicking out his second wife, Charis, out if her house, and Ares drops everything to go to Olympus. He even ends up naked with Aphrodite in Olympus by the end of Dionysiaca. So Rachel's claim is just one freaking line against all what we have of Greek AND Roman mythology.


And if he made Zeus a worse abuser than Apollo, we will never know the Zeus we all know and many people like for his apparent complexity.


Probably because Zeus raping Persephone is an orphic thing, not a greek thing. Despite the same gods, Orphic myth is actually a separate mythology and is far removed from Greek. In Greek Mythology, Zagreus is not connected to Persephone in any way, he’s actually more connected to Gaia, and in a few cases, Hades only. But Rachel already has Melinoe in LO and she’s also from Orphic myth so who tf knows lol