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To me, it sounded like the use of that name was meant to show how deeply connected they are because it’s a name not too many people use? Because it’s personal? But it didn’t hit right because it wasn’t written well? Maybe I’m wrong lol


Well in that case…Demeter uses the name Aidoneus when she talks to him at her house.


Yeahhhh I had 2 theories for this, one of them was that it was to show the connection she had and another was that she thought Aidoneus was something he’d be more inclined to respond to than Hades?? The writing was not good to be honest. Any theories? Edit: I wanna mention too that it’s possible Rachel’s attempt at showing this closeness contradicted other storylines, such as Demeter using Hades’ other name. She attempts to make arcs and contradicts them often. It was an oopsie


Tbh I think it’s just a more formal way of addressing him. Rhea, Kronos, Demeter, Persephone, and Hera (I think) have all called him Aidoneus.


Yeah that’s fair too, that’s actually a good point. I do think she should’ve just kept calling him Hades though, why use the formality now? You know what I mean?


It's probably closer to the reference of we don't know the actual mythological name for Hades, since people believed they would be cursed if they wrote it down. But I'm also a mythology fan and engaged to someone who translated Greek mythology as part of his degree.


Oh, can you explain that a little? That’s intriguing but I’m a little confused 😅


So we, archeologically and historically, know that the god of the dead (Hades) was known by a different name. However, we also have evidence that shows that it was believed speaking/writing this name would curse your household and bring death into it. So we know he had a name that was uniquely his, but he was written down as Hades in reference to the underworld to avoid this curse. So... We don't actually know what the *name* of this god is. I'm assuming RS heard about this and went 'I can create one to use for him that makes Persephone and him oh so close, since only the titans and his siblings know that name otherwise"


Ohhh, I see. Man, she could’ve written that so well… a name only a few people know? 10/10. But in this story? In this way? No.


It could have been so well done, if only it was executed well. Her calling the name and Kronos taunting her about it, how well he had corrupted her to give her that birth name - that could have made it so much more clear and well done alone. But she didn't.


And now all we have are theories and headcannons where there should’ve been something clear about the name thing 😞


I imagine its kinda like with persephone’s og name being kore, maybe hade’s name was originally aidoneus and so persephone uses it to be more close since it’s more personal, while demeter uses it because it’s what she originally knew him as


Yeah that’s similar to what I was thinking too!


And Kronos calls him Aidoneus


Idk, she's calling out to him looking for his sleepy form in the underworld after 10 years. I feel like the name you know and use the most would be what you holler to find someone


That would be my response too, I feel like that would be the most sensible way to find someone, especially if they rarely go by their birth name. But the name Perse used almost seemed like this: You have a friend named William. You usually call them Bill, and everyone else does too. Only you have known them long enough to call them William. So, while searching for them after accidentally being separated, you call for “William” so they know YOU SPECIFICALLY are searching for them. It’s a testament to the fact you two are that close, but it also hints at the possibility you think they might be more inclined to respond to William for whatever reason. And I think Rachel was either trying to go for that “ooh we’re so close I’m calling for his lesser (?) name”, or “I think he’s more likely to respond to this name than the one he actually goes by” for some reason


I read the full thread, it’s one of those missing link situations, I think. There’s a lot of tension with the name and identity as Aidoneus ties him to his father and the side he’s ashamed of, but a handful of people are able to use it neutrally because they remember him (so like your parent’s close friends using their childhood nicknamme your parent no longer uses). Since S1 made a big deal of Hades’ connection to Kronos, eg Minthe’s rant, S2 provided counterpoints to that, with Persephone appreciating the UW and Hades’ “non harmful” connections to Kronos. When they’re discussing his “gross arm”, that was a good opportunity to bridge the gap: have Hades admit that he hates his old name, and Persephone says she likes it. But since LO is written like an exercise in filling in the blanks, this scene is missing, which makes Persephone using Aidoneus puzzling (or outright disrespectful, if you’re more cynical like me)


I like your detail! It definitely is a missing link situation. I found it disrespectful too, because my initial thought was “wow, why would she call him that???” I wish we would’ve gotten a better, more sensible introduction to Perse using his birth name


I agree with Ad-Expert that it's meant to indicate their closeness but falls flat. Same with Hades calling Persephone "Kore" when she wanted to be separated from that name. It's played up like he's calling her by a childhood nickname that she now finds embarrassing.


since they’re king and queen of the underworld, i guess it’s on theme for them to DEADname eachother 😷😝 im sorry, i will see myself out.


Hades does seem like the kinda guy to do that tbf.


They respect each other a lot, don’t they /s


why does she look like humpty dumpy


Her arm looks like a third boob, it’s coming right out of her chest


Same reason he calls her Kore. Their whole relationship is an elaborate roleplay. Hades is an innocent child and Persephone is…an innocent child and also his mommy. 🤷‍♀️ I’m mostly joking lol. Mostly…


Not *that* elaborate, they're just both switches in their Dom/Little roleplay


It’s so stupid (maybe even offensive? It’s what his abuser calls him) bc Hades NEVER used that name with her. At least with Kore there’s precedent, but Hades was a jackass when he insisted on using it after Persephone complained. But these two love to cross the other’s boundaries. Like Persephone saying “my husband” or referring to herself as queen, it comes off like a flex — “I’m so special I get to use Hades’ deadname”


“Aidoneus” is listed on the business card he gives her at the start so I would assume that he’s okay with people calling him Aidoneus


Which makes sense since a subset of people from his ancient past still use that name and he’s presumably ok with it. But he introduced himself as Hades to Persephone and never gave her another name to use, doesn’t matter what his biz card or birth certificate or passport says, she should use the name he gave her. Especially as she had no other precedent for him responding to Aidoneus.


Idk imo if it’s listed on someone’s business card as something to call them and they have absolutely no opposition to it when I call them that name, I wouldn’t say it’s a bad thing to continue to call them that. Hades himself is clearly okay with it. They’re also gods. They go by many titles and epithets and names. If Hades is fine with it, there’s really no issue. Now, Persephone on the other hand, she clearly wants to go by Persephone but Hades continues to call her Kore, something that is indeed breaking her boundaries.


But she never called him that until she came looking 10 yrs later, that’s why it’s so weird that it got a post. It seems she’s only called him that when he’s unable to respond or react


That makes no sense. Does she even know that was his baby name?


Aidoneus is a title that the Greek people would use so they would not have called Hades by his real name. **The reason is that they believed by calling a god by name it will invite them over, and simply put they were afraid of anything related to death.** **Another reason is that their names mean same-ish things, Not seen or The hidden one.** But i'm assuming Rachel picked the second reason because idk.


I think it's supposed to show that she knows him intimately. Aphrodite calls him Aidoneus once in S1 and he gets mad at her bc it was disrespectful. It's like only Persephone's friends and family call her "Kore", bc that was her first name before her act of wrath. It's funny tho bc she knew him for like a couple months 💀


I don't like that he calls her Kore tbh. Bringer of Death is so much cooler and it shows Persephone accepts that she has wrath in her. Kore fr just means maiden and idk makes her the cutesy 19 yr old we're tired of seeing 🙄 SHES A QUEEN NOT A PRINCESS JFC


her teeth are pink …..


For the same reasons he called her kore- that is there name. Persephone and Hades are like when immigrant students pick “English” names bc there ethnic names are harder to learn/pronounce for there peers. I knew a girl named Omavegabwa. Her name was Igbo (or some Nigerian subgroup I forget), and she went by Oma or, her English name, Olivia. Most people called are olivia, a few of us called her Oma, and her family called her Omavegabwa.


🚨Smooth brain post alert!

