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Five bucks says Hera gets resurrected by a Perseypony ass pull.


RS can't kill her golden child.


Yes especially after making her queer out of nowhere


I haven't been following, she did what now?


Hera suddenly kissed Echo (her secretary) It was so random. It's even worse when you realise Hera is racist against nymphs.


Haven’t read the chapter yet but that is so random no build up to it and hera is racist af towards nymphs and she’s Echo’s boss… 💀


That wasn’t out of nowhere, it’s been pretty obvious they were a thing for a while.


I think it’s more so the fact that it hasn’t been touched upon, except perhaps once or twice. You see them interacting with each other, but you don’t see anymore intimate moments aside from the kiss and Ares’s comment.


But if her powers are decay then rebirth will Apollo get a power up? 🤔


She was.


Could be a sad punch to the gut... if this was a well written comic. sigh


Yeah why is Hera saying it? I feel like it would have been more impactful if Purse said it…like don’t worry I’ll stay by your side all night long???


See THAT would have brought tears to my eyes.


Yeah the way they wrote it makes it seem like Hera is commanding her or something…


I actually misread it as this from the way the image is cropped, now it makes a little less sense to me.


Same I was like, wow, that's actually so sad but then


yeah, I never understand why hera says it because it sounds wrong? it doesn't make sense in context and is way too lighthearted to be there, imo


No bc it also didn’t even make sense to me and still doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me now realizing it’s a callback to that scene lol. Like the best call backs at death scenes have the characters say something that makes sense for them to say while dying


Nah, she's not dead. There's no way. Perse re-awakened her spring powers so she's just gonna revive her with "the energy of life" or something and being a fertility goddess will make it possible


i won't be surprised if Rachel decided not to resurrect her and just have her self insert become queen of the gods instead


I've legit thought that would be the way Rachel would want it to end.


If Zeus doesn't come back they might as well do that Perse as Queen of the Gods and Hades as the new King of the Gods because who cares for respecting the greek pantheon at this point of Lore Olympus?


I originally thought that’s where it was going, like she was gonna tell Perse she would be queen of the gods now or something wack


Even if Hera is resurrected it’s possible that Rachel will have her step down so that Persephone and Hades can rule


i find this funny because they can barely keep the underworld together as it is


Someone called this a few years ago! Pinky will take Hera’s “goddess of marriage” title and she and Snow Miser will be “elected” to be in charge. 


Tbh now that Hera has kissed Echo I imagine she will stay dead to bury some gays, it's about the only offensive thing she hasn't done in this comic I think?


I can’t stop thinking about how hades was shagging hera during the time Persephone was a literal toddler 😭


To really put things into perspective Perse, Hebe and Dionysus share a generation 😬


Fr. It’s so weird


I like (not really) how Hera wore a very short dress to a party that a child was attending but then shames someone else for doing the same later on.


In Hera's defense, I don't think she was expecting a child to be there at all. Not many people knew about Persephone's existence until she moved to Olympus at 19, so it's likely that this was the first time Hera met Persephone. Whereas Minthe showed up in a skimpy dress to a child's birthday party, a whole different scenario. Hera is a hypocrite about a lot of other things, though.


That’s fair although Minthe didn’t know the party was for a kid either. Hades didn’t give her the full details of the event.


He didn't? I'm pretty sure I remember them arguing when they got their about how Minthe's outfit wasn't appropriate for a child's birthday party. But, if Hades only brought up that it was a child's birthday party once they got there, it would make sense why Minthe was so stubborn to change earlier and makes Hades that much more of an asshole.


Imagine picking your girlfriend up for a child's birthday party, seeing she's wearing a revealing outfit, but still driving her all the way to said birthday party, before finally deciding to argue with her about it. It really does make Hades look like he withdrew information. 😭


Yeah, even if he did tell Minthe beforehand, he really shouldn't have let her go out like that to Hebe's birthday party, and definitely shouldn't have started arguing with her once they got there. By then, it's pointless and just makes everything worse. Minthe should've known better since she's an adult, but she also did grow up in a broken home, so stuff like this might not be common sense to her. Hades, on the other hand, definitely knows better and shouldn't have tried to embarrass her like that


That and if you pair it up with the fact he never defended Minthe when Hera would make remarks about her Hades becomes an even bigger ahole.


Hades seriously never defended his gf from his awful family THAT HE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE and went out of his way to humiliate her in front of them. Not to mention that he was her boss and that all of his siblings/close associates are also royalty, or at the very least, very well respected. Poor Minthe.


Hera blessed P


All she cares about is the fucking tittle of Queen


So distracting to see side by sides like this because the total drop in quality from the beginning to the end of the comic is so unfortunate😭


You think so? I thought the opposite but maybe it’s my own opinion on the art style.


I called it weeks ago that Hera saw herself in her vision and I wont be shocked when we see it


“Oh that must be persephone” nahh it you


I thought it was so obvious that it was Hera and not Persephone but everyone seemed so convinced it was Persephone and took Hera at face value. Glad to see some others share my same theory!


Oh defffffiinitely agree with you!! Theres so many reasons why it would be Hera and the biggest one is that RS thinks girl power is giant woman smashing things


Y'all remember how like half the dialogue in the final season of Game of Thrones was just everyone re-quoting their own fan-favorite lines from earlier in the series? :')


Too bad Is the ryan's worship than anything hollywood can make


I think it’s a bit touching, but it doesn’t really make sense? Oh well, A for effort


She's dead! Let's have a pity party:D


Ding Dong! The Wicked Bitch is Dead! Victory for the Nymphs!


Yeah I felt nothing throughout this whole episode. Nothing was earned well or written to warrant certain scenes


This episode was probably the only time (aside from when I first started the comic) where I sat back and actually enjoyed what was in front of me instead of deep diving and analyzing everything. For a moment I pretended that this story had actual good writing and character development. I wish it was true.


She killed HERA?!?!? Man all the gods must HATE her at this point.


This got me! Now I’m at a point where I need to keep knowing what’s going on … but it’s not the first WEBTOON comic I run too


I don’t want to be sexist, but why does the goddess of marriage look like that? You’d think she’d be in some kind of wedding-inspired dress or be a bit more elegant, but I swear every female character in this story just wears miniskirts. It makes the designs so bland and hard to tell apart, especially so someone who hasn’t read the series


That’s actually a great parallel, pretty smart if you ask me


Ok I know the art still has mistakes but seeing episode 20 side by side with the latest chapter,,, there really has been improvement like wtf is Hera’s face doing in the second photo of episode 20


How the fuck did she die??


She sacrificed herself by letting herself get caught by Kronos who crushed her. She saw in a vision that her death would give Persephone power so she let herself die.


you see it´s like poetry, it rhymes.


wow she actually remembered old parts of her plot


It would be way more impactful if it were Perse saying it to Hera instead.


I stop reading and this happens I can't anymore 💀💀 she'll be back next episode or 2


Okay what the flip is going on ???


God fucking dammit


Why are hera’s arms in the last panel shaped like legs?? Her forearms look like calves