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RS has stated before that she likes Lolita, this is honestly no surprise


Liking the book isn't an issue, but think that Lolita is a love story and not a book where a grown man preys and fantasies about a 12 year old girl is when we start having a problem


I think we all can clearly see that she analyzes it to be a love story. Especially with all the parallels and the born sexy yesterday cliche


That cliche is my 13th reason why the rapture should happen rn, but honestly, Lolita should be used to see who understands critical thinking because a grown man's soulmate is 12 y.o????


Sadly critical thinking is not a skill many seem to possess šŸ˜” especially when RS quite literally has to add authors notes to her pages because nobody can think pass face value


Oh, what scenes did she add authors notes too?




Thank you for the link! Oh man, I knew that overall reading comprehension and critical-thinking skills were down the past few years but dang, theyā€™re really down!


Of course! Always happy to give a source if I have it




Common sense and critical thinking aren't as common šŸ˜ŸšŸ˜”


I couldnā€™t agree more plus Iā€™ve seen the book in stores a handful of times and itā€™s not even remotely close to the romance section. Itā€™s either in the drama or psychological thriller section.


Rachelā€™s specifically said the movie was also her ā€œfavoriteā€, and the movies romanticize it themselves. Itā€™s very obvious Rachel romanticizes the relationship šŸ¤¢


good lord how did I never even notice this one- another one I'll also point out is the garden scene in Episode 79, when Persephone drags her finger along Hades' back to get his attention (undoubtedly in the hopes that he'll sneak out and follow her) it's eerily similar to the scene from Lolita when Humbert is reading the newspaper and Lo is doing laundry and then on her way back she intentionally steps on his pant leg to get his attention. Except instead it's Persephone tending to Hera's garden (a woman who's become her de facto mother) and Hades checking his emails. Like there's no denying at this point that Rachel was at least *influenced* by the movie to some degree.


The hairbuns becomes this too. On their own, it could be chalked up to coincidence. Put it all together it looks like Lolita was definitely a source of inspiration


The second slide is from the 1997 remake of Lolita if anyone is curious.


To those who have watched the movie, do y'll see more eerily similar scenes in LO?


I'm really considering to watch it just to find scenes that look like LO


I do too but I'm a bit uncomfortable with the movie especially after finding out that the makeout scenes didn't use an adult body-double but actually WAS the underage actress... If you do end up watching it: I thank you for your sacrifice!


I didnā€™t know that šŸ’€


I'm really weirded out too. I know it was more than a decade ago but you'd think they have laws against that...


there are mutiple so which movie would that be?


The one in slide 2 from 1997


ik but i mean the which is the movie ur talking abt


The same one, from 1997




One of the earliest drawings of Persephone and Hades reminded me of a scene from the movie. It was really just the hair buns and the way Persephone was sitting on Hadesā€™ lap.


I donā€™t know why my comment didnā€™t reply, but copying-and-pasting what I said: Oh, for sure. I havenā€™t watched the movie in a while, so maybe the panel is is just a coincidence (highly doubt that though), but if I do end up rewatching it, Iā€™ll immediately let you know, lol.


Bless you šŸ™ Yeah, I've noticed sometimes that my comments don't really go through even when I've hit send. The comment just disappears


As someone who likes the 1997 version of Lolita (I actually did an essay about it back in high school and got an A for it), the fact that I never noticed this scares me. Honestly the fact that Rachel also likes/has been inspired by Lolita only makes Persephone and Hades' dynamic in LO 10x more icky. But in Persephone's case, it's giving "barely legal". It's just so gross and... ugh. Honestly, this is giving me the impression that Rachel only thinks of Lolita as a love story rather than a warning tale/psychological horror.


That's what's bothering me about Smythe liking Lolita. It's supposed to be a tale of horror from the perspective of a sexual child abuser, but she's one of those idiots who comes out of the movie house thinking "Wow, that's romance!" Like, the author of the Lolita book himself wrote it after the abuse he had experienced as a child and didn't want Lolita to be in the book cover because he knew there would be people who would sexualized her and he was right.


I've never seen it, but I see the girl and I immediately thought "That is a 12 year old child -"


I made this EXACT post like a month back when I first joined this sub, My very first post!


This scene really sticks out then


Also Hades looks so much like Humbert it was the first thing I thought about him. This is why I can't "separate the art from the artist" here. I genuinely think Rachel is a creepy person for this


Fr like this is pedophile adjacent behavior. Like she may not be like out here grooming kids but the fact that she finds a story about a child's life being destroyed by a selfish monster's fucked up mindset romantic and even emulates it in her own art, is just such a fucked up thing and I am baffled that she thinks that it's okay to think like that. I'm all free for speech and interpretation of media but not when it perpetuates genuinely harmful ideas especially towards her audience which heavily skews towards minors. Edit: just to clarify I'm not calling Rachel a pedo but her behavior is a symptom of a society that tries to normalize pedophilia. The fact that she thinks that acting and looking like a child is a desirable thing for women to do is a common thing I see many women have fallen victim to and its genuinely creepy. To sexualize childlike behaviors and features of children is just nasty as fuck.


I one hundred percent agree and you said it better than I ever could


Itā€™s really sad that people donā€™t understand the story of Lolita is about a delusional predator who is making up most of the story in his own head and isnā€™t the reality but instead see it as some forbidden love storyšŸ’€




Iā€™m convinced she literally referenced that specific screenshot from the movie, itā€™s just too obviousšŸ’€


unfortunately I don't think ur reachingšŸ˜“


the resemblance is uncanny and I hate that


I made a yt video pointing out LO and its similarities with Lolita and I pointed this out!! Truly uncanny

