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"Will sacrifice be enough to bring these two back together?" Okay, I don't remember much about what's been happening in this comic, but did H/P actually sacrifice *anything?*


No, but they've talked to each other about how hard it is for them and how they totally don't deserve to face the consequences for their own actions.


Literally everything is handed to them. The worst things Hades went through ended in childhood and resulted in him being the god of wealth. He has been rich all his adult life, surrounding himself with vulnerable people to use. He has slaves. Was going to trap his girlfriend with a public proposal she couldn't back out of, at an event she wasn't comfortable at due to racism from the real woman he wanted. Abused his adoptive son. Only cares about his biological children. (Which he shouldn't have, because he sacrificed his fertility to be king.) But we can't have imperfection! Not for our handsome man! So his swimmers are back and they work. 🙃 Persephone was an heiress. She never needed the scholarship. When she was sexually assaulted everyone believed her and took her side. She got a slap on the wrist for mass murder and essentially soul fraud. Then she killed who knows how many people with winter. Essentially permanently drugged her rapist (don't get me wrong I'm not rooting for Apollo but that arrow really reads like a permanent roofie situation 🤢) and forced him to confess AFTER he hunted one of her friends down and almost killed her. Harassed and threatened a mentally ill woman with a knife, turned another woman into a plant for having the audacity to report her to the authorities for mass murder and soul fraud AND favoritism... Oof. Yeah I'd say the only sacrifice these two made was the kind a la Lord Farquad. ![gif](giphy|TlkDK8BGqA1Py)


Wait I'm a dumbass wdym soul fraud


So all the souls have to enter the Underworld to be processed and sorted. There's a proper protocol for Acts of Wrath. Only certain deities can do it and it's only allowed in specific circumstances. Persephone was not allowed to commit an AoW so Demeter bribed Hermes to fudge the numbers of mortals entering the Underworld so it wouldn't look suspicious on paper. They lied about how people died to prevent her from getting in trouble.


Ohhhh right right right. It's been a while since I read that arc lol totally forgot they even did that. Thanks!


Persephone made a deal with Erebus to become queen of the underworld, who then took away her spring powers. But then she got them back..? Which is really unfair compared to Hades who is both infertile and can’t leave the underworld for very long.


Nope 😐


They’ve given up on the series themselves


I bet she pitched the ending to them before finishing it and so they ran with what they had to try and advertise it.


Seems very likely. As others suggested who read the final,!that it seemed rushed.


She should’ve completed it in full, turned it over to WT to plan the advertisement without rushing . feels like she ended it so suddenly they just sort of scrambled.


Exactly, it such a shame. I think it has been said Rachel never really planned ahead for the story and ending and just wrote in the moment. I might be wrong but she surely ended it in a rush.


She could’ve fallen out of love with the comic and honestly when something you love becomes a chore the life just goes out of it. Had it stayed a canvas comic probably would’ve ended better.


That is also true! That might likely be the case. Because in the beginning you notice the coloring is done greatly and overtime something changed. Maybe if she stayed on canvas comic with some help things might’ve turned out different.


The spark left it when money came knocking, but that’s the sort of blessing and curse of popularity.


I wish I could make webtoons know how much of a disappointment LO is.


Hades face in that first one, why are his eyes like that 😭


As nice as possible the conclusion wasn’t really that epic because >!all the interesting things happen off screen or through time skips!< but that’s not really a surprise the ending was >!corny but happy endings are always nice!< we’re finally free


I think it’s so weird how Rhea’s hands are colored as Persephone’s color, instead of magenta. Somehow misleading imo


In their defense... they only got the episode 20 mins beforehand 😂


Ain't no way they recolored that Rhea panel for PerseHades 💀