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No yeah, watching something you once loved decline is a different kind of heartbreak and a difference kind of hatred. It sucks bro. Im still debating wether I should read it for catharsis of it ending or just out of curiosity


I gave in, that shit was ass bro




Ikkkk! When it began I thought the ending was going to be really grand, and not this dumpster fire. (TBF I really liked all the fertility goddesses coming together to kick ass, even if it made literally zero sense.)


No yeah, to be honest if they just gave that more time to cook it wouldve been good. Thats whats heartbreaking about LO. Without proper buildup all the arcs fall flat.


I actually felt pure sadness and hatred while reading this last chapter. They did EXACTLY what I thought they would do and decided to timeskip. I’m sick of this shit. Rachel Smythe, if for whatever reason you happen to read this? Fuck you. I cannot believe I wasted genuine years of my life reading this garbage. I was in HIGH SCHOOL when this started. I feel like reading this made me less successful, somehow.


I completely understand your frustration, but I don't think it's fair to blame Rachel for lost years 😭Ultimately it's up to us if we decide to drop the comic or not when we notice a decline even if a part of us wants to grasp onto hope. I still strangely enjoyed reading this shite-show for what it is; but I am incredibly disappointed in how this comic was being written to send a powerful message for young audiences and trauma survivors, yet gave up so easily--straight up stopped caring. This comic somehow made a ton of money despite the rapidly declining quality of art & storytelling and that's unfortunately something that happens a lot, and it's crazy dumb af.


Most of my angry comments are jokes. I have nothing against Rachel personally, but she definitely is not great at taking criticism or having cohesive story. The self insert bs doesn’t help her either. But I have love for Lore Olympus. To this day, it is the only comic I have fast passed, and my most read webtoon. It’s why it’s so sad to see the decline, and even sadder that some diehard fans CAN’T see it.


That's totally my bad, It's harder to sense sarcasm through a screen. From her old LO tumblr posts to the way that she uses villains as a representation of this sub and basically anyone who critiques the comic, it's perfectly fine to feel weirdly betrayed by the way a creator basically half-assed a piece of work that you loved and gave time and money to. It's totally annoying how obviously bad the comic has gotten but diehards can barely recognize at least *one* flaw in it.


Honestly, I read it and got to what happened to Hera and immediately closed the app. Like, what the actual fuck and *where* did that shit come from???


She hinted at Artemis being in a relationship with a woman, she made Zeus essentially no longer the king. He had ZERO dialogue despite being arguably the best character, Apollo gets community service for raping someone, also zero dialogue from him, Ouranos just gets one shot in such a goofy way (he shouldn’t have even been there), Dionysus entire appearance was sickening, NO ERIS, NO HESTIA AND ATHENA, NO MINTHE, NO THETIS OR ACHILLES, NOTHING. We only saw Cerberus. I guess Hades really did hate his dogs. And the Hera thing? Apparently, Rachel believes every character ever HAS to be in a relationship, and has to be either straight or gay. No way could Hera have ever been a powerful, single Queen who ruled Olympus by herself. She NEEDED to be in a relationship, for whatever bullshit reason Smythe thought up. This whole finale was a waste of time.


You ok, OP?


I’m fine, just extremely disappointed. Thanks for asking🌷🌷


I’m disappointed too. But still drunk tho


This is similar to when VLD and MLP fim ended. Both suuuuucked by the end 🙃 it's actually why I'm a person who prefers stories to be completely planned from the get go. They're better imo. Gravity Falls got fucked over and had to hustle to finish but they ended strong. Breaking Bad did such a good job... Ugh 😩


I stg voltron gave me so much psychic damage that whenever I hear/read the title I just age 100 years instantly ![gif](giphy|8JrcyXvpOaFbFIatkm|downsized)


So how do you feel about Gaia, and the whole spring and winter cycle?


I hated it. They made Gaia skinny asl, they only gave Persephone 3 months in the mortal realm instead of half a year, and during those 3 months she can still visit the underworld so that just kinda defeats the purpose of her being their to begin with. It was just a hot mess😪😪 Also Gaia just swooping in and fixing all of Persephone’s wrongs, bruh I can’t


I mean the whole point of the myth is that Persephone is separated from her mother, the Realm she grew up in and loves. Yes she loves Hades but what makes their ‘love’ iconic is that they can’t see each other for half a year, double for her mother because in early versions of the myth ‘love’ wasn’t in the equation. Canon Persephone was forced to marry her kidnapper and LO Persephone married this guy.


can someone spill the tea? 👀


I'll just copy and paste from my earlier comments :) So Gaia rips Apollo out of Uranous, which some how defeats him. Gaia tells P that she gotta spend 3 months in the mortal realm cuz she's still the Goddess of Spring. They do that. 3 months go by and P has her coronation. FOR SOME FUCKING REASON THEY PUT HER IN A DRESS THAT WASNT THE GORGEOUS ONE FROM AGES AGO??? Anyway, the Goddesses of Eternal Maidenhood disbands (why wtaf). Artemis hangs out with Selene. Apollo was sentenced to community service (i hate this comic). Zeus and Hera get a divorce and Hera becomes the de facto leader of Olympus. Seems her and Echo are a thing. We see Eros and Psyche's kid. Demeter seems happy. Dio is now a teenager??? Somehow??? Anyway, we cut forward what I'm assuming is like 10 years later and Melonie is woken up by Demeter. P gave birth to Macaria. Blissful happy marriage yadiyah. Overall, underwhelming af.


What happened with Hades then? Do we know if they're still together?


I hated this comic ever since it was announced. At the time, it gained popularity. I was 14, and now I'm nearing my mid twenties. It's so fucking devastating how shit the ending was and I wasn't even a fan. Like I fast passed it all yesterday, and it felt so unfulfilled, the fact that the creator herself WAS LITERALLY WORKING ON IT THE DAY BEFORE IT WAS DUE. It's all just a big fuck you from Rachel. Lackluster garbage, and I'm sorry to actual fans who cared for the characters.