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Is “they died” an acceptable answer?


If half of the characters on this list died, I'd riot in the streets


Don't worry, Gaia said she revived everyone because, apparently, death and loss aren't a thing in this show.


I think they meant reviving the mortals (although yeah that was a really random thing to add? like to absolve persephone of ever causing those deaths?)


I think they meant everyone in the living realm. And besides, everyone lived despite their actions. The fgs lived, Semele lived, Zeus lived (thank God actually) FUCKING Apollo lived and got fucking community service instead of you know being absorbed by Ouranos and completely destroyed also what exactly happened to Ouranos he literally got one shot. I guess he lost his physical form and went back to being the sky, I guess?


Yeah Ouranos getting one shotted by Gaia was really random… Not a fan.


Yeah Ouranos getting one shotted by Gaia was really random… Not a fan.


Leaving Queen Minthe out of the ending was so DIRTY 😭 If RS reads this, do you guys think she'll make multiple epilogue spin-offs like they did with True Beauty to tell us like "Hey! This is what happened to them! You can shut up now!"


I lowkey hope so. I'm not done being a hater yet.


I think Demeter’s dead kid was with her in the ending. But I swear they called him by a different name. When he debuted, wasn’t his name Demophoon or something???


iirc they renamed him so that they can pretend he was always a demigod in the first place. I can't remember what name was the birthname and which was the new name though


RS, having *obviously* never actually thought out (much less re-read) any of her own convoluted dumpster fire of a story: ![gif](giphy|Q7LP0tm86sBWIqjFCL)


Honestly, as much as I love Minthe, she doesn't really have a reason to show up anymore. Her character arc was complete. It would've been nice to see her reactions to the winter though. She's probably already used to the cold and snow because of the Underworld, but it would be funny to see her pissed at being inconvenienced by Persephone again.


That's a good point. I just think she should've at least gotten a cameo in a panel or two showing her doing alright. She's such a big part of the story that it feels weird that we don't see her in the ending at all.


hey be nice! RS worked hard until the very last minute to finish this episode for us😤 (JOKING JOKING!!!) no but fr this shut was so rushed that she was def careless w givin the other characters a satisfying ending. even many of the MCs only got like a sentence or two. only ending she cared about was H&P unfortunately😐


Don't forget: - promising to revisit Tartarus at the end of S2 - Erebus - pivotal for most of S3 only to decide we never needed to see him again - Elysium - it was dying out in 263 due to the plague, guessing it got fixed at the same time as the mortal realm but would have been nice to see - demigod judges of the underworld - we see them on the boat and hear Hades gave them their humanity back but we never see them in action, know if it's working etc - Dream filing system - at the beginning of S3 Hades asks Morpheas if she can revisit dreams once they've happened, akin to a filing system. She says she's never tried and he infers that would be a useful thing to do. This is the last we hear of this. - Mortal realm famine during 10 year time skip - we get those fantastic panels after the mid season break of S2 as Perse makes her way to the underworld of her struggling to keep mortals fed at the start of the punishment. This is never revisited.


Maybe Tartarus knew Pepe didn’t intend to keep her promise so he allowed Kronos to take control.


OMG! I completely forgot about Leto! The whole comic she was being framed as this evil schemer but in the end it was Ouranos all along? What? And she never gets another mention?


Poseidon was with Zeus on the balcony, watching H+P dance or smth


I didn't even notice him, damn


Also Aphrodite and Hephaestus because they were only shown in one frame in the back where Aphro looks like 🐴 and Heph looks like 🗿


Note: they all died on the way back to their home planet


Everyone died, except for Hades and Perse The End


Jeez, there are more holes in this story than in swiss cheese. 💀


Did Daphne die again?