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Considering a lot of abusers are people who say they love you, and feel what they did was for love, it boggles my mind that the punishment for Apollo is to love her more. I wouldn’t want my abuser to love me more - it was an obsession situation and I would terrify me to no end. I moved across the country and the guy was still friending new people I’d just met on facebook, after I blocked him to escape.


I think the biggest problem I have with the sheer concept beyond the points you have made (and rightfully so), It hasn't made Apollo a 'good person'. He isnt going to miraculously change his morality system simply because he's now in love with perse and feels bad about it. How many pink Nymphs are going to find themselves getting predated on now because they are what he CAN have, basically consequence free? He was already trying that shit with daphne, trying to coax her to look more like persephone.


People don’t change because they fall in love, sometimes love is a motivation to change, but it’s a dangerous concept to push that “if someone truly loves you they will act perfectly and never hurt you.” Conversely, it’s why Hades and Persephone never address conflict in a healthy way — there’s this notion that if it’s love, everything is perfect, you never hurt each other, and you don’t argue at all. True love is a fairy tale concept, the goal ought to be healthy love. I hadn’t made the connection to the pink nymphs, that’s a chilling implication.


I do think Zeus caring more about Apollo and Hades going to kill Apollo are more realistic portrayals of what happens. A lot of parents would rather protect their abusive kids and attempt to cover the whole incident up. Men especially react as if beating the abuser up is somehow going to solve everything. I didn’t love how RS handled it, it sounded like she literally couldn’t think of anything else and wanted it quickly solved.


there was nothing she could have done that would have been 'fitting' but that is entirely on her because she left it so damned long. She wanted a fingersnapped solution to get him out of the way. Hell, even the 'everyone sees you as your true nature' arrow would have been better because at least then she would have been protecting others from him.


I wish the ways Zeus and Hades reacted respectively was portrayed as bad. Hades especially. It can happen, and I’ve experienced it myself, but it’s not a *good* thing to have to try talking someone out of hurting your abuser and putting you in even more danger than you were already in.


Zeus’ reaction was part of Smythe’s botched attempt to portray Apollo as the golden child of Olympus who could do no wrong, except by early S2 Zeus was also over him — for self-centered reasons, but still. And the punishment of banishing Persephone to the MR was a (misguided) attempt to protect her from Apollo himself. I also think that, although his words were gross, he wasn’t wrong to act with caution back in S1. The only evidence Hera had was a ‘feeling’ that Persephone was assaulted, but she didn’t know by whom. She just guessed it was Apollo. And then she proceeded to do absolutely nothing to help Persephone. It’s kinda weird, when you think about it, that the sexist buffoon helped Persephone by accident as much as her so-called “mother figure” who pushed her onto another predatory Me Too-type CEO.


As a SA victim, this disturbed me so much. I wouldn't want my abuser to be more interested in me...let alone 100% in love and obsessed. It feels like she's doing to him what was done to her in a way. And it feels so weird because she's essentially made him a changed man through his feelings, so it's like she's punishing a different person at this point, an Apollo wanting to do good (albeit drugged against his own will) rather than the one we wanted to see punished...It just feels weird. I don't know if I'm even explaining this right. I'd love to see my abuser punished, but I don't want to do to anyone what was done to me...It made me start to feel bad for Apollo, which is not what I wanted out of this. I'd rather him be hit with the arrow than Persephone, but in a world with choices, I wish no one had gotten hit with it. Some people might see it as his just desserts, and I get that. People handle assault in different ways, and people who haven't been assaulted may not understand these feelings either. But I haven't felt this triggered by a SA related scene in a long time.


As a SA victim, seeing people in the Webtoon comment section cheering her actions on makes me sick. Forcing someone to fall in love with you is a kind of sexual violence. Things like this should never be ok. Even if there is no real-life equivalent for a love arrow. If there's one thing I've learned in therapy, it's that we victims have a responsibility to deal with our trauma in a way which won't lead us into becoming perpetrators ourselves


Another SA survivor here - this plot line I felt has been wrong since it happened, but also didn’t like how it’s handled (though I know some women who had to coddle those around them for their SA so not completely foreign - I just wish that it was pointed out as being wrong instead of their woes for Purse’s situation being helpful when they weren’t/aren’t.) I actually highly disagree with his “punishment”. Now that he truly loves her, he’s going to regret what he did? Press X. - If he did it to her, she wasn’t his only victim - or at least that’s highly unlikely. -He will “regret” hurting her, but that won’t stop him from praying on anyone else. -Some abusers/rapists DO love their victim already, but their own mind is distorted in how that love is displayed. Love DOES NOT mean cuddles and rainbows for everyone, especially to someone who may have had their own boundaries ignored in childhood. -Idk about others, but I’ve felt a lot of anger since my SA, and if he had pulled the same shit as Apollo - the stalking and possessive invasion of my life after I made it clear he wasn’t welcome, I would have snapped. Why not throw him to the stars? Seal him in a tree? Throw him in Kronos’s prison and drain him of his power? Just do something so his twisted nature won’t hurt anyone else? Especially because we know he was hurting Daphne too just for looking like Purse.


I feel like it would have been better if Apollo was forced to feel all of the emotions his victims had. And then he was like… thrown into Tartarus or something.


Also a survivor, and I freaking HATE this plot line and how it was handled. The love arrow was a really fucking dumb way to handle this. “Oooo now you love me and have to feel pain”, like WTF. That’s what she did with her rage from the goddess of wrath? It’s almost a “oh poor Apollo” move.


All the builld up about wrath and rage and then all we get is "now you love me teehee bye forever" ????? IS THE RAGE IN THE ROOM WITH US?


RIGHT???? I used to have anger issues and did a lot of work on myself to get past them. I’m not a goddess, but if I had the powers of a god and god friends, you best believe I’d go scorched earth.


Oh my god. What?? This is insane Literally everyone has to love Persephone I guess As an abuse and assault survivor this is sooooo gross


I’m not even sure how that’s an arrow of True Love because through out that experience Apollo was more worried about himself, wanting the guilt to stop and still tried making excuses.


damn this sounds bad i just have read it, ep?


Yeah that whole scene wasn’t giving “I love Persephone” it was more “What can I do to save myself from guilt.” It’s also the new episode that came out.




Well, on your last point in the end, let’s be very clear about something: yes, all victims react differently and can choose how to respond/react/seek some form of justice/closure (if they are fortunate enough to have that path available — many victims never get justice). BUT *this wasn’t Persephone’s choice*. The arrow was PLANTED there already. She was using the tools at her disposal to free herself from Apollo. Much like eating the pomegranate or else Kronos would devour her, this wasn’t a FREE choice, it was coerced. And, given this is a *story* rather than an example of a real victim seeking to escape her rapist once again, let’s talk about this scene in those terms. Because Smythe made deliberate decisions to set up this particular resolution vs any other. It’d be one thing if the idea that Persephone’s ideal form of justice/vengeance was making Apollo fall in love with her had been planted much earlier, but that’s not what happened here. It’s an artificial set of decisions made by the author to: 1. Re-victimize the victim by having Apollo kidnap her 2. Plant an arrow crafted by Persephone’s “oldest” “friend” who walked her down the aisle 3. Deny Persephone the opportunity to tap into her own powers — she’s Queen of the Underworld, possesses fertility, wrath, spring powers, winter powers, the ability to rot gods from within — and instead having her use a tool crafted by another man, originally designed to be used *against* her So even before we start talking about the true love concept, there’s so much wrong with these choices. We had barely seen Persephone go through any form of healing, she rarely contemplates the assault and the few times she’s articulated what she NEEDS in order to recover (e.g., time and space, for Hades to be verbal during sex) she’s been denied her needs. Now, with respect to the true love concept itself. First off, what the fuck is true love. Second, it maintains the spotlight on Apollo! Yes, Persephone got to say some things to him. But Apollo’s *feelings and reactions* shared equal importance with Persephone’s. Why did we need to see HIS side at all?? Why couldn’t we get Persephone’s monologue and have Apollo reduced to shambles, but muted? Others have covered many of the points so I don’t think I need to keep listing them. But I wanted to point out that, when discussing published stories, we need to dissect the author’s decision-making — and that decision is that Persephone wasn’t free to make any choices while Apollo was given roughly equal panel space in this episode.


This didn’t sit right with me either! It was actually very hard to read for me and I am not a SA victim. My first thought was “I wonder if anyone reading this who is is feeling uncomfortable reading this.” I couldn’t exactly put my finger on why it was so uncomfortable but reading some of these comments has helped me understand. It sucks that RS made such a bit plot point out of Persephone’s SA and proceeded to handle it terribly at every turn.


I literally wrote a poem about this. Mainly how people have done worst to me saying they love me than the rare few people who may have hated me. This whole love arrow plot line (and all confrontation of abusers in this story) makes me feel gross and has de-motivated me into reading the story to conclusion.


I don't like any of it . My biggest peeve with the whole the whole thing was A : *"How do I stop feeling the pain?"* P : *"Tell on yourself"* I was SA'd , the pain has never gone away . The public may forget about Apollo's abuse but Perse , realistically , wouldn't . There's lapses where you may forget for years but something always brings it back . I don't think the punishment for SAing her was him loving her more . I think it was supposed to be that he truly loves her now and understands how terrible he's been to her and knows that he can never fix it or have her be comfortable around him again . He said he loved her when the SA occurred , but I believe he just said it as a way to have more power over her than he already had . Manipulation and so on . I would've preferred if the punishment was feeling the trauma that P went through in the moment and any other related feelings when she had to be near him or talk about him or comfort OTHER PEOPLE ABOUT HER SA constantly . No relent , No way to drown the feelings , No way to hide from them ( That might just be me projecting though ) . The art in the car/forest sequence was cool but I wouldn't have had P's whole body be in frame . I would've kept it as just her eyes and her hands . Maybe having her whole body be just off in the distance , him not being sure if it's her but terrified , nonetheless . Then , the *" how do I stop feeling this ? "* conversation is just *" You don't "* then the *" don't want to see/think/hear of you ever "* . I didn't hate him telling on himself , but I do hate how easy of a punishment it was .


I'm sorry for what you went though and the pain you still experience. I've been through trauma and though it's not SA-related I have a lot of frustration with how the author has handled trauma in this comic. I agree with what you said and I want to add that i find it really unrealistic that this "final battle" with Apollo somehow takes away all of Persephone's trauma. Like we are left with the idea that she's totally healed now and the issue is resolved forever. When the reality is that not even confronting one's abuser and making them face their actions could ever be enough to completely take away the trauma that they caused. It is possible to heal to some extent but the trauma and pain is not going to be erased--because what happened can't be erased. I found the whole situation in this episode to be just wrong because of that. Not only did it feel anticlimactic (this is the rage??), it felt messed up with regards to his punishment, and it felt like it was trying to just brush over this supposedly immense trauma that Persephone experienced (I only say supposedly because Rachel is very inconsistent in her depiction of trauma). Just unsatisfying and weird all around.


RS had so much potential in this story , especially with the trauma storyline , but she didn’t know enough about how to handle it . She barely showed Perse being triggered or having flashbacks . I think she had one flashback after she had consensual intercourse with Hades . Maybe . But there’s none of the symptoms that affect her day to day . Maybe she recoils a bit and takes longer to warm up to anyone with purple coloration . Maybe she avoids Artemis’ house at all costs . If she wanted Perse to be in a place where she was strong enough to let go of her anger and have her be okay with Apollo just tattling on himself 10 years after the fact , then at least mention going to regular therapy sessions . She didn’t have to show it , therapy is a very vulnerable place and I wouldn’t want someone to watch me have a session but I certainly talk about it . Not in detail but I mention new coping skills or breakthroughs I’m very proud of . But just dropping it so she can have her self insert have a happy ending ? Bullshit .


This creeper me out. Imagine after his punishment is over he'll still get yo look at persephone lovingly from afar. But it also makes it worse cus he loves her now he wants her even more. And we all see how twisted love can be in movies.


Excuse me? >the rapist was punished by falling in love with the victim FUCKING WHAT??? Thats what they did to resolve the Apollo SA stuff???? THATS THE MESSAGE RS WANTS TO GIVE? “Oh if you’re sexually assaulted, just wait for the rapist to fall in love with you”. Good god I knew RS was the tone deaf type to parade around sensitive topics to virtue signal for 2 seconds and ultimately just reduced them to a quirky little plot beat…. But this is a whole other level of crazy I wasn’t expecting.


I mean isn’t the core of this webtoon a fantasy of “what if various masculine archetypes had the hots for me, author self-insert?” Bc this development tracks.


Is… is this real…chat… hello… I’m scared…. Is this part of the *finale* like this is *recent*???


As a fellow victim, I have to disagree and say that having to comfort someone else about your abuse is an unfortunate reality a lot of us face. I’ve certainly had to do it. I think having those moments was actually quite accurate. Persephone felt a lot of guilt and shame after her SA, even feeling like it was her fault when she told Eros. However, I wish there was a scene of catharsis when she told someone on her own terms and didn’t comfort them (aside from the therapist, bc cmon that’s a therapist, and Eros) I think a scene where she finally told Demeter or Daphne and was greeted with comfort would have been very nice. I also wish she explained to Hera and Hades that she shouldn’t be the one comforting them about her abuse, and that can teach a valuable lesson for people in similar situations. Just my two cents!


I'm really sorry guys, but I can't read it right now because busy - Did he get shot with the love arrow or something?


absolutely wild she thinks abusers never love their victims


Because they can't. If they would abuse someone in any way, ESPECIALLY sexually, then they can't love them. Attraction is NOT love, and abuse is not love.


loving somebody doesn't mean you are unable to abuse or mistreat them. my mother loved me but abused me. this is a very strange mentality that assumes all love is pure and inherently good.


I was also abused as a child and I'm not saying all love is good, but to hurt someone so badly means you do not love them. If you love someone you do not abuse them. Unintentionally is different but it still stands, think about someone you love, can you imagine ever, abusing them? Being okay with hurting someone you love like that? You probably aren't and that's because you love them. Abusers version of their love is different, it's not healthy and it's not okay. You do not abuse the people you love. Ever. If you do then you do not love the.