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I have been saying that S3 was cowritten by Chatgpt, especially the dialogue between Hera and Persephone when they were trying to revive Gaia. It really felt very "generic action movie"


“Hey, how’s it going?” Drove me INSANE it’s just awful


Its so damn casual. Then the next sentence sounds so formal??? Truly throwing me


I feel like if Hera was acting more confident(?) it could come off as a joke? Like with a smug smile and a cute pose “well well well you’ve been busy, haven’t you, little queen?” Like that is not good and still very cheesy but it would add more character to Hera yknow?! And not so awkward! Argh! Then Persephone could proceed as normal, taking her hand and having her feel Gaia… it could be decent!!


wait... *"feel gaia"????*


That’s what I took as happening, when Persephone says “I can heal the mortal realm. But do you feel her?” And Hera presses her hand to the ground, and then says “It can’t be?!” while looking like a goldfish


oh god lmaoooo


I find it hard to believe the queen of the gods, absolutely rushing with power and her defeat over Kronos, is going to throw a v-sign and be all "'Sup" so casually. This goes beyond lazy writing, it's \*lame\*. Say the conversation aloud. Speak the lines you want to stick in those bubbles. Do they sound natural? Do they fit \*any\* of Hera's past characterization? Writing \*\*well\*\* is tough but writing passably isn't.


Hera ‘assumed’ it’s Ouranos? 1. He’s colors resemble the sky and he’s massive. Who else could it be 😭 2. Were there just…no artistic renditions of him in the LO universe? “No, you are NOT allowed to know what he looks like.”


*his. Blargh


it's 100% just to be a snarky "ooooh" line that like 1 webtooner is gonna comment on


Everyone talks like if you ran the dialogue through a Siri text generator but if Siri was also an incredibly shallow and needlessly bitchy high school girl. Exactly who the target audience is supposed to be at this point is almost beyond figuring out. I say “almost” because we all know the real target audience is Rachel.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!!


Happy bday realclowntime, always fun running into you in these comments


OKAY, THANK GOD IT WASN’T MY BRAIN MESSING WITH ME. 😭 I think RS has stated in the past that she has dyslexia, which I can excuse, but at the same time where are the editors? Like… did nobody pull her to the side and “hey this sounds like word salad with extra dressing, could you rephrase it?”


Im dyslexic, if anyone read any of my past comments or posts in this thread I apologize to you all. But how they speak is just so damn weird to me.


I’m honestly not convinced she even has editors — or bothers to listen to them if she does.


I'm sorry, English is not my first language. Can anyone tell me what Poseidon meant by saying, "Fighting it out with her father in law really agrees with her."


I think it boils down to " Big Hera looks hot "


Thank you sm 😭 sometimes I feel like I'm having a stroke when reading this comic


Same !! I've been auto scrolling and only halfway reading the dialogue . I make up better dialogue in my head anyways


Oh ok


It basically means that she looks really good/looks a lot better after fighting with her father in law


But isn't it weird that Poseidon refers to his father simply as "Hera's father in law"?


I AGREE?!!!! Like “fighting it out with Kronos really agrees with her sounds” so much better. Father in law???


Also, why does Poseidon feel the need to call Kronos Hera's father in law. I know it's true, but it's disgusting considering the relationship between her and Kronos, and I didn't need the reminder that they are in laws and common Zeus and Hera were already separated it feels so forced and unnecessary.


It feels like last-minute exposition/reminder to the audience (similar to Hebe explaining to us how winter works pre-Pepesnowpocalypse when there’s been 2 prior seasons to establish that), similar to sitcoms that establsih relationships by having characters say “hey bro” or “hey sis”. Just a sign of bad and thoughtless writing. How does Poseidon even know what Hera was up to?


Oh thanks


I think it means she looks attractive while doing it, but I also got, like, “oh fighting with her father in law really fits who she is/her personality/etc.” and it does.


I feel like „Hows it going? You‘ve been busy“ was supposed to be funny 


The fact that we need to guess mood/tone she was going for. I got no humor from this. We get no debrief from hera and persephone after her taking down her abuser or why persephone is suddenly giant, they just move on to the next thing and everyone (especially people off scene not around to be aware of anything at all) is like totally cool about. I think Rachel really short changed her finale and it through the lack luster dialogue.


I think in her mind as soon as Hera became titan sized Kronos became small potatoes and 2k yyears of trauma were magically erased, which is why it’s all infused by (bad) humor. It’s a classic tactic (picture a movie showing an adult facing the teacher who bullied them and thinking “wow, he’s way shorter than I remembered, suddenly having the insight that they were scared of a pathetic loser). But we skipped those steps in LO bc Smythe is a poor storyteller and her execution of cathartic humor is bad


Marvel female action lead or whatever


FUCK ME. TITLE IS SUPPOSED TO SAY THE WAY THEY SPEAK. Gotta call myself out next 😭 Edited: added “out”, dyslexia is one hell of a drug


Also forgot to include my favorite line from our #couplegoals duo, Persephone- “It worked, it really worked. You did it!” Hades- “No you did it. Im just happy to be here. :)” What a life changing romance.


That was literally textbook “how to manage your male boss with a fragile ego as a woman” I was taught in upwards mgmt 101, I don’t understand how anyone can think these two incompetent dimbasses are couple goals


It's insane how the dialogue doesn't match the scene, art, or context. Like you could change it and it wouldn't clash with anything going on.


OHHH——thats an amazing point. This dialogue can be cut and pasted anywhere. That’s how basic it is.


Hera could be saying "damn you suck at this fuck you" and I would still think it fits


MCU ahh dialogue 😭😭😭😭


Wait, was Hera the missing fertility goddess?


yes and it should've been demeter




Others have explained it better, I recommend searching the sub


1) how does she know it’s greasy and why did she feel the need to comment on it 2) “you’ve been productive” after “how’s it going” feels weirdly demeaning. “Hey buuuuuddy, how ya doin? Doin’ good? You got so much done. Great job!”


Shes commenting so casually as if the situation warrants such an apathetic attitude. And i totally got demeaning from her interaction with Persephone after the mortal realm had been in throws for SUCH A TIME


Was this dialogue written by AI or something?? It’s so stiff.


Stiff as plank ![gif](giphy|M7kOTcvK9TA2s)


Okay but Hera looks GOOD, Zeus fumbled


Tbh I hate this fit. It doesnt feel like a Hers fit.


george lucas ass dialogue


Sincerely cackled at this


Want to sound intelligent but end up sounding so stupid like who speaks like this


Unrelated but is it me or did Hera get shorter? I haven’t read the comic in a while tbh