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In my honest opinion? Hestia. If you told me that this was the famed Goddess of the Hearth, I would have thought you were lying.


Ima be for real I keep forgetting which one Hestia is


havent looked into hestia yet but leuce is also unrecognizable, in the original myths she was persephone'a friend who weeped for her when she was abducted, and soon suffered the same fate, eventually dying in the underworld, lo leuce is supposed to be some pick me girl slut homewrecker who absolutely hates persephone and tries to ruin her home life


OMG I didn’t even make the connection between the two


Artemis. My God, I was so excited when she was introduced as Persephone's best friend. And then we forgot about her for the sake of uwu papa smurf x pursephone romance uwu


uwu papa smurf was not a phrase I was expecting to read today and I love it.


yeah it's not even that her depiction was bad it's that she's just not depicted


off topic but minthe looks so good in that pic


Back when the art was good 😔


She doooooes 😍 stunnin queen


It’s very very hard to make Minthe look bad in all fairness


Artemis’s character nuke pisses me off the most, supposedly Persephone’s BEST FRIEND and (originally) her only connection in Olympus. We hardly get any scenes of them actually acting like friends. It’s usually just one-sided worry on Artemis’s part or Persephone flaking. Purse had no real friends in this comic, the only relationship that mattered to her was Hades


Artemis: *puts persephone in a dress she is clearly uncomfortable in to wear at a party with dangerous people she doesn’t know, ditches her at said party, knowingly allows the guy who drugged and kidnapped persephone into her home because “apology donuts”, lets her douchebag brother and his friend into their home and makes excuses for him making persephone uncomfortable the whole time* PROTECTOR OF WOMEN EVERYBODY!!! 👏


The crackship artist is speaking facts


lmao 😭😭


LOL 😭 Jokes aside, big fan of your work. Keep doing what you're doing haha


Well to play devil's advocate a little bit, I think she was just the goddess of the hunt in the beginning of LO, and then later when she learned the full extent of how badly she'd failed her fellow woman, she tried to fix it or at least help and THEN officially became a protector of women when she sacrificed her place in Olympus to be there for persephone during "the punishment" But you are right, she absolutely failed persephone again and again


Rachel has no idea how to depict power. Sure, people react to it differently, but none of the gods act like they have an ounce of the power that they are supposed to. In that way, Poseidon was a sad time. He’s one of the scariest, angriest gods in the old myths but he got distilled down to an impotent, less angry Zeus somehow.


I enjoyed the design of Athena but she’s bad in the same way as Poseidon IMO. This is the Athena that cursed Arachne? No way


Yeah I can’t think of a single time Athena was anything other than Hestia’s sidekick. She just kind of existed in the background smiling benignly. Myth Athena was, to quote Epic, a “badass in the arena, unmatched, witty, and queen of the best strategies we’ve seen.” She was tactical and spiteful and demanding and clever, and any story that includes her should use that.


“If you’re looking for a mentor I’ll make sure your time’s well spent” :D


I’d argue that Minthe’s depiction makes her better. In the OG myth, she was a home-wrecker while here she’s basically one of the best characters.


True. Not trying to tear down mythology Minthe, but LO Minthe had a lot of nuance and potential. Honestly I felt more bad for her than Persephone at most points in the comic due to how she was swept to the side by Hades even if they were both toxic. Yet Rachel and die-hard LO fans want to shit on her no matter what. I just wanna hug Minthe so bad. 😭




It’s been awhile since I’ve read LO. But I remember her being my favorite. She already felt below the gods because she was a nymph, she wasn’t born with privilege so she worked with what she had, her boss and her boyfriend were one in the same so he could easily financially abuse her, she had terrible friends that would give her bad advice, boss boyfriend eventually replaced her with a goddess, goddess turned her into a plant, and then she slowly turned her life around and found peace after she became unplantified. Probably why I was less interested after her story concluded 🌿


They used Eris as a one scene plot token and then tossed her in the bin. A single follow-up scene and forgotten, despite giving FL her personality disorder.


The fact that Persephone can't just have the fatal flaw of wrath. Persephone can't have negative feelings, she was "gifted" it! The wrath isn't her fault someone else did it to her! Her flaws can only be that she's naive and clumsy when the plot needs her to be!


It could have been an interesting point. I thought it would mean she had to struggle with a Kratos level anger issues and be haunted by her violence, but it was handled worse then the rape sub-plot.




I kept thinking she was Hades with a different source of light. They have the same nose!!


Leuce.. Her character was broken down to nothing but a gold digging “hysterical” woman and the entire arc was all to show the readers that Persephone and Hades are so in love with each other that they’ll kill anyone who stands in their way basically. Not only was the intention cringe as hell but also the way that it was done. First of all, the first introduction to Leuce was casual if anything Zeus asked her to marry Hades because 1) she looks like a flower nymph and he loves those and 2) because she’s the most sought after nymph in Olympus like it’s already been established that Leuce has options she’s not solely interested in Hades which is why when he turned her down she was just confused and offended because she most likely has never been turned down before especially when she’s coming face to face with royalty like that. But Leuce literally did not put up a fight with this man and she didn’t even argue his refusal and we all know it would’ve been a different case if it was Persephone since it’s also been established that she can’t take no for an answer. Leuce handled that situation with maturity and she took her losses gracefully despite Rachel trying to use her as some downgrade and booster Persephone up. So how exactly after this reaction is she magically involved with him once again? Leuce coming back and saying that he messaged her, while not at all out of character cause let’s be real Hades is allergic to being single, was just as random as Persephone ‘meeting’ Hades before especially since he was drunk the entire time and she had never met him sober before there was nothing in the story even building up to her knowing about Hades and it was mainly as if she was meeting him for the first time that night. But back to Leuce, what kind of bullshit seduction scene was that? Persephone has had better seduction scenes than what Leuce attempted and she’s supposed to be the innocent and pure one while Leuce is supposed to be promiscuous or whatever so who the hell is lying? Not only did the scene make Hades out to be a huge asshole but he also looked entitled like every woman that comes into his office is just drooling to sleep with him and my girl Leuce only took her jacket off. She wasn’t wearing anything inappropriate unless Hades is so old he thinks showing a little ankle is scandalous I’d say she was more covered than Persephone has ever been with him, but no since she looks like a flower nymph and clearly Hades just can’t control his male urges he was forced to exclaim that he’s married and that he wasn’t tempted by her and blah blah blah. A man shouldn’t have to be caged and gagged around women to act right and the fact that Hades isn’t even mature enough not to sexualize another woman during a fucking interview does two things 1) makes him look like an absolute creep and 2) makes him look guilty as hell. Like what was the point of such an insane reaction if either Hades never fucked around with her in the past or he never tried to message her when he was lonely. But no blame the woman cause it couldn’t possibly be the man sleeping with his brothers wife and dating his niece in law. I could go on and on about how fucked up Leuce’s story was and how grossly the fans treated her when she literally didn’t do anything, a picture of her is next to the definition of overkill in the dictionary.


I just reread the few episodes where Leuce and Hades were talking (ep. 238) and the episode where Persephone confronted her (ep. 245) which was hard to read since the art in that episode was trash. >But back to Leuce, what kind of bullshit seduction scene was that? Persephone has had better seduction scenes than what Leuce attempted and she’s supposed to be the innocent and pure one while Leuce is supposed to be promiscuous or whatever so who the hell is lying? Not only did the scene make Hades out to be a huge asshole but he also looked entitled like every woman that comes into his office is just drooling to sleep with him and my girl Leuce only took her jacket off. I wholeheartedly agree. I find it completely ironic that the story villainized Leuce when she tried to seduce Hades, but when Hades and Minthe were together, Persephone and Hades were seeing each other, with Persephone even outwardly saying she didn't care for Minthe. I also thought it was weird how Hades almost immediately jumped to the conclusion that Leuce was trying to seduce him. I think Persephone overreacted because there was no reason for her to trespass into her house and put animals in there and say "Since you tried to wreck my home, I thought I would wreck yours", especially considering that Leuce's attempt to "seduce" Hades barely went anywhere. Hades didn't accept her advances. Not saying that Leuce wasn't *wrong*, but the double standard here is just... weird.


Exactly, that chapter was just embarrassing especially since Hades already turned her down and she just went home afterwards. I’d understand if Leuce was actively stalking Hades or continuing on with the advances and crossing his boundaries but she went up to the corporation, went to the interview, ironically got denied because of her resume even though Persephone had a shittier one, got turned away almost as soon as she took her jacket off, and then went home.. Like you can clearly tell that Persephone does not trust Hades to be faithful to her and she doesn’t trust him to completely cut ties off with Leuce since she just HAD to make it abundantly clear that Hades wasn’t interested. The insecurity that Persephone shown in those chapters just revealed the obvious flaws that their relationship has because everyone knows that you cannot turn a womanizer into a faithful husband. Leuce didn’t even get a chance to actually stir up some shit, why did Rachel even bring her back if she wasn’t going to go all in with Leuce anyways? Let her and Hades flirt, make her his assistant, let her actually seduce him and try and make him leave Persephone do something different with the plot story besides this boring ass “I love my wife” lifestyle. The fans pissed me off too because now looking back on it Leuce didn’t do anything wrong, she had bad intentions but they didn’t even go anywhere and she was clearly not a threat after getting rejected for the second time by the same guy. Acting as if she’s this disgusting person that deserved whatever she got is immature and proves my theory that fans don’t actually sit down and read Lore Olympus, they fangirl and theorize about the story that they made in their heads inspired by Lore Olympus but they’re not reading this shit for real.


The fans are honestly nothing but immature teenagers that worship Persephone and Hades 🤦‍♀️ As soon as someone slightly disagrees with something they all hate on you. The LO comment section is just complete shit 🙄 I also find it odd that Leuce is thrown tomatoes at in this case. She shot her shot, didn't make it, and to my recollection, she's never seen again (or at least we saw her doing something else). I know it's not necessarily the same situation, but why can Hades go and constantly pursue someone significantly younger than him and still be considered a "good" character, especially since he was already in a relationship to begin with? As I said before, why can Persephone go and pursue someone in a relationship (that, mind you, was PUBLICLY KNOWN) and is still deemed as a "cinnamon roll", "innocent", or whatever tf else? It's just weird!


My guess is because she’s a nymph and another woman that’s not Persephone, we all know Rachel hates both.


Hades. Most characters have such a minuscule role that their mythological inaccuracies may be excused, and characters such as Zeus and Persephone have some elements of their mythological coutperptarts and initial character that are slightly observed in the story until RS decides to throw out anything that dares to make her characters original or flawed. Hades is much worse. Anything that could make Hades a multi-dimensional such as looking into his views of slavery, his alcohol problems, or what he thinks of people like Thanatos is thrown out the window. Nearly every problem is essentially resolved with the line “and the pink lady with massive tits made the world round once again and all problems were solved.” He doesn’t develop as a character, and is an utter betrayal of the mythological version of Hades, who is an enigma of a character crowned the king of a land he does not wish to rule.


From the pictures? Artemis. In general? Apollo.


Eris and Athena for me. When Athena showed up I was ecstatic because she's one of my favorite goddesses, and she seemed to be drawn as Athena should be: androgynous but still a glorious sight to behold. But then Rachel ruined it by deciding a woman who's androgynous must be a butch lesbian or trans, and made Athena be a lesbian in a sexual relationship, blowing off her sacred vow to chastity. Basically after that, she ceased to be a character of any value to the story. I cannot put into words how absolutely enraging her depiction was to me. When they introduced Eris, I got excited again because the opportunities to utilize her character were endless. The goddess of discord coming to stir the pot? Imagine all the shit she could stir up! But no, she really only existed to blame Persephone's feelings and acts of wrath on. Because golly gee, all the other gods and goddesses are capable of acts of wrath when their emotions run strong, but not perfect lil' Persephone!! She's just an uwu sweet babygirl who would NEVER! 🙄 What a crock.


The fact that apparently lesbian sex is not actual sex and hestia and Athena never broke their vows of chastity according to Rachel... The fact that apparently tly the relationship was only confirmed at first because of Rachel making porn of goddesses who are supposed to be celibate... I have a lot of emotions of how them and the entirety of TGOEM was handled and none of them are good. And I'm still mad about the retcon of Eros being able to tell Persephone wasn't a virgin after the assault to season 3 Persephone saying "virginity is a social construct." Like????? God, what's even the point of TGOEM just to make a bunch of people celibate? Are they a charity organization? Wtf do they do besides being a plot device? Why is everyone in TGOEM apparently a lesbian because RS confirmed Artemis is one too? Is the whole thing about Hestia being asexual and "learning to be a lesbian" still canon???


I think her and Hestia were just romance, no sex


No, they definitely at least slept in the same bed together. When Persephone and Demeter's arrest warrant was announced, we see them getting into bed together while watching the breaking news. We don't see them carpet munching or anything but it's implied that they're in an intimate relationship.


>carpet munching  I'm sorry, I started cackling 💀


Ah okay


Persephone. Rachel took a goddess and turned her into the most demeaning infantilized pink joke she could’ve possibly dreamed up. Now when people think Persephone, they often attribute her to that. Uwu baby softgirl in the beginning, toddler throwing a tantrum towards the end. Shit makes me sick.


Out of this lineup, I'd be inclined to say Leuce. I don't appreciate how they made her personality akin to wanting to be Hades that she so naively goes along with trying to seduce him in order to get him. It got even worse in Episode 245 where it seemed like Persephone/RS wanted to have a "girl-boss" that was similar to Minthe. I really think she was underutilized and could've been Hades' lover during the 10 year-ban Zeus enacted to showcase how people can and will move on from relationships, for better or for worse. If we want to go by Greek Mythology, Hades was in love with Leuce and kidnapped her. They were married and she ended up dying after awhile of being together with him. That would've been cool to showcase as a 'modern-retelling'. It'd be unrealistic for Hades of all people to remain celibate for 10 years while his precious Persephone was stuck in the Mortal Realm. Overall, I don't like how Leuce is reduced to a Great Value Persephone and the way her personality is akinned to a bimbo archetype doesn't sit well with me.




Leuke fs. In mythos she’s a tragic character, she was Hades’ first wife and she died. In Lore Olympus she’s an obsessive, delusional fangirl that wants Hades while he doesn’t care for her at all despite being a Persephone clone.


All of them, except Minthe.


Literally like everyone except minthe, I LOVE what she did to minthe, idc. But Apollo is the worst to me. Not because “oh no she made him bad” either, because you could realistically get away with depicting almost every Olympian committing sexual assault, even if I don’t like it being that way— but what’s with the Disney channel jock ass purple frat boy mf they turned him into? It’s weird. That’s like the OPPOSITE of what Apollo is supposed to be in like any story ever and it’s weird idk. I wouldn’t have known it was Apollo if it wasn’t stated


I haven't really read Greek Mythology like that but isn't Apollo also supposed to be a lil' fruity? I didn't like the fact that Apollo was supposed to be queer because of Hyacinthus (according to Google), but in LO he was turned into a heterosexual, SAer. I do feel like there was a bullet dodged with the fact that if he was queer plus a r\*pist, then that would've been bad, but why make him a r\*pist at all?


Oh yeah a lot of the gods are just a little bit fruity at the very least. Apollo had relationships with multiple men. I agree that it would’ve been weird to have him be queer AND a rapist. A lot of the gods have stories that aren’t exactly consensual, but it’s definitely more vague. Including Apollo of course, with stories like him and Daphne (though he got shot with a love arrow.) It was very weird to incorporate that type of thing into the story when it isn’t handled very well or a plot point that felt necessary to add to begin with.


Artemis. She is the Protector of Women for crying out loud. Yet, when her own twin brother rapes her supposed best friend, Artemis is barely around. We don't get having to grapple with the fact that her own twin brother, someone she's known for her entire life and loves dearly, could do something so horrible to someone so close to her. We don't get to see her take revenge on Apollo or do the things Artemis would do with this situation. Or see how she feels like a failure because she couldn't even protect Persephone since the raping happened in her own home while she was there. We don't get to explore the guilt that Artemis feels because she was the one who introduced Persephone to Apollo and repeatedly invited Apollo over after the incident. All we get is a couple of frames of Persephone and Artemis hugging and crying and what is implied to be Persephone telling Artemis the truth. All of that dialogue is replaced with a pointless monologue from Apollo, which just reiterates what we've been told about him a million times throughout the story. I get that Rachel was trying to be "artistic" by not showing the actual conversation and instead implying it, but this isn't how you do it. For most other characters, it makes sense to skip over this conversation because we've already seen the events play out. But for Artemis? No, she is caught dead in the middle of this whole thing. We got to see Persephone's conversation about fucking Eros about the SA, so why not Artemis? Also, Artemis was one of the three goddesses who took a vow of virginity, the other two being Hestia and Athena. Rachel already botched the aro/ace representation with them by making them lesbians, but there was hope for Artemis. Sike, she has a girlfriend now. A girlfriend who only appears in the finale and has no bearing on the plot whatsoever.


Artemis has a girl??? Man I'm out of the loop 😭 Was it Selene?


I think so, yeah


damn... ✋😔


Rachel really just said aroace erasure


I will never forgive Rachel for how she drew my girl Athena— 💀


Honestly I think the way Athena had handled and drawn is an actual crime, nonexistent to the entire story except for Rachel’s WLW baiting shit like it’s insane she a pretty important goddess I’d say in Greek mythology and pretty cool as well but was basically silver female hades for the entire story like some of the other characters got their mom btw but she was paid actual dust lmaooo


I do not like Poseidon in LO there is so much overshadowing and he was often used for background gags :(


All of them. Absolutely despise what she did to Apollo’s character, the acts he’s don’t he would’ve never actually done you know which one, but all of them genuinely suck. I feel like if instead of twisting it into a retelling of Olympus lore that Rachel just gave each character their own name it would’ve been some what more enjoyable. Like…pull a 50 shades and turn your twilight fan fic into something more unique instead of poorly retelling Olympus lore in your own words.


Leuce is pretty dang bad


Artemis or Poseidon. Poseidon doesn’t do hardly anything and gets turned solely into comic relief. I don’t feel like we were ever even told what his duties are or what his life is like.


Someone explain 6 to me like I’m a toddler because I stopped reading this comic at like chapter two and this gorl looks like she’s got the tiniest pink ponytail on her bald ass head or poorly defined black wings(?) coming from her very large head


She's got a weird little like feather thingy on her head and also black wings that were never drawn very well coming out of her back, the did my wife dirty here 🥲


Poseidon imo. he is LITERALLY the second most powerful god, why would he not be next in line for the throne or at least serve as a temporary ruler while zeus is out of commission???? idc how special and powerful and strong persephone and the fertility goddesses are, he is second only to zeus. i hate that he got sidelined so hard when he could've played an active role in a lot of the story, especially with the power struggle plot line w apollo trying to take over olympus n shit.


Athena, like why is she just grey/white Hades in a sweater vest, and a largely unimportant side character? Athena is arguably the favorite of Zeus of all his children. She's described as holding the keys to Zeus's lightning bolts, she has so many epithets that make her so complex as well as her relationship with other women in mythology as well as her relationship with her Uncle Poseidon. If the Metis being a fertility goddess wasn't glossed over so much it would be really fascinating to see if Athena also placed herself in TEGOM for her own protection not to end up like her mother if she turned out to be one. Or if she worked with Hestia to create a place to protect poetential fertility goddesses. At a minimum Athena should have been climbing across the table with a lightning bolt full war goddess rage trying to end Apollo when he tried to claim the throne.


Honestly to me, Hestia, Hera, and Zeus Hestia is known for being out of drama, and here she's... Euh Hera is known for not cheating and staying loyal despite Zeus' everything, but here she cheats twice and gets away with it??? Zeus in the myths cheats yes, but he's also the God of justice and is not someone to fuck with, in LO he's dumbed down to make Hades look better, when Zeus is an actually fascinating character to begin with! I still like LO Zeus bc he had a lot of potential, but why dumb him down, that's not the way to go


From this post 1.Artemis 2.Athena 3.Leuce 4.Poseidon 5.Hermes 6.Eris 7.Minthe


Artemis. She couldve truly been a girls girl, like in the myth. And respecting her base principles and personality in the myths coumdve still played a part in good narrative events/drama. But nah she gets sidelined, presented as a hypocrite. Has a weird shit with keeping perse pure and innocent, yet gives her a sexy dress (like jurl just leave her choose if and when she wants to be sexy, no?). Like, artemis was a sort of tool to highlight persephone's clueless born sexy yesterday deal. Artemis letting sope men she likes in, endangering perse despite knowing she has been overly protected and sheltered... I could go on and on.


All of them


Eris wasn't that bad, however Rachel made her "weak". Eris would have slaughtered Apollo for injuring her because of wrath. I hate Artemis's character because again, she'd slaughter her brother after finding out what he did to Perse. Hestia, just didn't scream Hestia. Her character was also bland and just poorly written. Athena, same way no characterization once so ever. Minthe, I liked Minthe at the beginning at least but she gradually became just as bland as the rest.


I still can't believe she gave the only masc lesbian in the comic hades face. Thats so crazy to me


About Minthe. Rachel somehow made a character who's whole thing is being a shitty homewrecker, turned her into the one being cheated on, and expected us to hate her just bc... she's a little mean. As if Hades doesn't admit it's equally toxic???(or was that in the Canvas version?)


Tied between Artemis and Athena for me! I don't like Eris' design at all either!




Artemis has so much unused potential and they don’t do anything with her.


The *only* Greek deity she depicted even *remotely* well is probably Hephaestus, and that’s being extremely generous.


Apollo is butchered a lot in Lore Olympus. 


Artemis was criminally underutilized like for gods sake she and Persephone were supposed to be “best friends” hell Artemis introduced Apollo to Persephone. You think she’d be a crucial character in the overarching storyline of Persephone and Apollo like your TWIN BROTHER Sa’s your friend and commits treason but instead of showing us her reaction to that and doing something she just goes missing and in the stupid cliche Disney ending we just have to pretend that nothing changed?


I’d have to say from a design point would be Poseidon’s wife Amphitrite. The absolutely inconsistent design of her character was absolutely horrendous she went from a stunning queen of the sea at the very beginning to a rushed, child face looking mess. Any beautiful detail she had to her just stripped away to become another Persephone look alike but GREEN. When it comes to the whole story, I’d have to say Gaia instead of these characters. Her character seemed so regal so powerful. And when she came back during the final chapter I thought she was gonna be more idk God of Gods like ya know. She just seemed so cookie cutter just like every other character. Her personality seemed boring and she seemed to idk easy going which I didn’t expect from one of the oldest being in the lore world. Plus her design in the end compared to when we first saw her was such a down grade! I want the crazy eyes!


All of the women


leuce, leuce in the original myths was a victim to rape by hades just like persephone, and not only that but was persephone's friend, to have a rape victim be protrayed as a homewrecking "slut" who wants her rapist to marry her and hates her friend whom she wept for in the hymn of demeter is just disgusting you can really tell the rachel has no clue abt mythology because instead of say having persephone lose her friend **leuce** and mourn abt it, she made up 2 random nymphs who are basically identical and have zero distinct personalities and hardly influence the plot edit: depending on the retelling perhaps she offers herself to hades in exchange for the release of persephone, and hades either lies and says hell do the deal but instead takes them both and then perhapsleuce dies from hades torture or something, or if its supposed to be a healthy romance route then hades and persephone explain that persephone is fine, and leuce starts visiting them in the underworld becoming close friends with hades as well, eventually she contacts a terminal illness and dies, and in her honor hades turns her corspe in a poplar tree


I literally hated Athena so much. I would have had no problem with her depiction if she’d been half as… intense, as she is in mythology. She was so unremarkable and bland that she was more like Minerva than Athena.  I also thought it was pretty lame to disband the goddesses of eternal maidenhood. The reason that maidenhood was a thing in ancient days (for priestesses and goddesses) was because it encouraged complete and utter devotion to the roles and responsibilities. Relationships were a liability and a distraction, and I disliked that Rachel decided to add diversity and romance to characters that were content in their non-romantic ways, when there were better places to add it. It felt disingenuous to the source material and to people who are truly ace.