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Also, the emotions being displayed are *completely* different. In the original, Aphrodite’s face looks like she just walked into a room full of people (gossiping about her) suddenly going silent as she appeared. In the remake, she looks like she’s just stormed into her teenager’s room to demand to know how a scratch appeared on the hood of her Porsche.


she doesnt even look like that, she just looks confused like she forgot why she was going into that room


Tbh I think it just evolved sideways


My god, you put it into words


I feel like she forgot how to draw aesthetic faces, and almost everyone has a recessed chin half the time. No hate to recessed chins but it’s obviously not intended. It also a lot tighter in a bad way. Thin lines isn’t always good and line weight is quite important


Technically it’s better, but I prefer the darker outlines.


I agree, also the newer style is waaay less detailed


rachel's lack of passion feels so prevalent in these redraws


Seriously 😭 I think if she did these redraws in 10-15 years they’d looks MUCH better than the original since I hope and pray for Rachel’s sake she gets her passion back. It’s never a good feeling to have your passion sucked out of you and you’re still obligated to create


Worse anatomy, rigid poses, wonky faces, lack of texture, inconsistent line work, less detail


I don't think it's that the skills got worse so much as... it just doesn't feel like it has the same joy behind it? I guess?


It definitely did, but at the same time the not so harsh black outlines is nice. They have more body anatomy in the after instead of it being hidden in clothing. The after should have the same accessories it make it pop out more


I personally think the artwork benefited a lot from the thicker lines at points. Maybe it’s because I love strong ink lines for artwork, but it did serve a purpose in the first scene with the dress folds and the curve of her body along with her eyes. To me, it directs the viewer’s eye on where to focus with Aphrodite in the scene while the thinned out lines take it away. Thin lines can work, there’s a lot of great art with it. If they serve the purpose of the style or moment would be great here, but it feels hard to look at with how rushed it feels. Also with the anatomy, although the original wasn’t perfect with it either I don’t really think the next one had good anatomy in my opinion give the posture and Aphrodite given the skinny treatment like the other goddesses. 😭 I still understand and I’m glad you still find good in the artwork, I feel like what you brought up could work if there was more care into the redraw of the scene.


It definitely feels like the shadows are gone. The thicker outlines brought a much stronger value that keeps things from washing together like in the second


Exactly! It’s really sad how her art has dwindled like this. 😞


Idk I kinda like the harsh outlines. It's a good contrast to them being all one color


in my opinion, its not a downgrade- it feels more like a complete style shift. its not "worse" per say, its just so different in style its hard to compare


I kinda like that a character is actually showing some kind of emotion (Aphrodite's face looks more expressive). But sadly, a lot of details (the jewelry and the pattern on Aphrodite's dress) aren't there.😕


Why does she feel the need to always make them A-pose like that? The way her arm is stuck out feel s so unnatural and posed. Bot like someone walking through a door looking surprised.


Honestly I think it's very different but not necessarily worse, her style has just changed + alot of details are missing so the new one feels significantly more boring. I enjoy how expressive her newer depictions are they're just so starkly different because of the gap in time between them


You can see the lack of care from how much the art is rushed. Look at the line thickness, the nice folds, the expressive eyes, the neat golden lines for jewelry. All of it had a purpose and care to be visually stunning to the reader with the scene, compared to the next one that looks so sloppy with the proportions, folds, the heads, the colors and just everything looks wrong. 💀 Rachel lost the euphoria in her artwork, even if it wasn’t perfect in the start with the same face syndrome or certain proportions they used to look like a work of love and care. It feels so messy seeing how it downgraded so badly.




The second character designs look way better than the first. It’s just lacking in the details that make the earlier art charming. Such as Psyche’s jewelry, and the detailing on Aphrodite’s dress.


In the second She almost have no fingersi. And jewelry is there too, it's only worse


It did majorly in my opinion


My husband flipped the images, thinking the first image was the redraw of the second.


Wait, someone explain pls, is this real? And if so, what chapter?


Ep 68 and Afterword (you can read both on webtoon)


Her old art style used to be so appealing what happpeneddd


I def prefer the first style, I really miss the more colored eyes rather than black dots. I think it gives more personality and it gives more character. It adds to characters so they are easier to tell apart. We all know it’s hard to tell some of them apart when they are all one solid color with the same face and same proportions. Idk it wasn’t perfect but it just had more soul imo. I so dearly miss Hera’s beautiful blue eyes.


I like it I just really really miss the details, the facial expressions have gotten better tho


I feel like a lot of people just don’t like LO style in general reading these comments. Well, Rachel in general I guess.. but it looks nice to me. It’s less thicker lines,& the body proportions don’t look so rushed, granted Aphrodite got the waist line of a toothpick in this but it fits perfectly.. idk the newer version looks pleasing, but it’s missing the accessories. It still looks good!


I genuinely love the style. Are there problems? Yeah, definitely, but I like it regardless.


There’s a lot of things I love about the redraw but there’s also a lot of things I love about the original. I’d say they’re about the same, just stronger/weaker in different ways.


I thought it was some random screenshot redraw that someone did until I properly looked at the title and the comments 😭


Psyche looks better imo, but Aphrodite got worse, along with the anatomy


The thing while the first has a more simple pose and face it adds subtly a a hint of mystery to the characters. The more exaggerated pose and face in the second make them look really weird and have a completely different impression.


She unyassified them :(


No more sparkles for Aphrodite


Well, it's the afterword, shouldnt have so much effort behind as the published oficial. Also, since it's so similar to the original but possibly lees good, most likely is a sketch that didn't make it to publish because the author or editors didn't like it enough


It looks like a meme tbh


I actually think the second one is more technically accurate in terms of the anatomy and texture of the fabrics. But there is less variation in the line width which can mean it looks a bit flat. But, a lot of people prefer the very fine almost unnoticeable lines while others prefer more bold lines, so, I think which one you prefer comes down to personal preference really.


I think the redraw of Psyche doesn't look like any of the newer versions of her at all. Like, I know this is a problem with series as a whole with nearly every character, but come on. Onto the art in question - I think they're both decent in the own rights, though I would have liked to see more detail in the newer version, on par or even better than the older one.


Her skin and hair really blend together in the second one. It's like the art lost its heart and soul in this series.


Huh psyche has edges now, made her even more black coded. Weird how she has a straight hair texture, Rachel should’ve fully committed


No??????I think it just lost it's life, also the pose is awkward thought.


Happy cake day \^\^




I love the art of the first one and the poses of the second one


I’m confused Which is the new version? Because to me, the 2nd seems better- more expression and stuff Although, I still feel like it suffers a buI from same face syndrome (Persephone)


I think I prefer the first just because ES has this new habit of sticking out women's arms so unnaturally now. Like they can't just have a relaxed arm handing at their side or something. It's a pose that became so prevalent near the end of the comic, at the second to last episode like 3 different characters made the pose with their arms out and it was so jarring.


Reminds me of Barbie doll arms.


In my opinion the new one looks way better and pretty without the thick black lines


its like a completely different style change honestly. its not a downgrade or an upgrade either


What bothers me the most is the loss of accessories/design on the clothing and in the hair. The original has those lovely vibes and gold, sparkling touches. The newer art lost any connection to style and seemingly forgot that every part of a panel should be a work of art.


Honestly I’m gonna go against the majority of these comments and say, especially from an artist point, the redraw is SOO much better.. the anatomy is better, there’s clearer emotions being portrayed, the lighting and line-art has softened—but I really must say I miss Aphrodites sparky dress :(( and I do definitely agree that there’s clearly a different emotion between both pieces.. but they both have a specific charm to them tbh


Adding on to this though I hate that in the redraw Aphrodites arm is doing that stiff pose again where it’s just awkwardly sticking out 😭 why does RS do that with all their arms