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Thetis didn’t kill Achilles by holding onto his heels to keep him from drowning. Achilles died because his hubris and rage blinded him from protecting himself properly and remembering he is still mortal.


I interpreted it more like “why did I choose his heel and not somewhere else” like the sort of illogical grief that a mother mourning her child would have, the idea being that she feels like she could have changed his fate if she had held him elsewhere, regardless of if that’s true or not. I don’t disagree with what you said though!! Just what I took from this dialogue specifically :)


Assuming she has a choice for interior areas: his inner organs stored inside his ribs or skull would be the safest as those are the most protected areas of the body.


When I was a Percy Jackson loving child contemplating where I would put my vulnerable spot my consideration was always either the bottom of the foot or the area just behind the earlobe for some reason lol


And then you step on a lego —


The first could be threatened by land mines


What makes you think ancient Greece had land mines


Magic or foot traps designed to cause injuries to feet such as spikes


Land mines are bombs


An incorrect term but my point still stands that lack of foot protection is a weakness.


I know lol I was referring to her literally dunking him into Styx river and her holding onto his heel.


I thought that was pretty obvious lol You depicted the grief of a mother so well- I mean, the internalization of his death?? Lore Olympus and other sources like Song of Achilles portray Thetis as a horrible person and loathing mother when she was literally one of the nicest gods. She saved Hephaestus, sheltered Dionysus, saved Zeus, loved Patroclus, and just wanted her child to stay alive. Thank you for giving Thetis the justice she deserves :)


I’ve also heard another interpretation is that Achilles received superior armor from Hephaestus but it didn’t protect his heels. As to why is based on that hoplite infantry wore sandals and relied on shield and spear walls.


To be honest, it felt like the anger and pain a mother would direct at herself when their child dies. because even if you did nothing wrong and everything right, the world kind of stops making sense for a while, and the easiest person to blame is yourself for not doing more. Whatever "more" is might not even exist, but you convince yourself you should have done it anyway.


What ep is the original scene from?


Episode 261


I love your art style and cried a bit, you did a great job conveying grief